didn't think you were the type to play games.
killer killer looking amps btw
you realize your amps are bigger than your front speakers

(how much do amps like that cost? what power rating?)
Hi Mike,i like to play RPG's if i can find one that interests me,i also like shooter/war games,the game on the screen is Resistance-Fall of man for the PS3,my favorite was the Legacy of Kain & Soul Reaver vampire series for PS2.
The amps are 1,200 watts each at any ohmage & can handel peaks of 5,000 watts,they would of cost $22,000 for the pair had i bought them new,i watched & waited on Audiogon for over 2 years for a killer deal on a pair to pop up,i got this pair for $8,500,i love it when super rich people get upgraditis
Right now the system is strictly 2.1 channel & little Mcintosh XL1's that are in front are not in use,i have another pair of them that i have to get around to hooking up for rears,once i get that done i can hook it all up to the processor using the HT Pass through on my preamp & have both a 2.1 & 5.1 in the same system.