Hey ItsChirs interesting information about the Green Egg.
I do a lot of rib cooking also on my Hasty Bake and you are correct about not opening to look at

I make a small charcoal fire at on end put heat deflector on (can use whole grill then) and then put some chacoal chunks on the charcoal coals. I have the fire grate set at the lowest or almost lowest setting. I like the Hasty Bake because somoking comes out excellent every time

whatever you cook; shrimp, fish, vegtables, steak, ribs, chicken, etc.
Have you ever tried smoking Bologna? Get a 5 lb chunk unsliced. Take off the outer covering and make 1 inch cuts legthwise all around circumference. If you have never tried the taste is excellent ,especially beef Bologna. At the very last you baste with B-B-Que sauce. An Okie sort of thing.
Also, have you ever used a pressure cooker to cook and tenderize the ribs then put them on the grill for 30 minutes to get the smoke favor and finish off.
Also, Beef Short ribs are pretty good just in the pressure cooker with some water nad B-B-Que sauce.
Now fro grilling steaks i like medium rare. raise fire box up all the way, hot charcoal fire, sear each side for 10 minutes with lid closed at around 550-600 degrees ( by my tmeperature gauge). I saw where the Green Egg goes to 750, very interesting.
Anyway, I concede ItsChirs you are a true gourement cook among the audiophiles with MinustheBear a close second. But ItsChris, tell me the truth, did they really name the "Ruth Chris" stakehouses after you ?