Paradigm Poor Customer Service



Audioholic Intern
ht_addict said:
How can you draw any conclusions from the jackass your dealing? Krisg, your problem is with the dealer not with Paradigm. There is no cost to the dealer to do warranty work.

Conclusions are based on information gathered at hand. I sent Paradigm another email. The first one was sent Friday morning around 7:00 am. That's 2 business days. No response.

The dealer, well that seems less of a conlcusion than a outright fact at a this point.

People on this thread have been inquiring as to whether Paradigm has responded.

Therefore my current conclusion is exactly as the dealer put it. It will not be fixed, case closed. I have no more power than this forum to do anything about it. If Paradigm trumps the dealer - Great! If not than it appears the dealer is correct. Paradigm does not support their gear. And it seems to be all lines from the PDR up to their Signature series Servo 15 as the dealer referenced in a phone call today.

Come on it's just to easy to say "blown woofer" your fault. How does the average consumer go about refuting this. How many times has this happened and not really been the case? Who knows for sure? We have all seen it in other businesses from car dealers to air conditioning contractors.

You're right no cost to the dealer for warranty work. But also no cost to Paradigm if woofer is "blown" and customer pays for the repair. The customer is not only paying the cost of the woofer, but all profit above and beyond that cost. So we see that Paradigm makes more money above and beyond the original purchase of the piece of gear. From Paradigms bottom line standpoint it is better to have the customer repair a failure then Paradigm. The dealer, well he makes a tidy fee for doing a simple install. Pretty good deal for all around. Oh, except the guy who gets stuck with the bill.

I know, not Paradigm. Like I said we will see what Paradigm will do. So far the conclusion is nothing.

I do know that everytime I have gone into the store I hear that they are one of the bigger resellers for Paradigm and have cozy relationship with Paradigm. Initially I though that would translate into better customer service. Maybe I read them all wrong.

Hoping you're right. Waiting on further data.

What is your conclusion?
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Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja

I would recommend you write your local BBB, and Attorney General to complain about the service you've received from SS. It sounds like they don't want Paradigm to know they've sold you a demo or returned merchandise, because it's SS that may have to foot the bill for your repair. Heck, my guess is they probably called Paradigm to get the driver, and upon spilling the beans about the demo/2nd hand sub, learned Paradigm won't honor repair on that type of sale. From what it sounds like, the dealer is the enemy.


Audioholic Intern
Buckeyefan 1 said:

I would recommend you write your local BBB, and Attorney General to complain about the service you've received from SS. It sounds like they don't want Paradigm to know they've sold you a demo or returned merchandise, because it's SS that may have to foot the bill for your repair. Heck, my guess is they probably called Paradigm to get the driver, and upon spilling the beans about the demo/2nd hand sub, learned Paradigm won't honor repair on that type of sale. From what it sounds like, the dealer is the enemy.

Don't disagree with your rassesment. I am still anxious to see if Paradigm answers me. That will be very telling. Sensuous Sound certainly has not been very courteous after the sale. I was told that Paradigm does warranty demo units. I read recently that someone wanting to purchase a demo unit was confirmed by a Paradigm rep that happened to be in the store (not Sensous Sound) this fact.


I agree with Buckeyefan, something smells bad at this dealer. Why would they give you a hard time trying to get warranty work done if it was Paradigm that made the call? One would think they would be applogetic and offer some kind of deal so you don't have a bad taste from dealing with Senous Sound. Possibly these particular units were "buyer beware" and they sold them as if warranty was applied? Just guessing here, but I'm in sales myself and if put in the same position I would be pushing to have the unit evaluated AT Paradigm and tying to back my client.
How is some Tech at the storefront an expert on Paradigm drivers? How does he know this was abuse on your part? Even if he does know, why not try to work with you to find a solution instead of belittling? I definatly smell a rat at this dealer, but I'm VERY interested to see how Paradigm responds.


I just had a tweeter replaced in my Paradigm Center Channel, excellent service from the Dealer and fixed in a couple of Days, I am however having a nightmare with Outlaw getting a new Amp fixed under warranty. kinda bizzare how things go.....


Audioholic Intern
Snarl said:
I just had a tweeter replaced in my Paradigm Center Channel, excellent service from the Dealer and fixed in a couple of Days, I am however having a nightmare with Outlaw getting a new Amp fixed under warranty. kinda bizzare how things go.....
Please go to the following thread after reading this one.

Feel free to read this one, but most important read the following thread...



krisg said:
Buy at own risk. I was informed of a full warrant after expressing your mentioned concern. Comtrast... My dad once owned a used pair of Klipsch speakers. After owning them for about 8 years the tweeter failed. Klipsch replaced the tweeter free of charge saying it should have never failed.

There are many better units for the same price as paradigm. I was stupid enough to fall for their advertising and thinking I was getting a good deal on the demo unit. Sensuous Sound is a high end store. Things don't get abused as you speak, at least that weas my impression.

I guess I should expand my statement. I will sway anyone from buying Pradigm equipment and any other equipment from Sensuous Sound.
i think its just the store you purchased from,Do you actually know what they did with the sub,it could have had a problem from the start,many demo units can go through many homes for tests and you dont know how they wrer treated or even hooked for the pdr series they are not the greatest must use the v2 pw series and not even the v1 series are good.i am not saying paradigm subs are problems ,just manufactures make a good well made product and then they make a product that is ok for every day use and not abuse.
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Full Audioholic
MacManNM said:
Bottom line is Paradigm is junk. So it sounds decent, but it's overpriced, made in china crap.
That's a pretty bold statement...I own a pair of 90P's and they ARE damn good. My room is over 450 ft/sq and just the two towers sound better than my system did with my sub in my old house. The old room was 14ft X 10 ft. Paradigm isn't junk, and I believe it is made in Canada.


Audioholic Warlord
Nuglets said:
That's a pretty bold statement...I own a pair of 90P's and they ARE damn good. My room is over 450 ft/sq and just the two towers sound better than my system did with my sub in my old house. The old room was 14ft X 10 ft. Paradigm isn't junk, and I believe it is made in Canada.
Um, Check the date dude.



Those Canadians have a weird habit of designing things there yet letting their good Chinese buddies half/*** poorly assemble equipment.
Then claiming MADE IN CANADA!!



Audioholic Warlord
Khellandros66 said:
Those Canadians have a weird habit of designing things there yet letting their good Chinese buddies half/*** poorly assemble equipment.
Then claiming MADE IN CANADA!!

I smell, I smell, FEAR!



Full Audioholic
Sheep said:
Um, Check the date dude.

Sheep, the date has nothing to do with what I said...people can still read the forum regardless of when it was started. I found it, other people may also. Can I not have an opinion just because it is an old post?


Audioholic Warlord
Nuglets said:
Sheep, the date has nothing to do with what I said...people can still read the forum regardless of when it was started. I found it, other people may also. Can I not have an opinion just because it is an old post?
Well, considering when it WAS posted, I talked to him about it, so its a non issue anymore...



Full Audioholic
Sheep said:
I talked to him about it, so its a non issue anymore...

I wasn't even talking about you. MacMan said Paradigm is junk, so I replied to HIM, not you. So what is your deal?


Audioholic Warlord
Nuglets said:
I wasn't even talking about you. MacMan said Paradigm is junk, so I replied to HIM, not you. So what is your deal?
I'm just saying, this issue has already been resolved..

Your just bringing it back from the dead.



Full Audioholic
Well, I didn't really care that much about it...I just don't think what he said made any sense so I wanted to clarify. I really don't care about it and I'm glad he got his issue with the customer service resolved.

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