good thing I don't watch horror-suspense movies

I feel like copping out with the dual ultras ... but a single F113 might not be sufficient for me

I had a brickwall budget for the whole HT project.
A7-450's ... i'll be sure to post my impressions and pics when I do get them (from wednesday one week to get to CA, then one month to get to me in the Philippines) ... I had designed them to be Ultra killers actually ... bigger ports, bigger enclosure, bigger amp ... the only toss up is the driver: 18" vs. high excursion 13.5". though the 18 eD driver is no slouch in excursion itself. for the sealed ones, if you could have an enclosure custom made - you kill two birds with one stone ... no wait time and aesthetics. but you will need EQ if you want below 22hz out of those sealed 18's.