Paradigm Poor Customer Service



Audioholic Intern
cam said:
But that now leads us to where we are now. You have a sub with a fried driver and Paradigm has received a negative review. I suggested something but you would have rather me jump on your "Paradigm is crap wagon".

The woofer in that driver is mediocre and the design is also, my opinion, but it is possible to get another driver for that sub that will out perform the original. I don't now of one that I could recommend but from the sound of it, you have already made the decision that it can't be done.
Lets' be accurate here. Yes you suggested something in a manner as if I am wallowing in my sorrow just because I have a differing idea. You are saying exactly the same thing I am. You think the woofer and design are mediocre. I never felt the PS-1200 was all that musical. It had some good thump, but lets not get carried away with what I thought of the unit when I bought it. You have no idea why I bought it. Don't act as if my lifes desire was to own this sub.

As far the "Paradigm is crap wagon" comment. I think the handling of the situation is what I keep referring to. I will use Paradigm to determine the quality of their equipment. If they deem it a good design and quality components were used they will repair it. If they don't back it why should I or you. I already told you I WAS a big propenent of them. I will not however buy anything from anyone if they won't back it. Why would I or anyone else spend any more money on something that may fail and not get repaired. It sounds like the company doesn't believe what they claim in their own brochures.

Have you ever designed a speaker system? I am not asking to insult. It is an honest question.

I never said it can't be done. Input to output is what I am referring to.

Waiting for next post....
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Audioholic Intern
cam said:
Ok, your right, I'd just toss the whole thing away. It doesn't matter what sub by whatever manufacturer, if the driver fails, you might aswell throw the rest of it away too.

In fact, if one of my tires on my car goes flat, I'm going to toss the whole car away.

Bad analogy. It's more like what if all of your pistons cracked and it would cost you 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of the car to habe the manufacturer repair.


You state : "Why would I or anyone else spend any more money on something that may fail and not get repaired". I wasn't asking you to go out and buy more Paradigm products. All manufacturers have products that fail, either to abuse or workmanship, and all manufacturers have people who decide whether or not to honour or void the warranty.

Lets say that Paradigm sent you a new driver by fedex and your sub was only down for three days. I could just see the new thread, "Paradigm has awesome customer service". And then you go on to say that the ps-1200 is one of the best bang for the buck subs out there and I highly recommend one and all their products.

But since that didn't happen, you have alot of anger towards Paradigm and all of their products. If you had a Velodyne or PSB or whatever sub that the driver fried and was void from being repaired, what would you do. I know what I would do, I would either replace the driver myself or chuck it out, but I wouldn't trash the entire line up of their products. You feel you weren't driving the sub too hard and it blew, maybe you drove it hard last week or last month or maybe when you werent home your kids or your wife was thumping the crap out of it. Or maybe you truely just got a lemon.

I was only just suggesting you change out the driver yourself. You and I know that the ps series subs are very capable of high spl's which alot of people would kill for, all for a very reasonable price. I know I know, the SQ is comprimised with this design. HT is where this sub can compete with alot of the big boys.

I do apologize for my tone and my suggestions.

There are only two things left to do, 1- grab that 68 pound piece of crap and put it out by the curb for your garbage man and, 2- grab your credit card, get on the SVS website and order yourself a brand new dual 12 inch sub. It's upgrade time!


Audioholic Intern
cam said:
You state : "Why would I or anyone else spend any more money on something that may fail and not get repaired". I wasn't asking you to go out and buy more Paradigm products. All manufacturers have products that fail, either to abuse or workmanship, and all manufacturers have people who decide whether or not to honour or void the warranty.

Lets say that Paradigm sent you a new driver by fedex and your sub was only down for three days. I could just see the new thread, "Paradigm has awesome customer service". And then you go on to say that the ps-1200 is one of the best bang for the buck subs out there and I highly recommend one and all their products.

But since that didn't happen, you have alot of anger towards Paradigm and all of their products. If you had a Velodyne or PSB or whatever sub that the driver fried and was void from being repaired, what would you do. I know what I would do, I would either replace the driver myself or chuck it out, but I wouldn't trash the entire line up of their products. You feel you weren't driving the sub too hard and it blew, maybe you drove it hard last week or last month or maybe when you werent home your kids or your wife was thumping the crap out of it. Or maybe you truely just got a lemon.

I was only just suggesting you change out the driver yourself. You and I know that the ps series subs are very capable of high spl's which alot of people would kill for, all for a very reasonable price. I know I know, the SQ is comprimised with this design. HT is where this sub can compete with alot of the big boys.

I do apologize for my tone and my suggestions.

There are only two things left to do, 1- grab that 68 pound piece of crap and put it out by the curb for your garbage man and, 2- grab your credit card, get on the SVS website and order yourself a brand new dual 12 inch sub. It's upgrade time!
Don't aplogize for your suggestion. I never said your suggestion was a bad one. I replied telling you why I was not going to pursue that avenue. BandPass designs are much more complicated tha sealed or vented. If it was a sealed or vented unit it would be very easy to model a driver that could replace it. I stated that earlier.

It was when you decided that I was wallowing and bitter because I didn't want to just drop another driver in the BP box. You mis-judged the situation completely.

Obviously if my sub was fixed this thread would never have happened. But, would feel the same way if it were Velodyne or anyone else. You keep forgetting it was Paradigm that determined the direction of this thread. Thay can still correct that. And yes I will complete this thread with a positive note to Paradigm. Keep in mind I didn't say all of their stuff sucks. Go through nad tell me where I directly called their stuff crap. Any negative reference had a caveat assigned to it. I said that if this situation remains as is and they don't back their gear it would cast doubt on the rest of their line. I think thats reasonable. If a company won't stand behind their stuff it should give anyone pause before buying. It's less anger than reality. I don't walk around fuming about my sub. I really haven't missed it. I totally forgot that I hadn't picked the unit up untill the other day. That was the day someone suggested I post here. I only posted here because someone suggested it. I gave it a shot because I thought there were objective audio people here and they would want to know. How else do people find out about these things. Paradign isn't going to tell you. Think how many have had the same problem and no forum to pass it on. I think a valid point was made. Maybe I should contact Paradigm directly Maybe the reseller was the problem. Very valid. I sent Pardigm an email. Lets see how it turns out.

On the other hand, many of these post tell me people don't want to hear bad news if it's about a product they endear. To the point that I become the target.

The big difference is that you think if I dump more money into my Paradigm by dropping another driver in it that somehow washes Paradigm clean. You would still call them a good company. Justifying that the sub was able to be repaired. I don't agree. I really have no faith that Paradigm will come through. I only posted here because someone suggested it.

If Paradigm comes through you will hear it from me loud and clear.


I did not know that sheep was a revisionist. the russians won WWII all themselves.

I am truly amazed. Did you read that in the History according to Stalin text book. I seem to remember a program called lend lease and i seem to remember convoys in the north sea to st petersburg mostly USA victory ships. UHmmmmmm that must have been my imagination. oh well it is always amazing how history can be rewritten as time goes by. Hopefully our canadian neighbors will not be foolish enough to buy french mirage jets for their air force like saddam did. everyone saw how well they did hehehehehe


Junior Audioholic
rikmeister said:
I am truly amazed. Did you read that in the History according to Stalin text book. I seem to remember a program called lend lease and i seem to remember convoys in the north sea to st petersburg mostly USA victory ships. UHmmmmmm that must have been my imagination. oh well it is always amazing how history can be rewritten as time goes by. Hopefully our canadian neighbors will not be foolish enough to buy french mirage jets for their air force like saddam did. everyone saw how well they did hehehehehe
Well as you know, the US presence in WWII was obviously unnecessary. I'm sure England or Canada would have invaded France and crushed the Nazi's on their own.


You know, what the Russians did on the Eastern front was truly remarkable. However, I think history might have been different had Germany not had to prepare for the inevitable invasion on the Western front. Just think of how much more force they could have sent into Russia had the US decided to sit WWII in the ETO.


Full Audioholic
zilla said:

You seem to have quite a bit knowledge in regard to audio... a vast amount more than me to be sure. However, having read your short views on WWI and II, I can't help but think of the old maxim. Perhaps you've heard it?

"it's better to remain silent and let people think you're an fool, as opposed to opening your mouth and removing all doubt"

I know you're pretty young, so I suggest reading up a little bit on WWI and WWII so you can develop something of an educated opinion on them.

Comrade Sheep,
I too appreciate your audio advice, but I'm afraid that politically (and historically?) we'll always be on opposite sides of the airplane (I'm on the right wing;) ).


Audioholic Warlord
rikmeister said:
I am truly amazed. Did you read that in the History according to Stalin text book. I seem to remember a program called lend lease and i seem to remember convoys in the north sea to st petersburg mostly USA victory ships. UHmmmmmm that must have been my imagination. oh well it is always amazing how history can be rewritten as time goes by. Hopefully our canadian neighbors will not be foolish enough to buy french mirage jets for their air force like saddam did. everyone saw how well they did hehehehehe
Never said Stalin won WW2 all by himself. NEXT PS - If you want to ask me a question, use a question mark ;)


First you don't support what I'm saying, then you are. Make up your mind ;) The reason germany lost the eastern front was because of the winter. The western front wasn't the main reason.

I also said Personally Which is my opinion. Sorta how I like Non bright speakers, while others like Neutral accurate speakers... catch my drift?

As a matter of fact, all I really said about the war is that Russia did the most work, which you guys seem to support.

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Junior Audioholic
Sheep said:
Never said Stalin won WW2 all by himself. NEXT PS - If you want to ask me a question, use a question mark ;)


First you don't support what I'm saying, then you are. Make up your mind ;) The reason germany lost the eastern front was because of the winter. The western front wasn't the main reason.

I also said Personally Which is my opinion. Sorta how I like Non bright speakers, while others like Neutral accurate speakers... catch my drift?

As a matter of fact, all I really said about the war is that Russia did the most work, which you guys seem to support.

"Personally" I think that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about in regard to any of the wars you mentioned before. Other than the "detailed" (sarcasm implied here in case you can't tell) case studies that high school level text books provide.

The next time you think "we" in regard to WWII (as you did in your first post that I responded to), you go ahead and take the US out of that pronoun. See where that gets you. If you're able to extrapolate it far enough, you might be speaking German or Russian. God knows all of Europe probably would be.


Audioholic Chief
sheep said:
In WW2, Russia was the saving grace. They single handedly won the eastern front. We could barely park our boats while the battled back with nothing.
Sheep, This is what you said. Here is some actual history. This is rather long, but may give some idea as to the scope of WWII. I left out about 95%, too ...

Realistically, the Brits were mostly on their own for 2 + years.

And I imagine Hitler was REALLY angry on Dec. 7, 1941. He had failed in the Battle of Britain, the Battle on the eastern front was raging, and now he knows he will have the USSR on one side, and the USA on the other.

Note, too, The USA pretty much had to handle Japan on its own.

***10 May, 1941 : German bombers assault London in what tums out to be the final heavy mission of the Battle of Britain. More than 500 aircraft drop high*explosive and incendiary bombs which result in many fires and cause more than 3,000 casualties induding many dead. Some 27 German aircraft are lost. In the preceding ten months approximately 50.000 metric tons of bombs have been dropped on the UK, but the Battle of Britain has heen lost, and with it has gone Germany's chance of winning the war. Partly because of their lack of long-range fighters and heavy bombers, but also because of the eventual mastery of the RAF fighter squadrons and their tactics, the Germans will regard this as first significant turning*point in World War Two.***

Now that Hitler knew defeating Britain was impossible, and that war with Stalin was inevitable :

***22 June, 1941 - Operation "Barbarossa": Germany declares war on and begins (3.15u) an invasion of the Soviet Union. The Eastern Front quickly becomes 2,000-miles wide. Italy (60,000 men to Ukraine), Finland, and Romania also joined the German battle against the Soviet Union and declare war.***

Having passed "Lend-Lease" in March, 1941, the USA agrees to :

***18 September, 1941 - Conference at Moskow; Stalin, Harriman (United States) and Beaverbrook (United Kingdom).
The United States extended assistance to the Soviet Union through its Lend-Lease Act of March 1941.***

Back to important battles from the Russian point of view ...

***2 Oct, 1941 - Germans Begin of Operation "Typhoon": attack on Moskow (Von Bock).***

***6 December 1941,
(till 31 January). Soviet troops counter-attack at the whole front. Radio Moskow: Moskow would be defend till the last man died.***

On 7 December, 1941, the day after Stalin declares Moscow will be defended until the last man dies, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

***1 July 1942,
German and Romanian troops capture Sevastopol, Russia after 8 month siege. General on Manstein is promoted to Field Marshal. The Germans have expended more han 46.000 shells and 20.000 tons of bombs against Sevastopol; the figure is marginally less than the total dropped on the UK during 1941.

***15 September 1942,
Begin of the Battle of Stalingrad.***

***19 November 1942,
7.30u; Soviet forces begin a counteroffensive to break-out of Stalingrad.The "South West front": about 3 tank-, 2 cav.corps and 21 inf.div., the "Donjetsfront": about 20 inf.div., 6 tankbrig. and 2 motor.brig.***

***10 January 1943,
Russia requires surrender German 6th Army.
Begin of the liquidation of German troops in Stalingrad of troops from Armygroup "Don front", General Rokossowky. Fighting during the battle of Stalingrad was bitter and exhausting.***

***11 January 1943,
America produces in 1942; more then 48.000 planes, 56.000 tanks and the American Army count more then 7.000.000 men.***

***19 January 1943,
Russia liberate Leningrad.***

***27 January 1943,
First attack against a German target by US bombers, 64 B-17 and B-24, on Wilhelmshaven, which had also been the target for the first British daylight raid in 1939. Day raid on Copenhagen, night raid on Duesseldorf***

***2 February 1943,
German force surrender at Stalingrad, Soviet Union.***

***12 May 1943,
Axis forces are completed defeat in North Africa. Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel flees to Germany.***

***5 July 1943,
(till 15 July)."Unternehmen Zitadelle"; Germany started the last offensive in the East, the Tank offensive at Kursk.***

***17 August 1943,
Allied troops reach Messina and occupy all of Sicily, Italy.***

***8 September 1943,
"Fall Achse": Disarming of the Italian Army.
Italy surrenders to Allied forces, by Marshall Badoglio.***

***27 January 1944,
After Siege of 2½ years, Russian troops relieve Leningrad. Railway Moskow- Leningrad is free.***

***9 June 1944,
Begin of the Russian offensive from the "Karelish landengte" against the Finnish Army (Marshal Mannerheim).
Prime Minister of Italy Marshal Badoglio is forced to resign and replaced by Ivanoe Bonomi, a opponent of the Fascist movement.***

***22 June 1944,
Operation Bagration.The Sovjet Army under Stalin began offensive Bagration into Poland; in 6 weeks advanced 500 km to the Vistula. Three years to the day after Germany's 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, the Red Army launched a massive offensive in Byelorussia. Codenamed 'Operation Bagration', this campaign climaxed five weeks later with the Red Army at the gates of Warsaw. The Wehrmacht's Army Group Centre was routed, a total of 17 Wehrmacht divisions were utterly destroyed, and over 50 other German divisions were shattered. It was the most calamitous defeat of the German armed forces in World War II.***

***3 July 1944,
Soviet forces recapture Minsk.***

***31 August 1944,
American forces reach the old French Maginot Line.
Russian troops capture the oil-fiels of Ploesti, Romania.***

***11 September 1944,
Units of the 1th American Army cross German border, north of Trier.
Patrols of the 2th British Army cross Dutch border, north of Leopoldsbrug.***

***7-16 October 1944,
The battle of Aachen, the capture of Aachen, the first German city to fall (secured on 21th october), the offensive of the American 1st and 9th Armies to the Rür, which included the battle of the Hürtgen Forest, Operation Queen, the largest aerial close support operation of the war against the German lines east of Aachen; A total of 2,807 planes dropped 10,097 tons of bombs.***

***6 November 1944,
Joseph Stalin renounce the neutrality pact between the Soviet Union and Japan.***

***25 December 1944,
Soviet forces reach Budapest, Hungary.***

***6 February 1945,
Soviet settle down at the other side of the river Oder (border between Poland and Germany).***

***26 March 1945,
The entire western front of Europe is now east of the Rhine River.
U.S. Army and Marines secure Iwo Jima. About 200 of the 20.000 Japanese troops are taken prisoner; Americans lost nearly 6.000 dead and more than 17.000 wounded. After this a few thousand aircraft will make landings on this base after they made missions over Japan. ***

***16 April 1945,
Battle of Berlin Stalin has ordered a major offensive on Berlin. He doubts the validity of Eisenhower's message of 28 March and believes the Western Allies may head for Berlin. His instructions to his commanders are not entirely complete, neither Zhukov nor Konev being awarded the honour of making the final assault, but these two fine Marshals have more than two million men, 6.000 tanks, more than 5.500 aircraft and 16.000 guns available for the task. The German defensive lines at the Oder have already been weakened by earlier attacks and they are hopelessly short of guns, tanks and air support.***
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Audioholic Warlord

I don't disagree with any of that. I don't know what your reasoning was to post it either.

Actually, one of the key reasons Britain defeated the Germans in the Battle of Britain was quite odd.

Since the beginning of that battle, German bombers were targeting air fields and military establishtments. Britain decided to bomb Berlin to see if Hitler would become offended and begin bombing British cities. It worked. Hilter turned his aim on London, allowing Britain time to fix they're air fields and fight the Germans off.

If Hitler kept bombing the air fields, Britain would have lost that battle.

I wasn't referring to the war in the pacific in any of my statements. That was clearly an American victory.

If you want to continue this discussion, please PM me. Lets keep the thread somewhat on topic.



Audioholic Chief
Sheep said:

I don't disagree with any of that. I don't know what your reasoning was to post it either.

Actually, one of the key reasons Britain defeated the Germans in the Battle of Britain was quite odd.

Since the beginning of that battle, German bombers were targeting air fields and military establishtments. Britain decided to bomb Berlin to see if Hitler would become offended and begin bombing British cities. It worked. Hilter turned his aim on London, allowing Britain time to fix they're air fields and fight the Germans off.

If Hitler kept bombing the air fields, Britain would have lost that battle.

I wasn't referring to the war in the pacific in any of my statements. That was clearly an American victory.

If you want to continue this discussion, please PM me. Lets keep the thread somewhat on topic.

Sheep, I thought people might like some historical perspective. In fact, if anyone wants the link to a great site with WWII's chronology, PM me. :)

EDIT ... Here is the link. LOTS of cool info. World War II
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craigsub said:
Sheep, This is what you said. Here is some actual history. This is rather long, but may give some idea as to the scope of WWII. I left out about 95%, too ...

Realistically, the Brits were mostly on their own for 2 + years.

And I imagine Hitler was REALLY angry on Dec. 7, 1941. He had failed in the Battle of Britain, the Battle on the eastern front was raging, and now he knows he will have the USSR on one side, and the USA on the other.

Note, too, The USA pretty much had to handle Japan on its own.

***10 May, 1941 : German bombers assault London in what tums out to be the final heavy mission of the Battle of Britain. More than 500 aircraft drop high*explosive and incendiary bombs which result in many fires and cause more than 3,000 casualties induding many dead. Some 27 German aircraft are lost. In the preceding ten months approximately 50.000 metric tons of bombs have been dropped on the UK, but the Battle of Britain has heen lost, and with it has gone Germany's chance of winning the war. Partly because of their lack of long-range fighters and heavy bombers, but also because of the eventual mastery of the RAF fighter squadrons and their tactics, the Germans will regard this as first significant turning*point in World War Two.***

Now that Hitler knew defeating Britain was impossible, and that war with Stalin was inevitable :

***22 June, 1941 - Operation "Barbarossa": Germany declares war on and begins (3.15u) an invasion of the Soviet Union. The Eastern Front quickly becomes 2,000-miles wide. Italy (60,000 men to Ukraine), Finland, and Romania also joined the German battle against the Soviet Union and declare war.***

Having passed "Lend-Lease" in March, 1941, the USA agrees to :

***18 September, 1941 - Conference at Moskow; Stalin, Harriman (United States) and Beaverbrook (United Kingdom).
The United States extended assistance to the Soviet Union through its Lend-Lease Act of March 1941.***

Back to important battles from the Russian point of view ...

***2 Oct, 1941 - Germans Begin of Operation "Typhoon": attack on Moskow (Von Bock).***

***6 December 1941,
(till 31 January). Soviet troops counter-attack at the whole front. Radio Moskow: Moskow would be defend till the last man died.***

On 7 December, 1941, the day after Stalin declares Moscow will be defended until the last man dies, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

***1 July 1942,
German and Romanian troops capture Sevastopol, Russia after 8 month siege. General on Manstein is promoted to Field Marshal. The Germans have expended more han 46.000 shells and 20.000 tons of bombs against Sevastopol; the figure is marginally less than the total dropped on the UK during 1941.

***15 September 1942,
Begin of the Battle of Stalingrad.***

***19 November 1942,
7.30u; Soviet forces begin a counteroffensive to break-out of Stalingrad.The "South West front": about 3 tank-, 2 cav.corps and 21 inf.div., the "Donjetsfront": about 20 inf.div., 6 tankbrig. and 2 motor.brig.***

***10 January 1943,
Russia requires surrender German 6th Army.
Begin of the liquidation of German troops in Stalingrad of troops from Armygroup "Don front", General Rokossowky. Fighting during the battle of Stalingrad was bitter and exhausting.***

***11 January 1943,
America produces in 1942; more then 48.000 planes, 56.000 tanks and the American Army count more then 7.000.000 men.***

***19 January 1943,
Russia liberate Leningrad.***

***27 January 1943,
First attack against a German target by US bombers, 64 B-17 and B-24, on Wilhelmshaven, which had also been the target for the first British daylight raid in 1939. Day raid on Copenhagen, night raid on Duesseldorf***

***2 February 1943,
German force surrender at Stalingrad, Soviet Union.***

***12 May 1943,
Axis forces are completed defeat in North Africa. Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel flees to Germany.***

***5 July 1943,
(till 15 July)."Unternehmen Zitadelle"; Germany started the last offensive in the East, the Tank offensive at Kursk.***

***17 August 1943,
Allied troops reach Messina and occupy all of Sicily, Italy.***

***8 September 1943,
"Fall Achse": Disarming of the Italian Army.
Italy surrenders to Allied forces, by Marshall Badoglio.***

***27 January 1944,
After Siege of 2½ years, Russian troops relieve Leningrad. Railway Moskow- Leningrad is free.***

***9 June 1944,
Begin of the Russian offensive from the "Karelish landengte" against the Finnish Army (Marshal Mannerheim).
Prime Minister of Italy Marshal Badoglio is forced to resign and replaced by Ivanoe Bonomi, a opponent of the Fascist movement.***

***22 June 1944,
Operation Bagration.The Sovjet Army under Stalin began offensive Bagration into Poland; in 6 weeks advanced 500 km to the Vistula. Three years to the day after Germany's 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, the Red Army launched a massive offensive in Byelorussia. Codenamed 'Operation Bagration', this campaign climaxed five weeks later with the Red Army at the gates of Warsaw. The Wehrmacht's Army Group Centre was routed, a total of 17 Wehrmacht divisions were utterly destroyed, and over 50 other German divisions were shattered. It was the most calamitous defeat of the German armed forces in World War II.***

***3 July 1944,
Soviet forces recapture Minsk.***

***31 August 1944,
American forces reach the old French Maginot Line.
Russian troops capture the oil-fiels of Ploesti, Romania.***

***11 September 1944,
Units of the 1th American Army cross German border, north of Trier.
Patrols of the 2th British Army cross Dutch border, north of Leopoldsbrug.***

***7-16 October 1944,
The battle of Aachen, the capture of Aachen, the first German city to fall (secured on 21th october), the offensive of the American 1st and 9th Armies to the Rür, which included the battle of the Hürtgen Forest, Operation Queen, the largest aerial close support operation of the war against the German lines east of Aachen; A total of 2,807 planes dropped 10,097 tons of bombs.***

***6 November 1944,
Joseph Stalin renounce the neutrality pact between the Soviet Union and Japan.***

***25 December 1944,
Soviet forces reach Budapest, Hungary.***

***6 February 1945,
Soviet settle down at the other side of the river Oder (border between Poland and Germany).***

***26 March 1945,
The entire western front of Europe is now east of the Rhine River.
U.S. Army and Marines secure Iwo Jima. About 200 of the 20.000 Japanese troops are taken prisoner; Americans lost nearly 6.000 dead and more than 17.000 wounded. After this a few thousand aircraft will make landings on this base after they made missions over Japan. ***

***16 April 1945,
Battle of Berlin Stalin has ordered a major offensive on Berlin. He doubts the validity of Eisenhower's message of 28 March and believes the Western Allies may head for Berlin. His instructions to his commanders are not entirely complete, neither Zhukov nor Konev being awarded the honour of making the final assault, but these two fine Marshals have more than two million men, 6.000 tanks, more than 5.500 aircraft and 16.000 guns available for the task. The German defensive lines at the Oder have already been weakened by earlier attacks and they are hopelessly short of guns, tanks and air support.***

I might not agree with your test procedures, but you are a true American. Kudos.


Have you had a response from Paradigm yet? I am seriously thinking of upgrading my Energy Mains, exl26's, for Studio 20's. I came here this morning looking for more opinions on the Studio series and happened upon this thread. How a mfg. treats past customers is extremely important when making a purchase, to me anyway. So I will wait to hear the results of your problem. But this sounds to me like the evaluation never made it past the local rep. If the unit was never sent to Paradigm, then all they would go by is your reps. recomendation. I agree Paradigm should back their products, especially less then halfway through a warranty period. It's like the old adage, do something right by somebody and they will tell their friends, do wrong by them and they will tell the world!


Audioholic General
I honestly think that the damage to your sub may have been started well before you took it home. You said it was a demo and how many shops treat their demos gently? None that I know of. Usually demos are cranked to try and show them off to customers, and I've heard some mighty subs bottom out during demos becaue they weren't properly calibrated. I still think Paradigm will come through for you (at least I hope so) if for no other reason than to avoid more bad publicity. I also think your shop is the guilty party. If they are an authorized repair facility they should try to make you happy and throw in a driver at their own cost (which will be much less than the $160 you were quoted). That is a bad story for paradigm as far as I'm concerned, and I'm waiting like some others to hear their response. Without jumping on either side I will say that I like several Paradigm products and I've heard way more good service stories than bad on sites like this. Also the idea of replacing the driver is an interesting one IMO, but I understand why you'd like to start from scratch yourself as well. I really hope this works out to your satisfaction in the end somehow. Also you really shouldn't leave the sub with the shop. Take it back and throw it on ebay to make at least $100 back.


Audioholic Intern
JES14 said:
Have you had a response from Paradigm yet? I am seriously thinking of upgrading my Energy Mains, exl26's, for Studio 20's. I came here this morning looking for more opinions on the Studio series and happened upon this thread. How a mfg. treats past customers is extremely important when making a purchase, to me anyway. So I will wait to hear the results of your problem. But this sounds to me like the evaluation never made it past the local rep. If the unit was never sent to Paradigm, then all they would go by is your reps. recomendation. I agree Paradigm should back their products, especially less then halfway through a warranty period. It's like the old adage, do something right by somebody and they will tell their friends, do wrong by them and they will tell the world!

Not a peep. I called back Sensuous Sound to get Paradigms number. He said that he did not talk directly to Pardigm ragarding the rapair. He stated that there is no way Paradigm will repair my unit. I requested the number for Pardigm directly to talk to them. After he continued to accuse me of abusing the unit he said that he would have Les at Paradigm call me to tell me they will not repair the unit.

Interesting enough he (the tech) referenced two more recent Paradigm sub failures that Paradigm will not fix for the same reason. One of which is their rather large and expensive signature servo sub.

Now can I say that my failure casts serious question to the quality of the rest of thier lines?

I'll post if and when I hear from Paradigm. Nobody hold your breath.


Audioholic Intern
Takeereasy said:
I honestly think that the damage to your sub may have been started well before you took it home. You said it was a demo and how many shops treat their demos gently? None that I know of. Usually demos are cranked to try and show them off to customers, and I've heard some mighty subs bottom out during demos becaue they weren't properly calibrated. I still think Paradigm will come through for you (at least I hope so) if for no other reason than to avoid more bad publicity. I also think your shop is the guilty party. If they are an authorized repair facility they should try to make you happy and throw in a driver at their own cost (which will be much less than the $160 you were quoted). That is a bad story for paradigm as far as I'm concerned, and I'm waiting like some others to hear their response. Without jumping on either side I will say that I like several Paradigm products and I've heard way more good service stories than bad on sites like this. Also the idea of replacing the driver is an interesting one IMO, but I understand why you'd like to start from scratch yourself as well. I really hope this works out to your satisfaction in the end somehow. Also you really shouldn't leave the sub with the shop. Take it back and throw it on ebay to make at least $100 back.
The sub the salesman demoed was not the one I purchased. I have no idea how they treated the one I purchased as you say. Sensuous Sound is rather abusive after the purchase as far as I can tell. That is my experience.

They use typical ad hominid falicies that try to discredit clients personally.

I just think the word is not getting out about Paradigms failures. I heard of two more (that will not get repaired) directly from the dealer just today. I'm sure Paradigm does much to hush this information. Maybe just repairing it would work. Or designing it within scope of how it will be used.

The tech is a fairly surly type. Can't be their gear, has to be all the people who have the failures. I would wonder about equipment that fails as much as he was telling me. He acted as if this should be considered normal for these frequent failures. Acted as if I was an idiot because I didn't just respond with "Thank you sir may I have another". I must conclude that Paradigm is designed to be disposable gear. He spoke as if he has these kinds of Paradigm failures regularaly, but it's the people that don't know what they are doing. You know stupid consumers, not as smart as the Sensous Sound folks.

Still waiting to hear from paradigm.


krisg said:
The sub the salesman demoed was not the one I purchased. I have no idea how they treated the one I purchased as you say. Sensuous Sound is rather abusive after the purchase as far as I can tell. That is my experience.

They use typical ad hominid falicies that try to discredit clients personally.

I just think the word is not getting out about Paradigms failures. I heard of two more (that will not get repaired) directly from the dealer just today. I'm sure Paradigm does much to hush this information. Maybe just repairing it would work. Or designing it within scope of how it will be used.

The tech is a fairly surly type. Can't be their gear, has to be all the people who have the failures. I would wonder about equipment that fails as much as he was telling me. He acted as if this should be considered normal for these frequent failures. Acted as if I was an idiot because I didn't just respond with "Thank you sir may I have another". I must conclude that Paradigm is designed to be disposable gear. He spoke as if he has these kinds of Paradigm failures regularaly, but it's the people that don't know what they are doing. You know stupid consumers, not as smart as the Sensous Sound folks.

Still waiting to hear from paradigm.
How can you draw any conclusions from the jackass your dealing with? Krisg, your problem is with the dealer not with Paradigm. There is no cost to the dealer to do warranty work.
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