Official Yamaha RX-Z7 Receiver Review Thread



Audioholic Intern
i am a bit perturbed and disheartened after reading this thread. i thought that i had settled on a receiver, but the problems experienced by gene and others with the rx-z7 have caused me to seriously reconsider my decision.

yamaha rx-v3900/rx-z7
pros: abt video processing, HD radio, osd over hdmi, surround sound modes
cons:blue lines
Don't lose hope, AFAIK the blue lines are limited to the Z7. I don't recall any reports of this on the 3900, probably because it doesn't support the video processing options of the Z7. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. The 3900 is better value than the Z7, and frankly who needs the video processing options when you're probably feeding it mainly HD sources, and for SD a good DVD player is all you need (and for poor quality overcompressed cable TV there's no hope anyway).

As for sound quality differences, I haven't heard either of them but from the list of components there can't be more than a tiny difference.


Junior Audioholic
I am a bit confused on the Z7's BM system. I asked Axiom what they recommend setting the crossover point to on M80's, I was told to start with with 60 Hz with them set to large. The problem is if I set the fronts to large, I can not set a crossover frequency.

Currently I have the Bass Out set to Front & Sub with the fronts set to small @ 60 Hz. Does this sound right? What am I loosing by having the fronts set to small @ 60 Hz vs large? Also when the fronts are set to large, the "Front Presence" is not disabled when scrolling through the speaker level setup screen.

I am assuming that with the fronts set to large there is no crossover point and all low frequency (not LFE which is sub only) will be sent to the mains, don't think this is what I want.


Junior Audioholic
I am a bit confused on the Z7's BM system. I asked Axiom what they recommend setting the crossover point to on M80's, I was told to start with with 60 Hz with them set to large. The problem is if I set the fronts to large, I can not set a crossover frequency.

Currently I have the Bass Out set to Front & Sub with the fronts set to small @ 60 Hz. Does this sound right? What am I loosing by having the fronts set to small @ 60 Hz vs large? Also when the fronts are set to large, the "Front Presence" is not disabled when scrolling through the speaker level setup screen.

I am assuming that with the fronts set to large there is no crossover point and all low frequency (not LFE which is sub only) will be sent to the mains, don't think this is what I want.
From what I can see you've got it set right - fronts set to small, 60Hz crossover and Bass out to Both.


Junior Audioholic
Did some listening last night with the Z7 and the new M80's - all I can say is wow. Tool's Ænima disc @ 105 db is truly an amazing experience, it's incredible going though my old favorites with the new system and rediscovering them. I wanted to be "blown away" by these speakers, and I was not disappointed, still can't believe they are only $1300/pair... Just can't say enough good things about the sound of the Z7 & the M80's.

If your on the fence b/c of the HDMI display issue I wouldn't let that stop you, for one it will be fixed, and not everyone is seeing the the issue. It is most likely a bad lot of components, be it the ABT or a yamaha part, or something that can be fixed with a firmware update. Gene's confidence in Yamaha fixing this put my mind at ease when I was wondering if I should return it to be safe or not. I'm very happy that I kept it.

As long as you purchase from somewhere with a 30 day no questions asked return policy, you can get it setup with your components and see for yourself if it's an issue for you or not.

Just my 2 cents as a satisfied Z7 owner.


Junior Audioholic
I setup my BM/speaker size/xover/distance/level manually using an SPL, is there anything to be gained by running YPAO? I haven't used it to this point, just wondering if it's a waste of time at this point.



Audioholic Spartan
Shocked to see all this about blue lines. I do not, and have not had this issue.

I have not done a firmware update. Yamaha states there is no update for my unit.

Comcast HD cable. Toshiba LCD. Marantz BR8200. All video processing is engaged, and up-converted to 1080p.

cdub. A large speaker setting would not need a x-over point.:rolleyes:

Small=Not full-range. x-over point employed.


Junior Audioholic
cdub. A large speaker setting would not need a x-over point.:rolleyes:

Small=Not full-range. x-over point employed.
Correct but it would still be nice to have xover options for speakers set to large, even though the M80 is full range speaker (25 Hz-22 kHz) that doesn't necessarily mean I want to sent 25 Hz to them when I have a PC-13 Ultra for the very low stuff. I still want to send lower frequency (either 40 or 60 Hz and above) to them as they are quite capable in the low end. Just would be a "nice to have" imo.

I found the "Low Frequency signals output" chart on page 94 of the Z7 manual difficult to understand. They certainly could have done a better job explaining the various options & outputs imo.

My question is this: Is there a difference between setting a speaker to small/60 Hz, vs large/60 Hz if there was an option for that. Basically is there something, other than sending the full frequency range, that setting a speaker to large provides? The manual just says "set it to large if the speaker has at least a 6.5" woofer"

Axiom recommended Large/60 Hz for the M80's so I was trying to go with that, since that isn't an option, just trying to see if small/60 Hz is the same thing or not. Per Axiom there is there an internal low-pass filter in the M80 that restricts anything below 25 Hz. So I suppose I could just set them Large and be done with it I wanted to have the 25-40/60 Hz output by the m80's. I will have to do some comparative listening tests to see which sounds better.



Audioholic Spartan
Large=Full range. Full-range does NOT use a x-over.

Small=Not full-range. Utilizes a x-over setting.

It doesn't get any clearer.

Either you talked to an idiot at Axiom, or you misunderstood.

There is no such thing as a large setting that utilizes a x-over point.


Audioholic Spartan
Forget about the whole large/small speaker deal.

This is the fool-proof way of looking at it.

Large means you don't want that set of speakers to use a x-over.

Small means you do.

This applies to any receiver that has an adjustable x-over with a large/small setting.


Junior Audioholic
Tool's Ænima disc @ 105 db is truly an amazing experience....
Well that's one way to run them in!! :D

Do yourself a favour and run YPAO and then play with what setting you prefer if regard to Natural, Flat or Front. Page 40 of the manual will give you more info.

Ive just come across a bit of an issue with the switched AC outlet on the back of the Z7. Mine appears NOT to be switched - Ive got my cabinet fan connected and just noticed last night that the fan is still running even with the Z7 in Standby. Thats got to be a legit issue.

Any guys with Aussie delivery Z7's able to easily check to see if the AC outlet is turning off when the Z7 is put to Standby?


Hi all,

I've been following the thread for a while now and decided last week to get my Z7. Picked it up on Saturday and spent the evening setting it up and testing a few things which all seemed fine.

Then this morning I decided to try out the decoding on the amp from my Toshiba HD-XE1 and so enabled the Direct Digital Audio Mode option. Tried out Transformers for about 30 mins and all seemed well, then moved onto the Pianist to test DTS-HD MA and within the first few minutes I started to see vertical blue speckled lines in some particularily dark areas. Switched inputs around and this stopped it for a while but it started again shortly afterward :(. I had tried a number of HD-DVDs on Saturday evening, although not in anger, and I'd been conciously looking out for this issue but saw nothing; then watched Cloverfield SD DVD and that was fine.

My receiver sits ontop of a media unit in open air, so there should be absolutely no chance of an overheating or airflow problem.

Also, I noticed a bit of a delay on the audio layer; took about 5> seconds for the sound to start on the Cloverfield menus, but once it was synced and there it was fine. Think I've also seen/heard this on HD-DVDs today, but certainly not to the same extent; gut feeling is that it's the XE1 causing that, but it's no big thing really.

I did email Yamaha UK last week to ask about Gene's findings in this thread, but they haven't got back to me yet so I'll take it up again with them tomorrow. I'm really hoping they can come up with an answer soon; I so don't want to take this beauty back because it's a significant upgrade for me (from a Denon 2805) and the sound is immense.

I've not had an enormous amount of time to play around with it so some things are probably not configured correctly, but I'm a bit alarmed that I've hit this particular problem, and soon after setting it up.

Guess it's also worth mentioning that this is (as far as I know) a UK DSP-Z7.



I've taken a video of the problem I have with the Z7. I'm not sure if it is the same as everyone else because mine are red lines not blue. I put it on YouTube. You have to watch it in high quality and look closely in the dark regions of the screen. When changing the switch from through to process from the analog to HDMI I get the red lines. Unless I change the source to output 480p and then the red lines go away.

I don't get the lines on the HDMI to HDMI side.

here is the video :

Again, you have to hit the "watch in high quality" on the bottom right of the movie.


I was considering this receiver until reading through this thread... what has been Yamaha's response?



Well that's one way to run them in!! :D

Any guys with Aussie delivery Z7's able to easily check to see if the AC outlet is turning off when the Z7 is put to Standby?
Hi Azz,

Yes I can confirm power to the output on my Z7 is off while the unit is in standby.


Gene & others,

Have done a quick & dirty check with an IR thermometer. The hottest spot on top of the unit appears to be around 2/3 of the way back along the RH side of the receiver as viewed from the front. I have measured 52 - 55C (126 - 131F) This temp appears to be fairly independant of ambient & use conditions so far but I have not checked after an extended period of high volume use.

For Oz & Euro users this is in the region where the plastic cover stops. There are additional perforations further to the rear that are not covered by this plastic cover.

When I get a chance I will do some more checking & post photos of the points I have measured.


Junior Audioholic
Hi Azz,

Yes I can confirm power to the output on my Z7 is off while the unit is in standby.
Not how it should be!!!

From the manual..
Use these outlet(s) to supply power to any connected components. Connect the power cable of your other components to these outlet(s). Power to these outlet(s) is supplied when the unit is turned on. However power to these outlet(s) is cut off when the unit is turned off.

I use that socket to control a cabinet fan and it's something I dont want running 24/7.......
Hmm might speak to my retailer on this.


I've taken a video of the problem I have with the Z7. I'm not sure if it is the same as everyone else because mine are red lines not blue. I put it on YouTube.
Thanks so much for that. Now I know what to look for when I get my HDTV. I'm very glad this unit has a 5 year warranty on it. That's why I chose it over the VX3900 or one of the Pioneer Elites.


Thanks so much for that. Now I know what to look for when I get my HDTV. I'm very glad this unit has a 5 year warranty on it. That's why I chose it over the VX3900 or one of the Pioneer Elites.
Glad I could help. Still wondering if it is the same problem that consumes most of this thread?

BTW, I still love the Z-7. The way I understand the setting, it just means I don't get 1080P delivered to the TV. It is stuck at 1080I. So all in all, it could suck worse.


Glad I could help. Still wondering if it is the same problem that consumes most of this thread?

BTW, I still love the Z-7. The way I understand the setting, it just means I don't get 1080P delivered to the TV. It is stuck at 1080I. So all in all, it could suck worse.
I don't see how it could not be. Obviously something is wrong with the processing side of things. Let's just hope it can be fixed with a firmware update. Otherwise Yamaha is going to take one heck of a big hit (financial and publicity-wise) repairing every Z7 out there. Of course it could be Anchor Bay's fault, and they would have to eat it.


about time gene

Gene i am a first timer here on this thread,but it is about time you served up the reveiw on the z7 ,it was due before christmas. It seems to me that you realy want this amp to rate highly and are waiting for some sort of firmware upgrade on the video side of things,i get the feeling that if this was any other brand the reveiw would be done!!!!!!! we are all waiting ,upgrade or no upgrade your reveiw may just be the kick in the ___ that yamaha need to correct this fault.
blue line fever ,

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