Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
He was just talking about the Ryder Cup on Facebook earlier this week (or last week). Are you guys friends on there?
No. I should though. I just don't spend that much time over there.

Does she read AH? :D
Dear Lord no. Her only interest in electronics is that they work when she pushes the button.


Audioholic Jedi
I think I would have created another "smudge" on the floor... Guess it's a good thing I don't live in AZ.
Luckily I don't know, but I imagine stepping on one in bare feet wouldn't be pleasant for either party. :)

I just relocated it outside across the street. Maybe I should spray the perimeter of my house with the "home defense" spray - I haven't done that in years.


Audioholic Overlord
The Ryder Cup is on.:)

I've become quietly addicted to golf. In my third year and my handicap is down to 14 or so. Where is Adwilk when I want to talk golf.

Wife doesn't know it but I bought a whole new set of clubs yesterday and sold my existing ones.:cool::D
I was just looking at my clubs yesterday. Man, I bet it's been 2 years since I hit a ball and I used to golf 3 days a week.

I still have your address. I bet I could send a nice little card to your wife explaining the new golf clubs or, if the money is right, I could just play like I didn't read any of this.:D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I was just looking at my clubs yesterday. Man, I bet it's been 2 years since I hit a ball and I used to golf 3 days a week.

I still have your address. I bet I could send a nice little card to your wife explaining the new golf clubs or, if the money is right, I could just play like I didn't read any of this.:D
Wow Thanks. I don't here from you in what 2 weeks and your first post to me is extortion.

Oh the pain.


In all reality she cannot be too mad about the clubs. I sold my roof rack and my other clubs so I am only out of pocket a couple of hundred.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord
Wow Thanks. I don't here from you in what 2 weeks and your first post to me is extortion.

Oh the pain.


In all reality she cannot be too mad about the clubs. I sold my roof rack and my other clubs so I am only out of pocket a couple of hundred.:rolleyes:
He's gotta pay for his pool upgrades somehow. :D

Yeah like she's gonna accept that explanation.;)


Audioholic Overlord
Wow Thanks. I don't here from you in what 2 weeks and your first post to me is extortion.

Oh the pain.


In all reality she cannot be too mad about the clubs. I sold my roof rack and my other clubs so I am only out of pocket a couple of hundred.:rolleyes:
Naw, they get mad no matter what. I have learned- if I am going to purchase anything, without her knowledge, it might as well be top of the line as they yell at you the same regardless of price.


Audioholic Spartan
Almost stepped on a scorpion in the bathroom this morning. Glad that I noticed what appeared to be a smudge on the floor and decided to take a closer look.
How do you think they get in?
I few tubes of caulk are in your future.:D


How do you think they get in?
I few tubes of caulk are in your future.:D
<embed src="" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="id1=630327" wmode="opaque" width="567" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" />


Audioholic Jedi
Yikes - I didn't notice! :eek: :eek:

It's not like I was doing anything interesting yesterday, so I certainly could have posted. :D


Audioholic Jedi
man you had me worried
Yep, and there's more proof for my theory. Most folks think that boredom is caused by a lack of excitement, but I believe that excitement exists when one is not in the presence of a "boredom field." The radius of my personal field was limited to audio/visual range (including phone calls) prior to the internet. Now, it has been unleashed.

This could rock the world of psychology. Probably not, though. Any psychologist unfortunate enough to read this will be too bored to do anything about it.


Audioholic Warlord
Darn you Adam!!!!

Just ordered that Shun knife you linked to on amazon. GF is going to kill me......until she uses it. Then she'll kill me just to prove a point. Haha pardon the pun :D


Audioholic Warlord
She loves to cook and I've been trying to convince her that a really nice knife or knife set will really make it even nicer. Since talking didn't work it was time for action :)

Hopefully this convinces her, plus I've always loved shun. Is that stereotypical since I'm Asian?


Audioholic Jedi
Well, after moving the SB13 around the room, unpacking my Subcast wireless system, and measuring some frequencies...the SB13 is back up front and hardwired like before. One change is that I connected a y-splitter to my receiver's sub output and connected both subs (yeah, that was a pain in the a** to get to that jack), versus using the line level output on the PC13 to connect the SB13. I'm gathering the motivation to run frequencies through it again.

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