just bought a new bag yesterday ... i think it's common for photography hobbyists to have one too many bags ...
i have:
Lowepro Toploader Pro 75 - for one gripped body + one long lens (or two short ones) + small flash
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home v.2 - this can actually fit two gripped bodies with lenses but becomes to heavy for the shoulder, so i plan on using it from now on for one body + two flashes.
Tamrac Pro 8 - i don't know what this is for, i traded my Tamrac Velocity 10x for this one. i'll sell it soon.
Lowepro Primus - my travel backpack. can carry my tripod, jackets, extra stuff + one body, some lenses and a flash
Thinktank Streetwalker Pro - my new bag! this is supposed to carry two bodies and tons of camera stuff for me
all i need now is a bag smaller than the Lowepro toploader pro 75 for the times i carry a non-gripped body with no flash.