Dude- Darien must be this close to beating somebody up!!
It was a terrible call... that said, Shanahan has some major balls in going for two. I totally think that was the right call though.... better going for it than taking a chance with a coin flip in OT.
Yeah, I'm pretty numb today though.
The worst part was, I was watching the AVP is SF all day, (Kerri Walsh has a great butt

), so I had Tivo'd the game to watch later. I was wearing a Chargers sweatshirt and we stopped by Blockbuster on the way home. The guy at the register goes, "Tough loss today man."
I hadn't even watched the game yet.
The bottom line is that the defense is playing terrible right now, and shouldn't have let Denver even get in the position to score. But the ref's did account for 14 of Denver's points, (BS INT call that would have been overturned had the replay equipment not been "broken", and that damn fumble).
But what are ya gonna do? Now we're 0-2 and the damn Broncos are 2-0 in the division. About the only bright spot is that we started 1-3 last year and the Giants also started 0-2.