My new (2nd) THSPUD shipped yesterday and I should have it next weekend. It has new drivers that are purported to extend the LF and add SPL. Danley also sent me replacement drivers for my existing SPUD.
I hosted a GTG at my house last weekend and the feedback was very positive with a single unit and the old drivers. I am anxious to hear/feel what the new drivers can do. I am going to try a front wall placement with the dual SPUDS. I would like to maintain some/most of the incredible tactile (feel it more than hear it) that the near field placement provides but also get more thump from the front stage for kick drum hits etc.
With the current placement you are enveloped in bass which is great for movies but for music, I want to see if i can get more localizable front stage bass thump than the near field placement provides.
I followed up the GTG with another evening of bass torture testing with a friend who had not heard the system recently. I had the BR AC/DC Donington disk playing at about -5 from ref and he asked (actually yelled

)“how loud will it go? I proceeded to go into the seldom explored plus db area and the look on his face was priceless … you had to be there

It is really hard to describe what this dual 8”driver tapped horn sub can do and when combined with the JTR speakers, the clean SPL output of the system is just over the top amazing. I don’t want to denigrate anyone’s system and I know that pride of ownership/ego issues appear here frequently. But unless you have heard this type of sound in person, you really have no idea.