Seth=L said:
I read another one of you posts somewhere else about how you destroyed the innocent Insignia CD player.

Do you have another disc spinner yet?
Hi seth,i only put that worthless player in the pic as a joke,damn did i hate that player
Right now we have 3 cd players in the house,2 tube players & 1 solid state,the solid state is a mcintosh mvp-851(whoda thunk i like mcintosh gear

) & the tube players are a shanling cdt-100 & a dynaco cdv pro hdcd.
Alot of my gear constantly changes,right now our main system is ripped apart & components are being switched in & out,since i last posted pics ive sold the c-39 in the pics to another member on this site & was going back & forth between several other mcintosh preamps i have,right now im playing around switching back & forth between a vintage c-20 & a reissue model c-22,both preamps are tube models,i'll probably be selling the reissue c-22 as im not that impressed with it,the c-22 is a good sounding pre but the 40 plus year old c-20 is a better sounding unit to me plus it looks nicer.
The mc-7270 has also been pulled out of the system & replaced with a larger mc-352 i picked up a few months back.
Im still waiting to find a pair of mcintosh xr290's close enough to me to pick up in person,if i do find them the current xrt 22's im running as mains will be moved back to rears but the xrt 290's are hard to find so it may take a while.