If you get a chance to ever compare the vinyl to CD please get back to me with your thoughts. Like I said, I don't always find it to be the case but on vinyl
Mystify just does something to me. In particular the key strikes of the piano, the echoey finger snaps, and even the vocals have this crisp towel snap there and gone quality that I have no idea how to describe. I think it's the lack of compression but that's just a guess.
The whole TT thing has been my pleasure but this borders on being so wildly excellent that I can't really begin to explain it without sounding ridiculous.
Never Tear Us Apart is probably the bigger hit ... great sax and back up vocals on that if you pay attention. I gotta take this album to a friend's place so I can crank the snot out of it. Being a condo dweller with a conscience is murdering my spirit. F^%&!