Thanks - I guess a better way to phrase my question might be - can the 5805 be "taught" (for lack of a better word) to send the same/smiliar signals through its DSP processing via its Surround A & B outputs that would be appropriate for the location of "presence" speakers in a traditional 9.1 setup, which has 5 front speakers (L, L Presence, C, R Presence, R) and a surround left, a surround right and a surround left rear and a surround right rear?
Or does Denon expect the two additional speakers used in its 9.1 setup to be in a location other than up front with the left, center and right speakers?
If you can get 9.1 out of it but can't get the appropriate effect out of the two additional front speakers it would seem to defeat the purpose of using the 5805 in a 9.1 setup (unless I guess if one moved the front 2 "presence" speakers to a location more suitable for the Denon's 9.1 take on where the apeakers should be located in a 9.1 setup). But since my speakers are permanently mounted in my ceiling, moving the 2 speakers that are being used as presence speakers with the Yamaha to a location more suitable for the Denon's brand of 9.1 would not be too "wife" friendly. I guess I thought that the industry "standard" for a 9.1 setup included the 5 front speakers (including two presence) regardless of the bramd of receiver.
Thanks again,