
Audioholic Spartan
I've got a question for you, how many terrorists did it take to bring down the twin towers ?

no poop Sherlock !

This made me laugh, for early this week I saw an interview of a kid from Venezuela who was living in a migrant camp @ ORD and was complaining the conditions were worse than back in Venezuela !
I said it's a problem, but because it's a problem doesn't mean I'd equate Mexican border crossings with terrorists from the Middle East. There's fentanyl, cartel, and maybe sex slaves. Albeit the last one sounds difficult to believe. Faux does a tremendous job with their award-winning journalism highlighting the cartel, sex slaves, and various compounds they camp in. How illegals who get in are linked with various crimes and err blowing up monuments a la middle eastern "terrorists," as Trump describes them.

My broader point is I've become immune to what Faux & co. say because they lie so much. I'm not sure even half of them have a degree in journalism much less know what it is. I'm not talking about the silly unbiased journalism that doesn't exist but journalism against the left. I provided a little snippet above between the difference in showing a river flowing and getting a fucking drone or something showing the illegals walking or crossing a river etc. Faux probably still has more resources than Msnbc and CNN combined, and that that is the best they can do highlights my problem with them. It's the difference between an eye-opening response, something that really hits home the problem, and me sticking my middle finger at the screen. I think the conservative news ecosystem is so unversed in journalism at times they wouldn't even know WTF I'm talking about. The left is far from perfect on this either, but than I'm not talking about the left.


Audioholic Spartan
through Canada, Jackman, Me. border crossing I believe.
They did not enter USA from Canada, and that has been debunked for a very long time. Here’s a quote from a 2009 article with a reference to the 9/11 commission report from 2004.

Can’t let facts stand in the way of xenophobia?

>>>That prompted Michael Wilson, Canada's ambassador to the United States, to set the record straight Tuesday.

Wilson told reporters at the Border Trade Alliance meeting in Washington, where he was keynote speaker, that he is "frustrated" that the 9/11 myth has surfaced yet again.

"Unfortunately, misconceptions arise on something as fundamental as where the 9/11 terrorists came from," he said.

"As the 9/11 commission reported in 2004, all of the 9/11 terrorists arrived in the United States from outside North America. They flew to major U.S. airports. They entered the U.S. with documents issued by the United States government, and no 9/11 terrorists came from Canada."



Audioholic Spartan
They did not enter USA from Canada, and that has been debunked for a very long time. Here’s a quote from a 2009 article with a reference to the 9/11 commission report from 2004.

Can’t let facts stand in the way of xenophobia?

>>>That prompted Michael Wilson, Canada's ambassador to the United States, to set the record straight Tuesday.

Wilson told reporters at the Border Trade Alliance meeting in Washington, where he was keynote speaker, that he is "frustrated" that the 9/11 myth has surfaced yet again.

"Unfortunately, misconceptions arise on something as fundamental as where the 9/11 terrorists came from," he said.

"As the 9/11 commission reported in 2004, all of the 9/11 terrorists arrived in the United States from outside North America. They flew to major U.S. airports. They entered the U.S. with documents issued by the United States government, and no 9/11 terrorists came from Canada."

well that's good to hear, our neighbors to the North obviously do a better job than our Southern ones do ! ;)

I was trying to remember from that period what was initially reported .............



Audioholic Spartan
They did not enter USA from Canada, and that has been debunked for a very long time. Here’s a quote from a 2009 article with a reference to the 9/11 commission report from 2004.

Can’t let facts stand in the way of xenophobia?
I believe one was stopped at a Canada border. It was a plot to blow up the LA airport I think.

Xenophobia and Trump IMO. The Muslims where he wanted to ban ALL of it. The Wall is a valid solution, and there's enough plausible deniability to it. But one I've never really bought he's innocent of. "Terrorists" LOL.


Audioholic Ninja
through Canada, Jackman, Me. border crossing I believe.
Plus : " Two hijackers were interviewed for reasons unrelated to terrorism. Most simply had their applications approved and their passports stamped with a U.S. visa.

"only one of the 19 9/11 hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa, according to the 9/11 Commission Report. That one was Hani Hanjour, a Saudi Arabian terrorist who piloted the plane that was flown into the Pentagon "

"Of the other 18 9/11 hijackers, 14 came to the United States on six-month tourist visas and four came on business visas, according to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Once in the U.S., two of the hijack pilots applied to have their immigration status changed to vocational student, but neither used such a visa on their subsequent re-entry into the country. "

Some decent reading on the subject. https://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/staff_statements/staff_statement_1.pdf


Audioholic Spartan


Audioholic Spartan
Dude, the article you linked to is dated three days after the awful terrorist attack when little was still known. Good grief.
'Dude' your reading comprehension is rather lacking, for if you read what I posted you would have seen that I said, "initially" in the sentence before the quoted link !


Audioholic Spartan
'Dude' your reading comprehension is rather lacking, for if you read what I posted you would have seen that I said, "initially" in the sentence before the quoted link !
You’re the one dragging forth an article from 2001 published 3 days after the attack to justify a long debunked claim that the 9/11 terrorists entered from Canada. And this at the end of 2013. Good grief.


Audioholic Spartan
You’re the one dragging forth an article from 2001 published 3 days after the attack to justify a long debunked claim that the 9/11 terrorists entered from Canada. And this at the end of 2013. Good grief.
go crawl back in your hole little man and for the record, it is now 2023. So see, you're ten years behind the times also, LOL !


Audioholic Spartan
go crawl back in your hole little man and for the record, it is now 2023. So see, you're ten years behind the times also, LOL !
Why don’t you go back and read the quote where the Canadian ambassador refers to 9/11 commission report from 2004?

That’s more than ten years since then, including my linked article from 2009. ;)
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Audioholic Spartan
Killer was the terrorists would destroy their err can't remember the name visas or passports and say they lost them which would erase their travel history. No red flags on airport check in screens, or 4" or less knives allowed on the planes. I remember something like an FBI head not even being informed of certain important details because security was so secure to the point of FBI/CIA being territorial or literally unable to talk confidentially with the person in the next cubicle LOL. I'm benefited by hindsight, but nonetheless SMH. Also remember reading a book where foreign visas were given with little security scrutiny due to pressure to pass them. One person directly involved with the passing of visas said along the lines of nothing could happen etc. The way he said it I remember wanting to slam my head on the table LOL. For as sad as it is I think in the end quite a bit of it comes down to we're the USA, and nothing could ever happen here. Then it did. Now it's a part of the budget.


Audioholic Spartan
Also the airlines were losing money at the time and it was a cost/benefit outcome. I remember a red team leader taking tests at security entrances and all of em would fail miserably. Basically the uppers ended the red team testing. I'm guessing gov't covers the cost on airline security. Gov't bailed out the airlines cause the whole thing went down the drain. $5-10 billion had to be repaid. Another 5-10 did not. It was either that or watch the whole infrastructure collapse. I remember a few politicians taking flights as a promo saying, 'See, it's safe to fly again!' I could never do that. The humiliation. I'm rambling but love to bring that stuff back up.


Audioholic Spartan
Also remember a writer saying he called the FBI to report there was a local convention with middle eastern extremists pray to Allah and wishing for the destruction of America. The FBI said he was high on something and hung up. I interpreted that as they couldn't do anything about it even if they wanted, so we don't know anything about it cause the blow back publicly is really really bad should something happen LOL. I remember an FBI agent saying you could point to where one of the terrorists is staying and they couldn't do anything about it. Also one of the agencies reported to another agency that Mohammad Atta was staying in Florida. Basically they told them to stand down because it isn't in your jurisdiction is what my ex-boss said LOL.


Seriously, I have no life.
I believe one was stopped at a Canada border. It was a plot to blow up the LA airport I think.

Xenophobia and Trump IMO. The Muslims where he wanted to ban ALL of it. The Wall is a valid solution, and there's enough plausible deniability to it. But one I've never really bought he's innocent of. "Terrorists" LOL.
You are thinking of the one came in from British Columbia, but he was not one of the 9/11 but totally different. That person was stopped at the border if memory serves me. Acted very nervously at the border.


Audioholic Spartan
For as small an operation it was I still at times don't think we really appreciate, for as bad as it was, what they accomplished. I personally think when I hear leaders saying 9-11 wasn't a professional operation are stupid. Who cares. It cost them not more than $1 million dollars. Some of the hijackers even wired back money they didn't use. It was very low scale budget. Yet they passed every security layer at the time and accomplished it. I think maybe two of the hijackers were 30+ years old. I wish they'd just admit it. We sucked on 9-11, and it was a very well thought out plan.


Audioholic Spartan
You are thinking of the one came in from British Columbia, but he was not one of the 9/11 but totally different. That person was stopped at the border if memory serves me. Acted very nervously at the border.
Yep was not involved in 9-11.


Seriously, I have no life.
For as small an operation it was I still at times don't think we really appreciate, for as bad as it was, what they accomplished. I personally think when I hear leaders saying 9-11 wasn't a professional operation are stupid. Who cares. It cost them not more than $1 million dollars. Some of the hijackers even wired back money they didn't use. It was very low scale budget. Yet they passed every security layer at the time and accomplished it. I think maybe two of the hijackers were 30+ years old. I wish they'd just admit it. We sucked on 9-11, and it was a very well thought out plan.
Obviously, it was well thought out as it worked. They were here for a good while, spent time in Las Vegas, learned how to fly the jets in simulators, etc.
A female FBI agent became suspicious, but her alerts went nowhere. Agencies did not cooperate well with each other, hence our new agency.


Audioholic Spartan
For as small an operation it was I still at times don't think we really appreciate, for as bad as it was, what they accomplished. I personally think when I hear leaders saying 9-11 wasn't a professional operation are stupid. Who cares. It cost them not more than $1 million dollars. Some of the hijackers even wired back money they didn't use. It was very low scale budget. Yet they passed every security layer at the time and accomplished it. I think maybe two of the hijackers were 30+ years old. I wish they'd just admit it. We sucked on 9-11, and it was a very well thought out plan.
There were many security/intelligence issues found after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. One of the issues was information sharing across agencies, which was the seed for the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.

Edit: Ninjad by @mtrycrafts :)

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