problems with Republicans

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Audioholic Warlord
So much for your decency, I guess. If you call this “moving to the center” I wonder where you are.
Well moved to the right on this one. I'm not with Republican on marriage or abortion.


Audioholic Spartan
And you're the moral compass we all need?
So you’re fine with lying to immigrants with children to transport them to another place without telling that place about the arrival, just to maximize someone’s problems? To make a political point?

You don’t even have moral compass, judging from your posts.


Seriously, I have no life.
Martha's Vineyard sure is sold as the place where the wealthy go and everything is just peachy, but this shows otherwise- had I known of this, I wouldn't have written the other post about 50 people not being a problem.

However, since Harris is the one who is Biden's 'Border Czar' and she has completely dicked up that role, I hope she wakes the eff up and learns that this is a problem that she can't force onto the border states alone. Not that she has gone there to see what's happening...


Seriously, I have no life.
So you’re fine with lying to immigrants with children to transport them to another place without telling that place about the arrival, just to maximize someone’s problems? To make a political point?

You don’t even have moral compass, judging from your posts.
Apparently, you didn't see my post where I told you to bite me.

No, I'm not fine with that but since you chose to ignore the link to Sweden's policy, I'll add that we need to deal with the influx in a way that allows the country to find a way to place people in an orderly way, not just shove them around like spilled dog food on a floor. We need to be allowed to enforce US border laws and people from other countries need to understand that the US already has millions of people who don't know where their next meal is coming from or a place to stay- we don't need hundreds of thousands of new mouths to feed and beds to fill.

If people in the US would stop being a burden by being criminals, maybe we could do something about the other problems but since the major cities need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars just for the Police, money isn't exactly flowing out of every water tap. Chicago alone spends $1.6 Billion, New York City sends $10.9 Billion and Los Angeles spends $11.8 Billion. The US has enough of its own problems without adding to the population so quickly- in 2000, the census reported about 281.4 million and last year, it was just over 331 million.

But maybe, you think it's easy to manage that many people.


Audioholic Warlord
Martha's Vineyard sure is sold as the place where the wealthy go and everything is just peachy, but this shows otherwise- had I known of this, I wouldn't have written the other post about 50 people not being a problem.
Like it's wealthy residents and vacation houses. It isn't a city with "zoning" as the article says.


Audioholic Spartan
Apparently, you didn't see my post where I told you to bite me.

No, I'm not fine with that but since you chose to ignore the link to Sweden's policy, I'll add that we need to deal with the influx in a way that allows the country to find a way to place people in an orderly way, not just shove them around like spilled dog food on a floor. We need to be allowed to enforce US border laws and people from other countries need to understand that the US already has millions of people who don't know where their next meal is coming from or a place to stay- we don't need hundreds of thousands of new mouths to feed and beds to fill.

If people in the US would stop being a burden by being criminals, maybe we could do something about the other problems but since the major cities need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars just for the Police, money isn't exactly flowing out of every water tap. Chicago alone spends $1.6 Billion, New York City sends $10.9 Billion and Los Angeles spends $11.8 Billion. The US has enough of its own problems without adding to the population so quickly- in 2000, the census reported about 281.4 million and last year, it was just over 331 million.

But maybe, you think it's easy to manage that many people.
You do like to deflect and make straw men.

The article from July 2017 you linked to have nothing to do with a state sending immigrants unannounced to another part of the country for political points.

A lite tidbit for you: About 25% off the Swedish population is born outside Sweden or have parents born outside Sweden. Most of this increase to this level has been in the last twenty years our so.
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Seriously, I have no life.
You do like to deflect and make straw men.

The article from July 2017 you linked to have nothing to do with a state sending immigrants unannounced to another part of the country for political points.
Did I post anything about sending them to other areas for political points?


Audioholic Spartan
Did I post anything about sending them to other areas for political points?
And WTF then has that to do with my post about Florida sending 50+ immigrants with small children to an island of 20000 inhabitants without telling the island about it first?

Apparently immigrant is a trigger word for you to start some random diatribe unrelated to the post you quoted.


Seriously, I have no life.
And WTF then has that to do with my post about Florida sending 50+ immigrants with small children to an island of 20000 inhabitants without telling the island about it first?

Apparently immigrant is a trigger word for you to start some random diatribe unrelated to the post you quoted.
I have no problem with immigration but you apparently gloss over the 'legal immigration' or 'illegal immigration' part.

Nobody has a right to say that immigration is bad.


Audioholic Warlord
If the shark hadn't killed Quint, the taxes and the cost of living would have.:D


Audioholic Spartan
This thread is interesting.

I have a poop ton of issues with certain stances the Republican party as a platform is taking

And I'm very glad somebody posted a thread on how shitty Republicans supposedly are because I have a few beefs with Democrats I'd like to get of my choice.

I'll actually male seperate threads eventually cuz I'd really like to see how Democrats answer these


Audioholic Spartan
I have no problem with immigration but you apparently gloss over the 'legal immigration' or 'illegal immigration' part.

Nobody has a right to say that immigration is bad.
Why does their immigration status with respect to 'legal' vs 'illegal' matter for Florida sending 50+ immigrants with small children to an island of 20 000 inhabitants without them knowing it? So you condone exploitation of immigrants and small children for political gain as long as their immigration status is 'illegal'. Got it a last.


Audioholic Spartan
Okay here goes. Immigration? Densantis move was awesome. And he made a point. These 2 areas he sent them too. You think they struggled with how many were sent? Do you know how many people Southern states deal with like here in Texas? Try hundreds of thousands of people every friggin year. Let that sink in. And Biden just encourages it. I know so many of my friends on the border towns that are really struggling with this right now. Do they get any attention in the news? Heck no.

Do we get any support sh$t no. If you do it's coming out of your taxes. Democrats love to tax you to pay for problems they created.

And finally answer me this. How can literally every other country in the world have tough illegal immigration policies but when we do it it's racist or heartless? Why do other countries have tough policies? Because they can't afford to support them and there constituents too. And guess what neither can we. Especially now. Inflation rising recession coming if its not already here and how are we supposed to pay for this? With government created money? Which just adds to the problem? Then as the economy shrinks we get what taxed any more cost of living is already an issue. Now you want to make it harder.

Typical Democrat reaction. Let's throw money at it not ours by the way to solve this and let's put the responsibility for it somewhere else. If these Democratic states are so big about helping this problem out then STEP UP. Take at least half of those coming in. But as was mentioned they won't cuz they don't have the infrastructure. Well guys neither do we on the borders no country really does.

If I let tons of people move into my house increase the cost of everything I pay and then I have to pay more to help them get on there feet what eventually happens to my resources.

They get used up and I'm just in the same spot as the people I'm trying to help It's not rocket science people.

Democrats do genuinely have good intentions you think conservatives like myself don't care? Heck I work mental health I work very closely with the disadvantaged every day. But the sad fact I'd we have had several hospitals close down here in San Antonio. We only have 2 left Laurel Ridge and San Antonio Behavioral Health. Because someone has to pay the bills and gov funding doesn't cut it.

Your heart is in the right place but you have no realistic policies to do it. Here's one since Democrats are in control right now. How about instead of sending billions upon billions of paper money overseas. Since we're going to print it anyway. We pump it into our vets our homeless and our border problem. And find a way to do it where your not taxing literally half my income like in California. And having nothing to show for it.

Then I might get on board

Republicans heartless on immigration? GTFOH. What's heartless is encouraging them to come in illegally and not having any way and realistid policies to take care of them. Here's looking at you Democrats on that one.


Audioholic Spartan
Southern states lying to immigrants and sending them to northern states of similar to what was done in the sixties with “Reverse Freedom Rides” of Black people. I’m sure some posters here would condone that where it to occur today.

>>>The relocation of about 50 migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, initiated this week by Florida's governor, has revived memories of strikingly similar tactics employed by southern segregationists 60 years ago.

In 1962, a group of conservatives, intent on retaliating against desegregation efforts during the civil rights movement, funded one-way trips to the north for Black citizens, in what they called "Reverse Freedom Rides."

Hundreds of Black Americans were transported to cities such as New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, recruited by members of a segregationist group called the White Citizens' Council, with false promises of jobs and housing.

One of the targeted destination points was Hyannis Port -- a village on the Cape Cod peninsula -- where the largest group of riders arrived in the spring of 1962 before they were provided temporary housing at Camp Edwards near Otis Air National Guard Base. …<<<



Audioholic Warlord
It's quite clear that the GOP are the hardliners on immigration - legal or illegal. There's a very simple way to drastically curtail the influx of undocumented workers - make it illegal to employ them, with penalties sufficient stiff to discourage taking that risk. However, employers like cheap labour and major employers have more political influence than the general populace. So, it won't happen. The hypocrisy breathtaking. And, I doubt it's just the GOP playing both sides of the question.


Audioholic Spartan
Here's another how in the fug do you increase the IRS budget and staff and try to use the excuse your going after rich people? Then you put a cap on it if you recieve a payment of 600 dollars on Venmo or PayPal it's reported to the IRS? Really? And they tried to pass that law the other year with any transaction in your personal bank account 600 or more the IRS gets to look into your account.

Because rich people hide they're money 600 dollars at a time :rolleyes:

They already have policies set in place for multiple transactions and anyone selling officially has to register

If the democrats wanted to really tax the rich and big corporations they'd change the tax laws. That will never happen. Because you'd know who'd that hit too. All those rich a$$ politicians BOTH Democrat and Republican yes its one of my beefs with Republicans too. These politicians are not going to go for it.

Because the rich and the corporations already avoid paying taxes LEGALLY. Dems on the white house know this so whose this going to squeeze? The middle class and the poor. Somebody trying to make a small side hustle right now to keep afloat. Big gov wants they're greedy little fingers on it all. All this money they passed last couple years has gotta get paid somehow.

How do they pass it? As the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT. You can't make this up. Even Bernie Sanders said this will do nothing to stop inflation. Look I dont care if your socialist trickle down economist whatever left or right it don't matter. You spend fake money inflation isn't going down. That's economics 101 for any country socialist or democratic

And SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY FOR IT. And it won't be the rich. Not with the tax laws we have set in place now
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Audioholic Spartan
It's quite clear that the GOP are the hardliners on immigration - legal or illegal. There's a very simple way to drastically curtail the influx of undocumented workers - make it illegal to employ them, with penalties sufficient stiff to discourage taking that risk. However, employers like cheap labour and major employers have more political influence than the general populace. So, it won't happen. The hypocrisy breathtaking. And, I doubt it's just the GOP playing both sides of the question.
And Democrat states like California don't encourage under the table labour's as well? Attend to the log in your own eye before you ask me to remove the splinter in mine.
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