Paradigm Poor Customer Service



Audioholic Intern
j_garcia said:
but that doesn't mean you should trash the brand because you had a bad experience.
Trashing? How so. I described the failure, my position on how they(Paradigm) handled it, how I would handle future relations with Paradigm and how I will handle those who may make future paradigm purchases. If you are referring to the 'fragile' comment please refer to other poster as they are the ones telling me that normal use is abuse when it come to Pradigm.

Besides, read you above statement. How do you handle a bad/costly experience. I don't believe for minute you practice as you preach. Why wouldn't I/you want to inform/warn others.


Audioholic Warlord
krisg said:
As mentioned in my first post - the subs input level was only half way up and the volume of the receiver was somewhere between -10 and -15. My room is 14 x 16. I was sitting abotu 2 feet from it.

I adjusted the sub when I first got it and purpossely set it to prevent such a problem. Even that couldn't save the lowly Paradigm. It is much to fragile and not to be used on large systems (that would be abuse) according to many of these posts.

Funny the guy who sold it to me never warned that I should not have the sub input above 1/4 or the volume level higher than -20. The manual didn't warn of this either.

Every thing I am hearing supports my point. Paradigms just don't cut it. If this is considered abuse in the world of Paradigm it is time to move on to something real.
Did you ever just think you got a lemon? I know someone with a paradigm subwoofer, there cheapest one. It had an issue, some internal rattle, and it was replaced. They also reported it right when it happened, instead of waiting.

It seems after this sub broke, and you got one with some dents, that all paradigm stuff is worthless. I bet if you phoned them right away, you would have received a brand new unit.



Audioholic Intern
j_garcia said:
When it comes to subs, yes you can do much better than Paradigm. Is there a reason why you guys aren't still building your own stuff?

Blame Canada :D (had to)

To be honest I was never fond of powered subs. I felt that they were not up to snuff unless you spent a lot of money.

I was lured in because I was the owner of other paradigm speakers and felt they were a great buy for the money. I was demoed the PS-1200 as mentioned in a previous post. The guy had it cranked (Gladiator) and I was favorably impressed. I had been out of building speakers for awhile and didn't feel like going throught the whole design preocess. I called him a few day later he offered me a demo unit (not the one he first demoed) for a discount. Owned it for two years and you know the rest

I am currently rewritingmodifying my design software to bring it up to date and am in the preocess of building my own once again.

I will not have this kind of sub problem again.


Audioholic Intern
Sheep said:
Did you ever just think you got a lemon? I know someone with a paradigm subwoofer, there cheapest one. It had an issue, some internal rattle, and it was replaced. They also reported it right when it happened, instead of waiting.

It seems after this sub broke, and you got one with some dents, that all paradigm stuff is worthless. I bet if you phoned them right away, you would have received a brand new unit.


Sure I considered that it was defective, that is my point. I mentioned it to the service tech. He then accused me of abusing it. This led me to believe that if it was not defective, as the tech seemed to feel, it must be something else. Most likely a poor design. The probelm is that I already owned it for two years when it failed. There is only one sub involved. It had no dents. Looked brand new, just not boxed. It wasn't the same physical unit he demoed me. One very similar. It was surrounded by thousands of dollars of high end equipment in its' display. I had no reason to think it was a peice of junk.

The fact that the people on this list who are familiar with Paradigm jump to the position that I abused it without asking about the circumstances says volumes.

I was a big proponent of Paradigm for along time. I sold many units by word of mouth. That was based on my experience at that point. I now have another experience and I will tell all about. this may upset Paradigm fans who want to think highly Paradigm.

It's not as much a case of whether I yhink it's worthless. Paradigm themselves won't back their unit up. Seems to me they hove no more faith in their gear than I.
Last edited:


Krisg, unless I'm miss reading your initial post as well as your replys, I think your beef is not with Paradigm but with the dealer you bought the sub from. I don't now where in the US you live, but I'm pretty sure your sub didn't make it back to Canada to be serviced and it was the dealers tech who made the decision. Have you even thought about dropping a line to Paradigm as explain your situation? That may be all it takes to resolve.

Now on another note, as far as calibrating your sub did you use a SPL meter to calibrate? I've had a PDR-10, PS-1000 and now the PW-2100 and all have been set with master volume at 25% and +/- with sub level controls on the receiver to achieve +5db above my speakers(or 80db). Now I've watched alot off movies and some at insane levels an never blown a coil. Your conclusions drawn from your own experience, is not indicitive of Paradigms quality.


Audioholic Intern
ht_addict said:
Now I've watched alot off movies and some at insane levels an never blown a coil. Your conclusions drawn from your own experience, is not indicitive of Paradigms quality.
So we are in agreement that there is a problem with the unit. Should be a warranty repair - correct? I was not driving the system at insane levels and really never have.

Well at least I feel better knowing that my experience is not indicative of Paradigm quality (notice sarcasm). Just knowing that all these other people can drive theirs at insane levels. I don't and am accused of abusing it. I do know others that are not happy with their Paradigms and are moving on.

Unfortunately my broken sub and empty pockets is all I have to show. I did my part. I paid for the unit, returned it within warranty, and now have the pleasure of buying a new sub.


Audioholic General
HT Addict raises some good points along with Sheep.

1. Where was your sub inspected at. Paradigm or local tech.

2. Have you thought about the letter and/or phone call. Sheep is correct in that you may end up with a new sub. Writing letters and taking things to upper management can really get things done sometimes.

I have never had anything but great service from Paradigm when I have needed it.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
I've heard the same thing about Paradigm service - non existant, which is too bad based on what they charge for speakers.

A friend's sub just went out this past weekend, and he's owned it for 4 years, just out of the warranty period. I'm sure he's out of luck, and he spent a small fortune on an entire Paradigm setup. Here's a pic of his system:
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja

Did you purchase the sub on a visa gold or platinum card? Sometimes they'll double the mfg. warranty. Just a thought.

Sheep to MacManNM: "Spoken like a true american." (notice the lower case in American)
Sheep - don't you mean "like a true redneck"? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Intern
anamorphic96 said:
HT Addict raises some good points along with Sheep.

1. Where was your sub inspected at. Paradigm or local tech.

2. Have you thought about the letter and/or phone call. Sheep is correct in that you may end up with a new sub. Writing letters and taking things to upper management can really get things done sometimes.

I have never had anything but great service from Paradigm when I have needed it.

It was inspected local. I was under the impression that the techs response was Paradigms as well as his own.

The way he worded it was that Paradigm considers this abuse and will not cover it under warranty. Maybe he was speaking for them without consulting them.

I have taken the advice and have forwarded an email to Paradigm to hear exactly what they have to say.

I will keep you posted here and we all will know what their position is.


Audioholic Intern
Buckeyefan 1 said:

Did you purchase the sub on a visa gold or platinum card? Sometimes they'll double the mfg. warranty. Just a thought.

Sheep - don't you mean "like a true redneck"? :rolleyes:

Not really the issue. It is still under warranty. They are just not going to honor the warranty. They are claiming it was abused thus the warranty will not cover the repair

Thanks anyway.


Spoken like a true american. Everyone else is broken, so lets fix em!

We only “fix” what is so obviously “broken” in the World since no other country has the balls to step up to the plate. Take it from someone who has carried a rifle around the world while trying to help one unappreciative country after another pull itself out of its own self-inflicted misery, we don’t WANT to be there but no one else shows up.

Semper Fi


ZoFo said:
We only “fix” what is so obviously “broken” in the World since no other country has the balls to step up to the plate. Take it from someone who has carried a rifle around the world while trying to help one unappreciative country after another pull itself out of its own self-inflicted misery, we don’t WANT to be there but no one else shows up.

Semper Fi
You know what? We don't have to show up either - let's let them work it out on their own (but wait - that would mean we'd have to leave our SUVs parked in the driveway). Can't do that!


Audioholic Warlord
ZoFo said:
We only “fix” what is so obviously “broken” in the World since no other country has the balls to step up to the plate. Take it from someone who has carried a rifle around the world while trying to help one unappreciative country after another pull itself out of its own self-inflicted misery, we don’t WANT to be there but no one else shows up.

Semper Fi
Yes and everyone is thanking you right? Some countries are like people, they like privacy.

You guys should stop trying to help others and help yourselfs.



ZoFo said:
We only “fix” what is so obviously “broken” in the World since no other country has the balls to step up to the plate. Take it from someone who has carried a rifle around the world while trying to help one unappreciative country after another pull itself out of its own self-inflicted misery, we don’t WANT to be there but no one else shows up.

Semper Fi
B.I.N.G.O., and bingo was his nameo


Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
Yes and everyone is thanking you right? Some countries are like people, they like privacy.

You guys should stop trying to help others and help yourselfs.

We tried that before. Know what happened? We got dragged into WWI because we were the only ones that could help stop the Germans from crushing Britain and France.


Sheep said:
Yes and everyone is thanking you right? Some countries are like people, they like privacy.

You guys should stop trying to help others and help yourselfs.

By your spelling and grammar, I can see how well your Socialist education system works. Yeah, we are the ones who need to fix things.


Ok, the woofer is shot and Paradigm will not replace it. Instead of buying a completly brand new sub, check out about replacing just the woofer. The box is fine and so is the amp, now is your opportunity to fit a high quality woofer into that box. Paradigm just puts average run of the mill drivers in their PDR and PS series subs. With a few dollars spent at, say parts express, you may very well end up with the best PS-1200 anywhere. Consider this as an opportunity to upgrade. The glass is either half empty or half full, I'm just trying to make it seem half full for you.


Full Audioholic
I started reading this thread, got to page 4 and stopped. I feel sorry for krisg. I would be very upset if something like that happened to me. (similar things have :mad: ). I hope you try to talk to someone else at Paradigm.

No matter what you buy there will always be one person out there that had a 100% completely bad experience with that product. And there is at least one person out there that had a 100% completely good experience with that product. It happens all the time.

Krisg, do what you have to. Live is too short. We're here for a good time not a long time. Just don't throw everything Paradigm out. You paid your hard earned money for it. Keep it and use it. There was a good reason why you bought it in the first place. And I'm sure it was not the warranty that swayed you to buy that product.

PS: I have the same sub. I hope to get many more years out of it.


Hi all, just a comment from a true nubbie. Isn't this getting a bit testy here ? Sure, someone had a bad experience with a company. There is not a company out there making any item in the world that can say that customer satifaction is 100%. And no, paradigm is not junk as I'm sure many people would attest to. But to bring this to the point of talking about fighting for your country,,,,, and a "socialist education system" ,,,,well, just a tad bit to far in my lowly opinion. But then you guys are seasoned members here, so maybe I should not even speak, who's know.
( hope my spelling is close to correct )

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