Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Ninja
Rick lets me use his Amazon account to buy necessities when I'm locked in Doug's basement.. looks like Rick ordered a pair of the exact same shoes... well, almost



Audioholic Warlord
Rick lets me use his Amazon account to buy necessities when I'm locked in Doug's basement.. ....
Looks like Doug needn't bother to lock the door if you have Internet access, but don't bother to ask for help....;)


Audioholic Warlord
Slow night in Nova Scotia, eh? :D

The leaves get in the pool when the tree drops its, no. :p I trimmed it back so that it won't happen later this year.

My quest for Flipside Red IPA continues. The grocery store didn't seem to have it, and they even looked in back for me (yeah, I said it). I ended up getting the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale that Rick suggested...first sip was a bit bitter, but I'm sure that I'll warm up to it after some more. :)

Oh, and I don't think that the storm did any damage.
Yeah, it was a pretty quiet evening. I rented "Puss In Boots" for my daughter and we all watched that....which pretty much sums up our evening. The BD has great PQ/SQ, but the story itself isn't quite as good as the "Shrek" movies. I bought the Harry Potter boxset a few months ago and I wanted to watch them with her, but she's still scared of being scared. She's 11 years old, but verrrry sensitive. We may be into a new format before I get her to watch them....:rolleyes:

I have the first book on my e-reader and suggested that she read it to get a feel for the story line. She's still hesitant...


Audioholic Jedi
I bought the Harry Potter boxset a few months ago and I wanted to watch them with her, but she's still scared of being scared. She's 11 years old, but verrrry sensitive.
Dude, I saw the first movie when I was in my 30's, and parts of it scared the s**t out of me. Then again, I'm also very sensitive. You've seen my shoes...


Audioholic Spartan
Rick lets me use his Amazon account to buy necessities when I'm locked in Doug's basement.. looks like Rick ordered a pair of the exact same shoes... well, almost

It's available with a mauve toe kick. Instead of that unsightly black:eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Sweet. I just called a vet nearby (three blocks away) that I don't take Niki to, but I wondered if they'd sell me the prescription diet food that she's on. My regular vet is a good 10-15 minutes away, so it would save me a drive. The lady on the phone was real nice and is going to call and get the prescription sent over from my regular vet, and said that the food would be ready in about 30 minutes. Woohoo!


Audioholic Chief
Just got back from a few vacation days in the alberta/bc rockies, wish I wouldn't have gone ... ya, one of those trips. :(

At least I didn't miss DBZ this weekend ... you still watching fuzz?


Audioholic Chief
The lady on the phone was real nice and is going to call and get the prescription sent over from my regular vet, and said that the food would be ready in about 30 minutes. Woohoo!
Is that one of those new Vet/Dominos places?


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry about your trip, man. I'm glad that you still got to see your Saturday morning cartoons, though. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Well, they had the food...but not in the smaller bags (I get the small ones because I have enough vacuum containers to keep it fresh). I forgot that there are two types of the reduced calorie food, and they assumed that I meant the other one, so they had a small bag of that type waiting for me. Luckily they at least had the other kind. The bigger bag makes it less perfect that I saved a trip, but at least she has some now. Real nice people working there, too.


Audioholic Warlord
Just played the Reference Demo v2 for a friend of mine. Sure do love seeing the LMS Ultras dance :D


Audioholic Spartan
I over heard Adam shout at Rick..."I don't care if it is after Labor Day!"... Right as he clicked "add to cart".
When he said he'd never be a slave to fashion, evidently he wasn't kidding.
In his defense... it was right after downing two of those IPA's.
I'm starting to wonder about him..............if all this risk taking isn't just a cry for help.:confused:

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