No thoughts and prayers today?



Audioholic Warlord
Yeah, vet the hell out of proposed legal gun owners going into mental health, school records and even checking their social media profiles.
...but liberals will scream that's an invasion of their privacy.
Some liberals will. FAR LEFT will. But, those who want actual credible safety and action, regardless of their political leanings, will get behind common sense measures. Time and time again, the NRA has actively worked against any kind of common sense gun reform proving that they are not a gun safety organization anymore, but a far right political action committee representing the gun lobby, not the American individual. There are plenty on the far left as well, but they don't have the deep pockets that the NRA has been utilizing for decades. As a polite response, we have seen few responsible gun laws and massive mass casualties. Which is really sad.

Dunno about where you are but before you can buy a gun here you have to go through classes. Likewise, some will always find ways to circumvent those rules. What do you suggest to remedy that?
I'm in Virginia, and around here, they don't give a damn. I could basically go out and buy a gun today if I wanted to.

Suggesting that we can't stop ALL killings, just most of them, is a cop-out response. The goal isn't to stop ALL killings. It's to help prevent easy access to a weapon designed for killing who may have evil intent. It won't stop all, but it will stop some, perhaps many. Likewise, it can't be a focus just on guns, but on mental health. Ammunition, and go beyond that as appropriate. Kind of like how I think Smart weapons which can't be fired by unauthorized users as a spur of the moment thing could increase safety incredibly for a lot of users.

Did you know that companies that have worked on Smart guns have received death threats for their actions? That's how bad the far right is. So, it needs some sort of national support to make something really happen.

No, Guns for killing is just one of their uses, just like one can bash someone's skull out with a hammer if one chooses to use them as such. Actually, they come in very handy for hunting animals, and self protection
You know you just described how guns are used for killing right? Hunting animals - by killing them. Protecting yourself, because people are afraid of getting shot and killed with one. Guns are designed, as a primary purpose, for killing. Not necessarily for killing of humans, and certainly not intended to be used for murder.

Hammers and baseball bats are certainly usable as weapons, but aren't designed with the intent to kill, and aren't used often in mass deadly attacks. But, if a person is properly trained and owns a firearm, then by all means, I strongly support that they own one for personal defense as well as hunting purposes. Why? Because I don't believe in taking a single gun from a well trained, proficient, responsible American.

I don't disagree with that. Here, guns are legally required to be registered. Where are you that they aren't?
Like I said... In Viriginia, they don't give a damn...


Audioholic Warlord
So a guy makes a list of people he wants to rape and people he wants to kill, and the problem is the gun?
Another guy drives 600 miles to kill Mexicans, and the problem is the gun?
Who said it was the problem of the gun?
There are a few that do, but many are talking about raising the bar for requirements for someone to get a gun, so perhaps it would have been far more difficult for him to get a gun. Or ammunition for his gun. Or far easier for police to act on information and confiscate his gun. Many states make this extremely difficult and will hand out guns to almost anyone who wants one very quickly.

Never cease to be amazed how far some people will go to avoid personal responsibility. Tell me, is it possible for a vile act to actually be the fault of the person who commits it? (To avoid all the predicable, "Sure, it's Trumps fault", answers... let me rephrase.) Is it possible for a vile act by a democrat to actually be the fault of the person who commits it?
While I'm sure you read from some who want to get rid of specific guns, I am fully onboard that this is not a common sense measure which will effectively help with mass murders. Common sense gun reform, at a national level, will be needed. A person shouldn't be able to easily buy a firearm in one state and then just drive to another state and start shooting people up. This is not a gun issue, it's a gun law issue as it relates to individuals and personal responsibility.

If you say the words "This won't stop everybody!" - Then you have failed to see that stopping many is a drastic improvement. Likewise, we aren't seeing many hijackings of US aircraft anymore are we? Common sense laws do make a difference.


Audioholic Overlord
Actually, i have to backtrack on Texas gun laws. Classes are only required for CCW but, think bout it.

Would a class have top teach potential giun owners to not repeatedly aim at and shoot people? So you really those sickos who would do that to actually become more proficient at it?

Remember, when Cain killed Able, God didn't blame the rock,

In any case, the second amendment guarantees most people the right to own a gun. Don't step on my rights.

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Audioholic Warlord
Actually, i have to backtrack on Texas gun laws. Classes are only required for CCW but, think bout it.

Would a class have top teach potential giun owners to not repeatedly aim at and shoot people? So you really those sickos who would do that to actually become more proficient at it?

Remember, when Cain killed Able, God didn't blame the rock,

In any case, the second amendment guarantees most people the right to own a gun. Don't step on my rights.

View attachment 30458
Yes, it does, but that doesn't mean that people should be able to buy 30 round clips or tons of other add-ons that serve no other purpose than firing as many bullets as fast as you can.

In TX, I can go to a gun show and buy a gun. Background checks aren't really done from what I remember. That could have changed.

I own 3 guns, but there is no record of them. They were gifts. They're for hunting. I don't even have ammo for them since I don't plan on using them any time soon. The worst thing anyone could do with them if they broke in is hit me with them.

As @BMXTRIX said guns are for hunting and killing. Nothing else. Sure I LOVE to target shoot, but doesn't change the devices original purpose. I grew up with them, but was also told to NEVER point it at something you don't want dead. Too many people treat these things as toys. They're not toys.

I believe it should be quite difficult to purchase a gun. There should also be a national database of who owns what. If Best Buy can track my electronics purchases, gun shops should be able to do the same, but the NRA lobbies against this "to protect privacy". That's crap.

I personally don't think guns should be banned. That's just dumb and it won't happen. There are WAY too many of them out there. We just need to figure out a way to identify these crazy assholes that think shooting as many people as possible is an OK thing to do then make sure they can't get a weapon. Sure, they could rent a van and drive it into a crowd, but remove guns as an option and things get more difficult for them.

The question is how?

Gun registry freaks people out, but we have to register a car to drive it on the street? I realize there are track cars, and off-road only vehicles, but like guns, if you are caught on the street with one and it isn't legal, you get in trouble. Why can't we do the same with guns?

Buying guns in states that make it easier, then taking the gun back to your home state shouldn't be legal, but it happens all the time. You try to buy a gun in TX with a Chicago address, sorry, no gun for you unless you already have a licence that says you can. Why is that so complicated? This stuff just needs to be regulated, not banned.


Audioholic Warlord
Remember, when Cain killed Able, God didn't blame the rock
Remember when Adam and Eve had two boys and then they had children? Hard to take the Bible seriously when you think about what that must mean.

In any case, the second amendment guarantees most people the right to own a gun. Don't step on my rights.
At what point did someone try to take your gun? At what point was it suggested?

You can be registered, and still own a gun. You can be denied ammunition, and still own a gun.
You can be required to disclose every single gun you own, and still own those guns.

There are guns you may not own. Despite the second amendment.

The second amendment is also up to be changed, revoked, or any number of other things as Americans deem appropriate to the protection of this nation if necessary. The preference would be for common sense gun laws focused on the protection of American lives. Some people forget that the Constitution is a living document which is open to change if deemed necessary.


Audioholic Overlord
While we're on the subject of guns...

What say you about this? Ban knives?

Look how well taking guns worked in Venezuela. :Or, in major democratic run cities for that matter.

Yeah, I don't think striking down the second amendment will work out too werr, for either those who try or for everyone else if they succeed. T's worked pretty durn well for well about 250 years so far. What happened in the past few years that makes ut dangerous> Could it be the people have become more mentally unstable within ghe past few years? What could have changed in this country in the last few decades? Think about that.
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Audioholic Overlord
Posting a picture of a car painted to look like it's riddled with bullets to defend your point, especially in this very thread, is quite simply awful.
Again, troll, I've already stated my opinion of your thoughts. I guess you don't remember what happened here in 1776.


Audioholic Overlord
Yes, it does, but that doesn't mean that people should be able to buy 30 round clips or tons of other add-ons that serve no other purpose than firing as many bullets as fast as you can.

In TX, I can go to a gun show and buy a gun. Background checks aren't really done from what I remember. That could have changed.

I own 3 guns, but there is no record of them. They were gifts. They're for hunting. I don't even have ammo for them since I don't plan on using them any time soon. The worst thing anyone could do with them if they broke in is hit me with them.

As @BMXTRIX said guns are for hunting and killing. Nothing else. Sure I LOVE to target shoot, but doesn't change the devices original purpose. I grew up with them, but was also told to NEVER point it at something you don't want dead. Too many people treat these things as toys. They're not toys.

I believe it should be quite difficult to purchase a gun. There should also be a national database of who owns what. If Best Buy can track my electronics purchases, gun shops should be able to do the same, but the NRA lobbies against this "to protect privacy". That's crap.

I personally don't think guns should be banned. That's just dumb and it won't happen. There are WAY too many of them out there. We just need to figure out a way to identify these crazy assholes that think shooting as many people as possible is an OK thing to do then make sure they can't get a weapon. Sure, they could rent a van and drive it into a crowd, but remove guns as an option and things get more difficult for them.

The question is how?

Gun registry freaks people out, but we have to register a car to drive it on the street? I realize there are track cars, and off-road only vehicles, but like guns, if you are caught on the street with one and it isn't legal, you get in trouble. Why can't we do the same with guns?

Buying guns in states that make it easier, then taking the gun back to your home state shouldn't be legal, but it happens all the time. You try to buy a gun in TX with a Chicago address, sorry, no gun for you unless you already have a licence that says you can. Why is that so complicated? This stuff just needs to be regulated, not banned.
This is one of the few posts here from someone who actually thought this out logically and isn't reacting emotionally.


Audioholic Warlord
While we're on the subject of guns...

What say you about this? Ban knives?

Look how well taking guns worked in Venezuela. :Or, in major democratic run cities for that matter.

Yeah, I don't think striking down the second amendment will work out too werr, for either those who try or for everyone else if they succeed. T's worked pretty durn well for well about 250 years so far. What happened in the past few years that makes ut dangerous> Could it be the people have become more mentally unstable within ghe past few years? What could have changed in this country in the last few decades? Think about that.
Who said to ban guns?

Why is that the first thing you keep saying? Do you think we should ban guns? I don't think I've read much here from people who have said 'ban guns', but maybe you are reading a different thread.

I won't call names or anything, but really, the goal of common sense gun laws and associated legislation, would be to help, not get rid of. Guns, as long as they exist, will most often be the first choice for mass murders of Americans. But, knives, baseball bats, hammers, and the rest could all be used. But, for everything but guns, that is not their primary design.

In seriousness, reworking, not revoking, the 2nd to refine it is far more realistic, and it would most likely need to be done to allow the government to enact any meaningful legislation.


Audioholic Overlord
We have the constitutional right to own firearms for hunting, target shooting and protection if we're not a danger to society. To say we can't is like making all men cut off their dicks because a few might commit rape.

guns and clive bundy.jpg

If one wants to possess a deadly weapon, they should be subject to a very stringent background check. If it intrudes on your privacy, so be it. We need protection from potential sickos. After all, the police have to undergo strict checks.

They need to tighten up pre-sale checks, in all states, to include all forms of information on the applicants. That includes all medical, psychological, school records and social media postings. Also Trump's "red flag" idea seems to make sense but it must be restricted to valid complaints to avoid it being used as a personal vendetta, like swatting has become.


Audioholic Chief
Gun registry freaks people out, but we have to register a car to drive it on the street? I realize there are track cars, and off-road only vehicles, but like guns, if you are caught on the street with one and it isn't legal, you get in trouble. Why can't we do the same with guns
get caught drunk in a bar with one yet multiple athletes manage to so while shooting themselves, pure stupidity, but it didnt stop them from doing what they weren't supposed to.
I get the desire for added requirements of purchasing a gun and I'm not against that but, I still cannot put together how that is going to stop someone from committing a crime. Laws are in place, crimes are illegal, yet somehow people find a way to break them... Unfortunately, I highly doubt there is any means to stop people from breaking laws. Live stream body cams on everyone, theres an idea...


Audioholic Warlord
get caught drunk in a bar with one yet multiple athletes manage to so while shooting themselves, pure stupidity, but it didnt stop them from doing what they weren't supposed to.
I get the desire for added requirements of purchasing a gun and I'm not against that but, I still cannot put together how that is going to stop someone from committing a crime. Laws are in place, crimes are illegal, yet somehow people find a way to break them... Unfortunately, I highly doubt there is any means to stop people from breaking laws. Live stream body cams on everyone, theres an idea...
I agree. There isn't anything stopping someone that passes a rigorous background check from doing something stupid. Not only that, someone that was deemed of sound mind and never committed a crime in their live could potentially try to unload on a crowd, but if they aren't able to purchase large magazines or bump stocks that help them fire faster, then the damage won't be as severe. Sucks to have to think about it that way, but that's the reality of the situation.

Another thing that is illegal is modifying weapons to be fully auto. I'm not sure what the penalty for getting caught with one is, but maybe it needs to be MUCH stiffer. Even selling the parts for the modification should be HEAVILY penalized. Granted, you can get a license to own fully auto weapons, but it's not easy to get. That and if we have mags with a max 5 round capacity then fully auto isn't going to mean much anyway.

All I know is if you have a semi auto shotgun and are hunting with it you better not have the ability to load more than 3 rounds. Game warden will get you. At leas that's how it is in TX.


Audioholic Samurai
Why is reasonable gun control so hard to understand? You will not stop every killing, especially crimes of passion ... never mind, it's like talking to a brick wall.


Audioholic Chief
I agree. There isn't anything stopping someone that passes a rigorous background check from doing something stupid. Not only that, someone that was deemed of sound mind and never committed a crime in their live could potentially try to unload on a crowd, but if they aren't able to purchase large magazines or bump stocks that help them fire faster, then the damage won't be as severe. Sucks to have to think about it that way, but that's the reality of the situation.

Another thing that is illegal is modifying weapons to be fully auto. I'm not sure what the penalty for getting caught with one is, but maybe it needs to be MUCH stiffer. Even selling the parts for the modification should be HEAVILY penalized. Granted, you can get a license to own fully auto weapons, but it's not easy to get. That and if we have mags with a max 5 round capacity then fully auto isn't going to mean much anyway.

All I know is if you have a semi auto shotgun and are hunting with it you better not have the ability to load more than 3 rounds. Game warden will get you. At leas that's how it is in TX.
Maybe buy upping requirements it puts out a bigger message? Better education on guns in general? It seems majority of the general public has no real knowledge on guns or the 2nd amendment. Maybe stop with scare tactics in the media? We could probably benefit if people understood why and how guns are used. The importance of gun safety. Or it backfires by requiring training before a purchase by increasing the skill level of individuals. :facepalm:


Seriously, I have no life.

Remember, when Cain killed Able, God didn't blame the rock, ...
In any case, the second amendment guarantees most people the right to own a gun. Don't step on my rights.
Actually I don't remember that incident. When did it happen and where? Was it on Fox news?

Having a right and regulating it are two different things. It seems you don't like regulating it?
Scalia would disagree.


Audioholic Overlord
Actually I don't remember that incident. When did it happen and where? Was it on Fox news?

Having a right and regulating it are two different things. It seems you don't like regulating it?
Scalia would disagree.
You didn;t read post 152, did you, Charles.

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