Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
Just got back from a few vacation days in the alberta/bc rockies, wish I wouldn't have gone ... ya, one of those trips. :(

At least I didn't miss DBZ this weekend ... you still watching fuzz?
You know it, but I've started DVR'ing them so I can skip the commercials. :)


Audioholic Chief
Sorry about your trip, man. I'm glad that you still got to see your Saturday morning cartoons, though. :)
Given our very close encounter with a grizzly I'm lucky to see the cartoon this weekend. :)
Fortunately, the events turned out well but it could have gone so wrong in a instant as my dog was off leash and the bear was only 20ft behind us. We didn't see until later (from the road) that the mother had cubs hiding in the bushes 10 yards back.

I figure that you're talking about the 30-minute thing, but perhaps you're getting at the fact that Niki partakes of pizza, too. :D
Ya, I figure Niki would love a doggy dominos!


Audioholic Chief
You know it, but I've started DVR'ing them so I can skip the commercials. :)
That makes for a quick watch, actual show time is probably less than fifteen minutes.
All the episodes are pretty much good now right to the end.


Audioholic Samurai
Good Sunday Morning, Thats "Football" Sunday Morning to those that indulge. Great Day out there I'm going out to set up a make shift theater outside for Monday Night Football I "will" take pics.


Audioholic Overlord
Good Sunday Morning, Thats "Football" Sunday Morning to those that indulge. Great Day out there I'm going out to set up a make shift theater outside for Monday Night Football I "will" take pics.
I'm looking forward to Tony's historic season. Will definitely be intrigued by Chip Kelly's offense in the pros too. The Beast should be fun this year every team is exciting.


Audioholic General
Given our very close encounter with a grizzly I'm lucky to see the cartoon this weekend. :)
Fortunately, the events turned out well but it could have gone so wrong in a instant as my dog was off leash and the bear was only 20ft behind us. We didn't see until later (from the road) that the mother had cubs hiding in the bushes 10 yards back.

Ya, I figure Niki would love a doggy dominos!
Holy crap! I've driven by one on the road in the Rockies but to be out of the car near one would be absolutely terrifying. Glad no one was hurt!


Audioholic Jedi
Fortunately, the events turned out well but it could have gone so wrong in a instant as my dog was off leash and the bear was only 20ft behind us.
Or, from your dog's perspective..."I'm glad that you're not going to slow me down." :p

We didn't see until later (from the road) that the mother had cubs hiding in the bushes 10 yards back.
Woah. That was a close one, man. If it were me and Niki, I'd figure that the bear stayed back because she was put off by the strong smell of urine and feces. And, no, it wouldn't have been Niki's. :eek: :D


Audioholic Warlord
Given our very close encounter with a grizzly I'm lucky to see the cartoon this weekend. :)
Fortunately, the events turned out well but it could have gone so wrong in a instant as my dog was off leash and the bear was only 20ft behind us. We didn't see until later (from the road) that the mother had cubs hiding in the bushes 10 yards back.

Ya, I figure Niki would love a doggy dominos!


Audioholic Warlord
Well, I was rearranging some things tonight, which is a royal pain considering how many lbs are on the entertainment stand, but the worst part was that after all that lifting I decided I'd tackle something I'd been too lazy to do for about 8 months. It should have been simple. It should have taken 10 mins. It should have gone off without a hitch. Instead of adjusting the drop on my screen, the F-word terrible screen died and is stuck a quarter of the way down. I guess I should be happy it wasn't stuck all or halfway down, but not good nonetheless. :mad:


Audioholic Ninja
Given our very close encounter with a grizzly I'm lucky to see the cartoon this weekend. :)
Fortunately, the events turned out well but it could have gone so wrong in a instant as my dog was off leash and the bear was only 20ft behind us. We didn't see until later (from the road) that the mother had cubs hiding in the bushes 10 yards back.

Ya, I figure Niki would love a doggy dominos!
A grizzly will close 20ft FAST, I was with a friend of mine on a hunt and we stalked a black bear for a few hours, he was 528lbs and I had him spotted in at 330 yards, he ran towards us , he had no idea we were there , but we think there was someone pushing from behind him, because something made him run towards us, and Im watching him in the rangefinder showing 300yds, 270yds, 250yds, and FAST he was a monster and moving like he was gas powered, he had to get up to 30mph before he turned into a rug, but man was i impressed by that animals speed... We watched at least 20 bears that week and he was the ONLY one I seen go into a burst like that, I took hundreds of bear pictures but didn't see any I wanted to take home, especially since I tasted some bear meat {for the first time} when we got to the cabin, and I didn't like the taste, and I'm only dropping what we will eat {unless it a coyote or fisher cat them I hunt because they suck} and I never learned that week, I don't like the taste of bear, its gross and has worms you can see... So needless to say, last time I ever went bear hunting....

Any pics of the grizzly, or just the snapshots from your nightmares, lol... My heart was racing everytime I was within 200yds of a black bear after I seen that big one sprint, I can't imagine a grizzly 20 feet from me, I think I would have had to sight him in until he was either dead or very far away...


Audioholic Warlord
Sorry, Fuzz. That sucks. That'll teach you to try and be productive...

J/K. :)
I think you're magic. As I read your reply the screen started to move on its own and is now working again. I'm now on a rug pointed towards Arizona on my knees bowing and praying to the big white dog man :D


Audioholic Chief
The toughest part of the encounter was to keep a cool head and just slowly walk away with my back to the bear, it didn't seem to pay any attention to us but I only looked back twice for a very short amount of time. If it would have been pissed off or felt threatened I'm sure we wouldn't be here, no way we could have gotten away unless my dog would have distracted it long enough. I'd say with 99% certainty my dog would have taken a very aggressive route had she seen the bear, never seen her imtimidated by size, and thankfully she didn't. While this makes a great story it's one I don't care to repeat, ever ... way to close for comfort.

The only pictures I took were from my tablet of the cubs in the bushes but they didn't come out well, too far away for the crappy lttle 3MP wide angle view. I had the DSLR in the trunk of the car but I wasn't about to go back for a better shot at an unsafe distance. :)


Audioholic Ninja
The toughest part of the encounter was to keep a cool head and just slowly walk away with my back to the bear, it didn't seem to pay any attention to us but I only looked back twice for a very short amount of time. If it would have been pissed off or felt threatened I'm sure we wouldn't be here, no way we could have gotten away unless my dog would have distracted it long enough. I'd say with 99% certainty my dog would have taken a very aggressive route had she seen the bear, never seen her imtimidated by size, and thankfully she didn't. While this makes a great story it's one I don't care to repeat, ever ... way to close for comfort.

The only pictures I took were from my tablet of the cubs in the bushes but they didn't come out well, too far away for the crappy lttle 3MP wide angle view. I had the DSLR in the trunk of the car but I wasn't about to go back for a better shot at an unsafe distance. :)
I'm glad it worked out for you, you probably ran into a bear that seen people before, I have heard of stories where bears get used to hikers and pay them no mind after a while... Did you ever watch Grizzly man? Thats some hard to listen to audio...


Audioholic Warlord
The toughest part of the encounter was to keep a cool head and just slowly walk away with my back to the bear, it didn't seem to pay any attention to us but I only looked back twice for a very short amount of time. If it would have been pissed off or felt threatened I'm sure we wouldn't be here, no way we could have gotten away unless my dog would have distracted it long enough. I'd say with 99% certainty my dog would have taken a very aggressive route had she seen the bear, never seen her imtimidated by size, and thankfully she didn't. While this makes a great story it's one I don't care to repeat, ever ... way to close for comfort.

The only pictures I took were from my tablet of the cubs in the bushes but they didn't come out well, too far away for the crappy lttle 3MP wide angle view. I had the DSLR in the trunk of the car but I wasn't about to go back for a better shot at an unsafe distance. :)
Sheesh, glad you got out alright. When I read that I had flashbacks to Grizzly Man or whatever that movie was called. Yikes :eek:


Audioholic Warlord
So my little guy has a pretty bad heart murmur that has only gotten worse as he's gotten older. He now has to take a bunch of pills, which we usually give to him in a little peanut butter. However, he quickly figured out he gets peanut butter in the morning, but has yet to figure out that it only occurs after he eats breakfast, which results in a refusal to eat breakfast.


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