Congatulations on the good news! I'm so glad you are all done with
the world's finest glossy black speakers 
, because you may have less time for that in the future

The only thing I can add to the other comments on a center channel, is my experience. For movies (but not music) I like using a center channel. With most or all 5-channel digital mixes, the center channel has the dialog and little else. Despite my efforts to properly balance my system, some movies have the center channel sound a little too quiet or, less often, too loud. If you have a separate chenter channel speaker, it is easy to adjust that just for one DVD so people don't have to strain to hear the dialog, no matter where they sit. If you rely on a phantom center channel, its difficult to adjust the volume of the dialog alone.
How did your visit to the B&W dealer go? Was it fun? Dennis Murphy is eager to know if your speakers blew away the competition, but is reluctant to ask. How hard was it to carry those towers and fit them in a car or truck?
Speaking of Dennis, I am pleased to announce that he has finally decided to post the ER18 MTM design on
his DIY web site. He will include some of Sean's photos of his spectular speakers. (Sean, sorry to steal your thunder, but your other recent announcement may have you in such a big grin mode, that I hope you won't mind.) It makes sense to me that he will, eventually, design a center channel speaker to go with the towers. It might help speed things up if anyone else interested in building these send an emai to Dennis asking him about a center channel design. His web page has the email contact info.