Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Spartan
In any case, on a completely unrelated note my new speakers should be shipping next week. Adam knows what I'm talking about, but here I am posting in secret away from the dedicated philharmonic forums. Sneaky sneaky :D
Now, now...the boring thread is not the place to be announcing new gear arrivals. I haven't even the mentioned the new Pioneer Elite SC-57 I bought yesterday.:D:D:D:D:D


Audioholic Slumlord
So my old man is a bird nut and he has a few quail he decided he wanted to allow to run around. Who knew they were dumb enough to get caught (almost) by small dogs? Nothing like waiting until the dog is 4 feet from you to start running.

In any case, on a completely unrelated note my new speakers should be shipping next week. Adam knows what I'm talking about, but here I am posting in secret away from the dedicated philharmonic forums. Sneaky sneaky :D
Are you getting the 2's or 3's? With the Raal or without? What are you going to power them with? If you mean to impress Walter try to figure out a way to use them as headphones. :D

What will the Phil's be replacing?

Now, now...the boring thread is not the place to be announcing new gear arrivals. I haven't even the mentioned the new Pioneer Elite SC-57 I bought yesterday.:D:D:D:D:D
Be gone the Integra? How about the Rotel? Is that history too?

I have to do laundry so I can have clean panties for work ... tomorrow. Wow ... that went quick. At least I got to sleep in.

I found this killer place to buy fresh seafood up in Boston. Been eating scallops for the last couple of days and there's a couple of pounds of haddock for today. We're out of butter though.

Having some fresh ground coffee w/ heated milk and honey. I'm trying to figure out what I want to eat today that will help me recuperate from drywall. It must be my age. Years ago the only thing I use to worry about after work is getting wrecked and laid ... preferably both at the same once ... that way you save a bunch of time.

Is this post too long? ... like you had something better to do. :rolleyes: :p


Audioholic Samurai
I think I will cut the grass this morning the weather forecast says we will reach high 80's by afternoon with a higher than normal humidity so its now or not until mid week, here goes nothing. I should really pay a landscaper , these are good days to chill and relax :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
I was going to cut the grass yesterday, but I think that it helps hide the baby quail from overhead predators. Maybe it doesn't, but it's tough for me to see them when they are walking through it.


Senior Audioholic
trying to fix my new secondary monitor. apparently its a bad capacitor but they all look fine and every guide ive found on the internet involves a slightly different revision with a totally different circuit board :(


Audioholic Jedi
Which monitor and what size did you get? Best of luck fixing it - I'm just curious if I should be jealous. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
I just snagged a real nice Snap On tool box off CL for 100 bucks. It's big and heavy and way nicer than I thought I'd ever get my hands on. I'm stoked.


Audioholic Warlord
Now, now...the boring thread is not the place to be announcing new gear arrivals. I haven't even the mentioned the new Pioneer Elite SC-57 I bought yesterday.
I was this close || to getting the SC-57. Then no one had them in stock and one store told me pioneer was discontinuing them, so I gave up and got an onkyo 3009 instead :D

Are you getting the 2's or 3's? With the Raal or without? What are you going to power them with? If you mean to impress Walter try to figure out a way to use them as headphones. :D

What will the Phil's be replacing?
I'm getting the 3's with the RAAL. Right now the plan is to power them with an outlaw 755, or possibly a cinepro 1K2 if I feel like buying the one I found.

The will be replacing JBL L88s that have a replaced tweeter. Sooooo, not really a step up at all :eek::p

I'm thinking about getting a big piece of metal, bending it into a U shape and attaching it to the top of both of the upper boxes of the Phils Then hanging that from the ceiling above the couch so that Walter can just put his head in between them when he comes ;)

Be gone the Integra? How about the Rotel? Is that history too?
I know my rotel looks like it may be gong to way of the dodo

I have to do laundry so I can have clean panties for work ... tomorrow. Wow ... that went quick. At least I got to sleep in.
It always does........go quick that it is. Wait what are we talking about.............

I found this killer place to buy fresh seafood up in Boston. Been eating scallops for the last couple of days and there's a couple of pounds of haddock for today. We're out of butter though.
Boston, how I love thee

Having some fresh ground coffee w/ heated milk and honey. I'm trying to figure out what I want to eat today that will help me recuperate from drywall. It must be my age. Years ago the only thing I use to worry about after work is getting wrecked and laid ... preferably both at the same once ... that way you save a bunch of time.

Is this post too long? ... like you had something better to do. :rolleyes: :p
I've tried it before, but the only way I could really work it is with a beer helmut and then only with sealed water bottles or sippy cups up there. It's always tough to remember, but either someone is really active............or I'm rolling around everywhere trying to figure out what goes where (read:too wrecked)

I was going to cut the grass yesterday, but I think that it helps hide the baby quail from overhead predators. Maybe it doesn't, but it's tough for me to see them when they are walking through it.
If it's tough for you to see them so it will be tough for the predators :D


Audioholic Jedi
I just snagged a real nice Snap On tool box off CL for 100 bucks. It's big and heavy and way nicer than I thought I'd ever get my hands on. I'm stoked.
Congrats! So, this is in addition to the black Craftsman tool box that you posted pictures of this morning? You talk a good game about speakers, but you're spending all this money on tools... :D


Audioholic Warlord
Well in that case just get Alex to build you a pen for them so they have a safe zone in your yard.


Audioholic Overlord
I just snagged a real nice Snap On tool box off CL for 100 bucks. It's big and heavy and way nicer than I thought I'd ever get my hands on. I'm stoked.
Back in the day I knew some girls that were into snap-on tools. What exactly are you talking about here? :confused:


Audioholic Samurai
Too many interesting things going on in the boring thread this morning.

I'm currently suffering from a severe case of manscape itch.


Audioholic Samurai
grass is cut , two garden beds weeded and mulched and sprinkler heads adjusted. I just finished showering and now it is time for a Stella and some music, I love central air :)

It got pretty darn hot outside, I honestly can't say that I missed last summers high temps.


Audioholic Overlord
Speaking of heat, summer arrived early here in NE New Jersey.

I saw the first firefly of the season last Friday night. For as long as I can recall, these have never manifested themselves before July 4th. ...ever.

So, I grok that we've got about a three week jump on this summer.


Audioholic Samurai
I saw the first firefly of the season last Friday night. For as long as I can recall, these have never manifested themselves before July 4th. ...ever.

So, I grok that we've got about a three week jump on this summer.
I agree Mark, it is starting to look like a dry hot one already. Fireflies were visible here just about a week and half ago and have been lighting up the backyard every night since, shame they only seem to be that greenish yellow color, I would almost swear that they had a few different shades when I was a kid but hey everything looked different in the late 60's and early 70's :)


Audioholic Spartan
Be gone the Integra? How about the Rotel? Is that history too?
I'm not sure how this is going to go. The Integra will definitely make way for the Pio but I may have to use the Rotel to drive the Dynaudio. I've read that the ICE amps have trouble with 4 ohm loads but the AH review says should be OK. I'll try it both ways.

Some piece of equipment will probably become a hand-me-down for my son.


Senior Audioholic
Which monitor and what size did you get? Best of luck fixing it - I'm just curious if I should be jealous. :)
its an old hp vs19e 19". my mom replaced it yesterday with an hp 2011x. the new one is line a mini version of my main monitor without any aluminum parts and a non glossy screen.

i miss the way radioshack apparently used to be.. they had 2 capacitors there... 2.... and neither was the right one :(
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