What's Google?

Really I went to the iStore to buy the $99 insurance thing for the phone. For whatever reason Walmart wasn't able to sell it to Cheryl and she was too tired from work to go into downtown last night. I on the other hand welcomed the opportunity to see the new crop of mall rats and to take in a movie. I haven't been to a movie alone since high school when I would cut class to get high and take in a matinee.
BTW Oz was delightful (IMAX 3D). ... but I did ask the girl to shut the phone off. I didn't have a lot of time to Google stuff and I don't like those phones. My eyes aren't that good and they generally piss me off with the too small of a screen for text and the too big a package for a phone. There's also the whole set of oblivious behaviors the users engage in that makes me want to swat the phones from their hands. However I do enjoy thinking about doing that so I guess they're not all bad.