Given our very close encounter with a grizzly I'm lucky to see the cartoon this weekend.

Fortunately, the events turned out well but it could have gone so wrong in a instant as my dog was off leash and the bear was only 20ft behind us. We didn't see until later (from the road) that the mother had cubs hiding in the bushes 10 yards back.
Ya, I figure Niki would love a doggy dominos!
A grizzly will close 20ft FAST, I was with a friend of mine on a hunt and we stalked a black bear for a few hours, he was 528lbs and I had him spotted in at 330 yards, he ran towards us , he had no idea we were there , but we think there was someone pushing from behind him, because something made him run towards us, and Im watching him in the rangefinder showing 300yds, 270yds, 250yds, and FAST he was a monster and moving like he was gas powered, he had to get up to 30mph before he turned into a rug, but man was i impressed by that animals speed... We watched at least 20 bears that week and he was the ONLY one I seen go into a burst like that, I took hundreds of bear pictures but didn't see any I wanted to take home, especially since I tasted some bear meat {for the first time} when we got to the cabin, and I didn't like the taste, and I'm only dropping what we will eat {unless it a coyote or fisher cat them I hunt because they suck} and I never learned that week, I don't like the taste of bear, its gross and has worms you can see... So needless to say, last time I ever went bear hunting....
Any pics of the grizzly, or just the snapshots from your nightmares, lol... My heart was racing everytime I was within 200yds of a black bear after I seen that big one sprint, I can't imagine a grizzly 20 feet from me, I think I would have had to sight him in until he was either dead or very far away...