Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan
I think i just did the manliest thing in my life... Wait til my wife sees how clean the bathtub is now that it's be cleaned with the power washer!:D (Adam, it works on carpet too!;))


Audioholic Slumlord
Just cooked up two pounds of the freshest scallops "I" have ever had fresh off the "Susan L" vessel this morning, still on ice and already shucked, of course.
Cast iron pan heated up to medium high, add Olive Oil, place scallops in oil cut side up/down, sprinkle with sea salt on each piece of meat cook two to three minutes flip over and dash with fresh ground black pepper cook for two to three minutes throw in a quarter stick of butter swish around with sea salt and pepper , it will make a glaze like dripping, pour over scallops and serve, enjoyed it immensely , that is all, Happy Easter , sawz,
I'm playing with the fonts. The search function is screwy and I'm going to print the above for a pretty serious bout of indulgence.

I scored OT for tomorrow so ... I gotta get ready fo' dat ... y'all.
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Audioholic Slumlord
That was singular bliss. I had some chicken tomato cheese dinner from last night as a meal and a half sized appetizer that was real real good good before I did what Rob talked about but with a little garlic thrown in ... ugh ... I guess now would be a fitting time for a group of blonde Amazonian bruisers to ask me to be their King.


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't think I can count on team Amazonia to save me from my plight so I'm having evening tea like a regular cup cake and goin to bed. I think I gotta wake up at like 3:30 to not make this horrible.


Audioholic Jedi
I got home from work early today (left around 4). Don't worry, though, corporate guys...I still got over 40 in. :D Hmmmm, I wonder if that grin should be a frown. Eh, work lets me afford good stuff, like beer. Now that deserves a grin. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Congrats, man - those speakers have got to be within reach now!

Oh, and yeah...I'm blatantly disregarding your foray into font land. :p
Between the OT, a small vacation check and cash I've stowed away the speakers are a done deal. I recently bought the girl a Movado in hopes that I won't have to sleep on the couch for a week like ADK does when he gets new gear. I just wish I had an office like he does to use as a shipping address. :D

BTW, my hands feel like anvils.
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Audioholic Spartan
Oh, and yeah...I'm blatantly disregarding your foray into font land. :p
I thought for sure that you would say something about Alex being "curious" and "experimental"
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Audioholic Jedi
So, after my neighbor threw his little tantrum about the birds last weekend, I stopped putting out bird seed. Granted, being a good neighbor is opposite of this guy's attitude - but it's my attitude. There have only been a handful of birds around now. Then this morning, I'm out back and he starts hosing the wall off, directing it so that anything is going to go into my yard. He's spraying water all over my patio and yard...and then looks up and sees me, seems surprised, then starts spraying down lower so it doesn't get in my yard. I go inside, look out, and see that he's doing it again. What a d**k. I'm buying more seed this morning.


Audioholic Slumlord
I go inside, look out, and see that he's doing it again.
He probably wouldn't have gone back to that if you had asked,
"What the f^%& is wrong with you, you c*%& sucking mother f^%&er?" :eek:

If you need any other helpful hints on neighbor relations, just ask. :)
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Audioholic Jedi
Maybe tomorrow morning, I'll just sit outside with an unloaded rifle pointed in his general direction, so when he looks up and sees me, he'll have to hose off his pants. Hey, he won't know it's unloaded.

Yeah, of course I won't.


Audioholic Jedi
On a different note, I have a family of quail in my backyard with (I think) nine babies! I'm pretty excited about it. Those babies sure are fast. They're like little drag racers.


Audioholic Spartan
How can you be so insensitive?
Adam's not even done naming them and you're creating a menu.
Now I feel bad.
He probably wasn't even done sewing outfits for them yet... And there I was talking about good eats.:eek:


Audioholic Spartan
On a different note, I have a family of quail in my backyard with (I think) nine babies! I'm pretty excited about it. Those babies sure are fast. They're like little drag racers.
Quail, that's good eatin. What kind of sauce are you going to use?

How can you be so insensitive?
Adam's not even done naming them and you're creating a menu.
Now I feel bad.
He probably wasn't even done sewing outfits for them yet... And there I was talking about good eats.:eek:
1of9, 2of9... Adam says 7of9 is a real looker.



Audioholic Warlord
So my old man is a bird nut and he has a few quail he decided he wanted to allow to run around. Who knew they were dumb enough to get caught (almost) by small dogs? Nothing like waiting until the dog is 4 feet from you to start running.

In any case, on a completely unrelated note my new speakers should be shipping next week. Adam knows what I'm talking about, but here I am posting in secret away from the dedicated philharmonic forums. Sneaky sneaky :D
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