Hi Swerd!
Sorry I haven't qualified to send message yet.
I am really interested in this DIY plan.
Can u send the detail plan to my mail box "m8832669@gmail.com "?
Besides that, I have some more question about the plan
1.since the inner bracing is asymmetrical,what is the real dim of the two proportion ?
2.I have built the "SR71" which Zaph designed with the same midrange of er18. Will this plan get real improvement in sound stage or quality from Sr71?
Thanks for your kindly reply.
I emailed you the plans earlier today, but I've been away from a computer until now.
You second question is a good one, and I haven't heard the SR71 so I can't really say anything for sure. But I can always speculate

I haven't heard any DIY speakers designed by Zaph, so I really don't know how he "voices" them. By "voicing", I mean all the small choices made by a crossover designer that have a big effect on the final sound, especially in the all important midrange. I am very familiar with Dennis Murphy's "voicing" and I know I like it a lot.
Both designers have a very good reputation, and I don't doubt that they both can do an excellent job.
Two woofers will certainly be louder than one. I can guess that the bass in the SR71 won't go as deep as in the ER18 MTM. The ER18 tansmission line tower cabinet is larger too. I also like the sound you get from a transmission line bass cabinet better than from a typical bass reflex cabinet (as in the SR71). TL cabinets also allow more flexibility when you choose where to place the cabinet with respect to the wall behind them.
I think the tweeter in the SR71 is excellent, as are the two tweeters you can choose from in the ER18 MTM. As a guess, I'd say the crossover frequencies Dennis used with the Dayton dome tweeter is close to the crossover frequency John Krutke used in the SR71. I do know the crossover frequency for the Fountek ribbon tweeter is higher, but that seems to have little effect that I could hear.
Both speakers seem to have 4th order Linkwitz-Riley type crossovers. So if both John Krutke and Dennis Murphy make similar voicing choices in the crossover range, they might sound similar - except for the bass.
If you have a pair of SR71s and want to know if they will blend well the ER18 MTMs, I'd guess that they will blend well. Actually, I'd be more surprised if they didn't blend well.
I hope that helps.