Okay, so who wants to start the next Boring thread when this one gets shut down?
Thanks, Alex! Ummm, I think...what do you mean that mine wasn't the best?
Vote for the review that you liked the best - if that's mine, awesome...if it's not, still awesome.

Just please vote. There were ~375 votes in the poll, and I can't believe that 75% of those were fake.
Think of it this way - the more people who participate, the better the odds that another company will look at this and think, "hey, I'd like to sponsor a contest to get some advertising." Plus, it increases the odds that Gene will want to hold another one. In other words - it increases the chances that you could win something in the future.

I'm guessing that SVS wanted to get the word out about their sub and therefore offered up one as a prize, and I think that it was successful - people here saw it, people came from other forums, from Facebook, from all over. I'm sure that Gene likes to get participation in and viewing of AH up, and this sure did it. I'm guessing that hundreds if not thousands of people who hadn't heard of, or new very little about, AH came here to see the reviews.