Peter Navarro:China Tariffs are "not hurting anybody" in the US. Politifact: Pants on Fire!



Audioholic Ninja
I can't seriously entertain that scenario because Russia and China would have a field day if we made it clear we would let them, and ultimately, we would be screwing ourselves over as much as our allies with our "enemies" as benefactors. It would be very hard to undo the damage done by that.
KEW, my post was just that nothing more nothing less. Lol..Both of those communist countries along with North Korea and Iran. Would definitely have a field day. They would gobble up the European continent. True, our true allies England France Germany Japan Italy Australia Canada just to name a few. Would suffer economically if the United States of America decided not to pay back any bills. South Korea? Think what happen when we pulled everything and all military aid "money, service men and women from Vietnam. What do you believe would happen if We pulled out of South Korea? Do you think Kim, rocket Man wouldn't try to take the rest of that country? Hell that nutjob was dropping InterContinental missiles 10ft from Japan's coast. Doesn't look really all that great for the world right now. That little analogy that I posted would definitely wake the world up we stop paying the bills.
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Audioholic Ninja
Having a military presence on foreign soil is the objective.

What we need is a base in Moscow but POTUS and Putty are besties.
Lol..Putinhead gotta be Gay, Thrump just doing what he's being Told to do by his organized crime syndicate.


Seriously, I have no life.
Compared to Rockefeller, they're padawans.:oops:
Why not use the word 'apprentice', rather than something from fiction.

Do you even know why I made that comment about those two companies and what they did?


Seriously, I have no life.
I just took a little walk down the street from where I live, at the corner of a intersection, there are AT&T service technicians on strike against a greedy evil empire. 6 guys,I will post up a photo. I will come back on this Thread , they are over 20K strong!
Ok, here are some family guys trying to support there Families on a viable living wage! A coincidence here in this small town since I've been on this Thread, of just what greedy corporations, won't do for the very people who are the backbone of Any Company's survival! Without service technicians AT&T would Not survive. Anyone can sell a product, without service before or after the sale your company will close shop. This is just one example of corporate America getting rich off the backs of the very same people who made them who they are. I shook hands with each and every one of them and wished them the very best with their endeavor of getting AT&T to pay these service technicians, a fair livable sustainable living wage.View attachment 30733

Edit. Plus on top of this I didn't realize, as I walked up just on the other side of the street this house is flying our Nations flag, with a banner flag for the Trump campaign in 2020. Party association or not you got to admit it's pretty unique.
Ever been an ATT customer? It's an absolutely brutal experience.


Audioholic Ninja
Why not use the word 'apprentice', rather than something from fiction.

Do you even know why I made that comment about those two companies and what they did?
Just not interested in your why. Why are you so interested in my acronyms? Or my audiophool humor. Fiction nonfiction use of proper nouns of English, pronouns adjectives. You no Jedi!;)


Seriously, I have no life.
Look I agree with you about investing in the market long term and hopefully I'll come out whole again, like I did after the Great Recession of 2008. My anger though goes to that the problem could of been finessed without all the attendant fireworks and shocking the financial markets.

Things were going along swimmingly, a slow but steady recovery since 2009, and then Trump throws in a Molotov cocktail to the proceedings. An unnecessary tax cut which drove the markets into hyper-drive, which sooner or later was going to sow the seeds of another recession anyway, confusion when he pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which only helped China, and ...

Too many times presidents get too much credit or too much blame for the economy, like NFL quarterbacks, but his constant meddling & rants are not helpful in the least. He's a trust fund baby without a clue about economics. Look at his business record before the presidency. I'll grant you he's great at creating TV spectacles with the Apprentice and selling steaks, etc.; a great snake oil salesman who's completely clueless in business.

How telling is it that he had to go to Deutsch Bank, troubled financially itself, for financing his ventures, since all the major US banks/institutions in the whole country and in his own hometown of New York City, like Citigroup, JP Morgan, Bank of America .. to name a few ... told him to take a hike.
I have been saying that he needs a muzzle and handlers since before he was elected.


Audioholic Ninja
Ever been an ATT customer? It's an absolutely brutal experience.
Gotten ripped off many times by AT&T. Their sales people in their official AT&T stores will scam you. They are very well schooled in arts of Jedi mind tricks.;)


Seriously, I have no life.
Again, your not going to bait me into wherever You are interested in. You Do You! and I'll do me! Your point is on Not knowing what they are doing? That's your opinion and you're entitled to your opinion like aholes everybody got one. Since your a expert at giving advice since I didn't ask for it in the first place. Go gamble in the stock market another form of gambling. You said it yourself you win some you lose some. Lol
Gotten ripped off many times by AT&T. Their sales people in their official AT&T stores will scam you. They are very well schooled in arts of Jedi mind tricks.;)
Almost every time I had to call them, it took an hour because they have offshore support and only give their agents a short list of answers for the millions of possible questions, with little or no real training. One call took seven minutes and I had no idea what to do with the rest of the hour I had planned to waste.:)

To make it worse, someone used my credit card info to buy something from and picked it up at the AT store close to me. I went there after getting a replacement card and the store manager admitted that it definitely happened at his store, but when I asked to see the surveillance video, he told me I couldn't, BECAUSE OF PRIVACY CONCERNS! The thieving bastard gets protection, but the victim doesn't?

I don't gamble and I have gotten screwed by people who are supposed to make sure I made money, so I agree with a lot of what you have gone through, but I should have added "if you want to" to the advice about learning to make money in the market- that was a mistake on my part. I'll only bet on something if I have some control over the outcome. I may bet on pool/billiards, golf, maybe darts but that's about as far as it goes.


Audioholic Ninja
Almost every time I had to call them, it took an hour because they have offshore support and only give their agents a short list of answers for the millions of possible questions, with little or no real training. One call took seven minutes and I had no idea what to do with the rest of the hour I had planned to waste.:)

To make it worse, someone used my credit card info to buy something from and picked it up at the AT store close to me. I went there after getting a replacement card and the store manager admitted that it definitely happened at his store, but when I asked to see the surveillance video, he told me I couldn't, BECAUSE OF PRIVACY CONCERNS! The thieving bastard gets protection, but the victim doesn't?

I don't gamble and I have gotten screwed by people who are supposed to make sure I made money, so I agree with a lot of what you have gone through, but I should have added "if you want to" to the advice about learning to make money in the market- that was a mistake on my part. I'll only bet on something if I have some control over the outcome. I may bet on pool/billiards, golf, maybe darts but that's about as far as it goes.
Well I have in the past used the market lack of a better word. Lost thousands! Made thousands. I've gambled so much money away, on things I've shouldn't have, up to and including markets, company matching funds, property real estate. 401K and so on. Now gambled a lot won some money lost some money. It was like candy, not getting into virtues of things on the one's who have No morals that compromise their integrity for lack of virtues. These Forums we're on "steam vent" are a open platform, not much different than any other FB, Twitter, and so on. Thrump or whatever is texting typing on his account on Twitter, fly's that little birding around all the time. I just come on AH because there are some good reads at times. But most are just one's opinion of sharing knowledge whether it be on gear, specs, who has the shiniest newest speaker system. fact's can be debated to the cows come home having science to back it up is just what it is science. Didn't you just read or maybe you haven't seen that there just maybe a alternate universe parallel to the one we're living in? Where everyone and everything is the same but opposite. Think bubble within a bubble. We're here in the now nothing is more important right now than the present that we're dealing with. As human beings our future is uncertain No matter how much money or planning is done. One thing is certain everyone has a destiny with death.
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Audioholic Ninja
Here is a good read, our FBI just busted Nigeria scammer's right here in Our Nation. Well won't let me post up the link but you'll find that story on a Google
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Seriously, I have no life.
Well I have in the past used the market lack of a better word. Lost thousands! Made thousands. I've gambled so much money away, on things I've shouldn't have, up to and including markets, company matching funds, property real estate. 401K and so on. Now gambled a lot won some money lost some money. It was like candy, not getting into the virtues of things on the one's who have No morals that compromise their integrity for lack of virtues. These Forums we're on can "steam vent" are a open platform, not much different than any other FB, Twitter, and so on. Thrump or whatever is texting typing on his account on Twitter, fly's that little birding around all the time. I just come on AH because there are some good reads at times. But most are just one's opinion of sharing knowledge whether it be on gear, specs, who has the shiniest newest speaker system. fact's can be debated to the cows come home having science to back it up is just what it is science. Didn't you just read or maybe you haven't seen that there just maybe a alternate universe parallel to the one we're living in? Where everyone and everything is the same but opposite. Think bubble within a bubble. We're here in the now nothing is more important right now than the present that we're dealing with. As human beings our future is uncertain No matter how much money or planning is done. One thing is certain everyone has a destiny with death.
The only hedge against not having enough in the future is by gathering as much as possible as soon as possible and having more than would possible be needed. Some people are great at doing that, some, less so. Some can't get out of their own way because of self-destructive behavior but as said in the movie Citizen Kane, "Making money is easy if all you want to do is make money". That's not the same as having a full life, IMO- I would rather be on the edge, financially, and know that I didn't screw everyone I met on my way to incredible wealth.


Audioholic Ninja
The only hedge against not having enough in the future is by gathering as much as possible as soon as possible and having more than would possible be needed. Some people are great at doing that, some, less so. Some can't get out of their own way because of self-destructive behavior but as said in the movie Citizen Kane, "Making money is easy if all you want to do is make money". That's not the same as having a full life, IMO- I would rather be on the edge, financially, and know that I didn't screw everyone I met on my way to incredible wealth.
You missed my point on my post, plan as you may. Screwing someone over happens all the time or getting screwed over. When that Hurst is going to carry your body. Your bank account will go to your wife or significant other or the taxman. Your analogy of what you perceive of being screwed over just doesn't make sense. Your good at what you do on these forums. My point on my other post on this thread. Your great at taking something out of context. You just made my point on why your catching flak from the other members with your post just in this steam vent forum. But carry on.
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Audioholic Overlord
I have been saying that he needs a muzzle and handlers since before he was elected.
Where I come from, if your president needs a muzzle and handlers, you need another president.

It is not like Trump is fond of muzzles or handlers, and he is the president (i.e.- in a position to eliminate muzzles and handlers, which he has largely, if not completely, done)!
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Audioholic Jedi
The f^%& those Danes need Greenland for anyway?

We oughta just invade Denmark.
Yeah, don't just talk tough and go about an offer to buy in an extremely clumsy manner, let's do something extremely stupid :). Hell we already showed Denmark what we think by storing nuclear weapons on Greenland and even having spread some radioactive materials there when a bomber crashed outside the base we have there.


Audioholic Ninja
Where I come from, if your president needs a muzzle and handlers, you need another president.

It is not like Trump is fond of muzzles or handlers, and he is the president (i.e.- in a position to eliminate muzzles and handlers, which he has largely, if not completely, done)!
He is over the top with his antics. What passed president hasn't to some point? Maybe just maybe he's running that White House like he runs his other businesses. Isn't his claim to fortune was or is real estate? Or His father set him up? Also that TV show The apprentice? Guy's doing what he has been doing best all his life. They say fake it till you make it, well we'll just have to see how history will Tweeter about him.:D
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