

Audioholic Jedi
I had 3 bikes hanging from one beam for 5 years and never had a problem with them.

Other ideas, and I may switch to a horizontal or vertical wall mount, but they still take up space. I have plenty of space in my garage though.



For the price though, the hooks totally do the trick.
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Full Audioholic
I had 3 bikes hanging from one beam for 5 years and never had a problem with them.
I just have the old 2x4 trusses over the garage. Should i put a 2x4 or 4x4 perpendicular to the trusses, or would the trusses be ok?

I was also going to put a TRX or rings for exercise to hang down from the trusses and was wondering if I would need to do this as well for the weight support.


Audioholic Overlord
So, that is the $1.50 hook at Lowes / HD? That could work for the winter, when the kids and the wife isn't riding, but do the pulleys work that well?

They look OK, but I'm always worried that they could come off and fall on someoone or the car. We have a 1 car garage that is deep, tall and not too wide.
They are the $1.50 hooks from HD. The pulleys also work great, just make sure you hit wood when you drill them in.

I will post some pictures of her new bike in a few.


Audioholic Jedi
I just have the old 2x4 trusses over the garage. Should i put a 2x4 or 4x4 perpendicular to the trusses, or would the trusses be ok?

I was also going to put a TRX or rings for exercise to hang down from the trusses and was wondering if I would need to do this as well for the weight support.
For the bikes probably not, but for holding people, I would.


Audioholic Overlord
Here is a couple of pictures of her bike. It was a little difficult to find her a bike with her constraints and the budget I gave her. She wanted a men's bike because most of the women specific bikes have girly colors like pink or purple stripes and she absolutely hates that.

We tried about 900 different men's bikes and just couldn't get a good fit. We finally went outside my normal bike dealer and ended up finding a great local shop. They did a professional fit (for free) and then showed her the options. Well she wanted the black and white Giant which comes in a perfect size for her but they didn't have one. They called Giant and they were all out too. They said they could pull some strings and get one for her if we would just have a little patience. He located one in CA the next day and said he would have it delivered and built up within 10 days. We got it 6 days later.

I was really impressed with this store and even though I have always known it was here, I have never used it. I'm not really one to buy new bikes but if I ever do, I will use this place. I always seem to luck out and find nice used bikes that a little old lady just used to go to church...lol...The Roubaix I have was from a MT Biker I know that bought it, rode it around 6 times and then stored it for 4 years. It looked brand new. He said he put about 200 miles on it but I highly doubt it. I put 150 miles on it the first week I had it and it looks way worse after just that little amount of road time.

After all was said and done, the guys at this store stayed with us over an hour past their closing time on three different occasions and provided CS like I haven't seen in a long time. Score one up for the local boys.

The bike is pretty nice too, 105 comp group, carbon fork and carbon post. She is using her MTB pedals until she decides what she wants. I went ahead and bought her new road shoes too since I am such a great husband...

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Audioholic Warlord
Here is a couple of pictures of her bike. It was a little difficult to find her a bike with her constraints and the budget I gave her. She wanted a men's bike because most of the women specific bikes have girly colors like pink or purple stripes and she absolutely hates that.

We tried about 900 different men's bikes and just couldn't get a good fit. We finally went outside my normal bike dealer and ended up finding a great local shop. They did a professional fit (for free) and then showed her the options. Well she wanted the black and white Giant which comes in a perfect size for her but they didn't have one. They called Giant and they were all out too. They said they could pull some strings and get one for her if we would just have a little patience. He located one in CA the next day and said he would have it delivered and built up within 10 days. We got it 6 days later.

I was really impressed with this store and even though I have always known it was here, I have never used it. I'm not really one to buy new bikes but if I ever do, I will use this place. I always seem to luck out and find nice used bikes that a little old lady just used to go to church...lol...The Roubaix I have was from a MT Biker I know that bought it, rode it around 6 times and then stored it for 4 years. It looked brand new. He said he put about 200 miles on it but I highly doubt it. I put 150 miles on it the first week I had it and it looks way worse after just that little amount of road time.

After all was said and done, the guys at this store stayed with us over an hour past their closing time on three different occasions and provided CS like I haven't seen in a long time. Score one up for the local boys.

The bike is pretty nice too, 105 comp group, carbon fork and carbon post. She is using her MTB pedals until she decides what she wants. I went ahead and bought her new road shoes too since I am such a great husband...

Road bikes scare me. Those other idiots in cars actually, and that is b/c I live in a "biker friendly" city. I'll take my chances and skills on a trail any day


Audioholic Overlord
Road bikes scare me. Those other idiots in cars actually, and that is b/c I live in a "biker friendly" city. I'll take my chances and skills on a trail any day
Yep they scare me too but got to do- what you got to do. I prefer the trail but I have some time constraints right now and it's about an hour drive to all the good trails. I get up when the sun comes up, hop on the road, get in 20-30 miles and then I'm home and ready for work by 8:30. Trails are on the weekend right now.


Audioholic Warlord
Yep they scare me too but got to do- what you got to do. I prefer the trail but I have some time constraints right now and it's about an hour drive to all the good trails. I get up when the sun comes up, hop on the road, get in 20-30 miles and then I'm home and ready for work by 8:30. Trails are on the weekend right now.
I live at the back of a park with some decent but easy trails. Nature preserve about 5 miles aways that aint bad at all. Pretty much all the trails I could want all over the city.


Audioholic Jedi
My house is in the boonies, so hundreds of miles of trails. In the summer it is too damn hot though.


Audioholic Warlord
My house is in the boonies, so hundreds of miles of trails. In the summer it is too damn hot though.
Friend, I don't think you know about hot summers. I'm in central TX. We already hit 109F this year!


Audioholic Jedi
Friend, I don't think you know about hot summers. I'm in central TX. We already hit 109F this year!
Pretty much the same where my house is :) That is normal for mid July here too, but dry not humid and that makes it bearable.


Audioholic Warlord
Pretty much the same where my house is :) That is normal for mid July here too, but dry not humid and that makes it bearable.
Yeah, I didn't even try to play the humid card yet:D

I'm in central texas, but I can promise you that a Houston summer is about the most miserable that you can possibly imagine.


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, I didn't even try to play the humid card yet:D

I'm in central texas, but I can promise you that a Houston summer is about the most miserable that you can possibly imagine.
Been to Houston in summer. I could NEVER live there.


Audioholic Overlord
Friend, I don't think you know about hot summers. I'm in central TX. We already hit 109F this year!
I'm in DFW and have some accounts in central TX so I know what hot is. I'm headed to Brownwood this morning and it always seems hotter there than anywhere else. It's been between 99 and 108 here for the past week or two but on the country roads I ride in the mornings, it's been around 76 when I start and 84 when I am finished.


Audioholic Warlord
The good thing about living in Houston is the fact that you will get stabbed, so you won't have to live too long:eek:
Ehhh. Houston's not really that bad. Sure, some parts are and the police don't like to go to those areas (5th ward). But any big city is like that. But I've been out in the Houston nightlife many times and never felt scared or threatened.


Audioholic Overlord
Ehhh. Houston's not really that bad. Sure, some parts are and the police don't like to go to those areas (5th ward). But any big city is like that. But I've been out in the Houston nightlife many times and never felt scared or threatened.
I have a friend who got stabbed there so I equate Houston = stab...;)


Audioholic Overlord
Normally, I wouldn't buy tangerine colored hubs but...

I broke a spoke on this morning's ride, dropped the wheel by the shop at lunch and my mechanic said he had a deal for me. He built these wheels up for some guy 6 months ago. The guy left a deposit, wheels were built and they never heard from him again and none of his phone numbers work. They said 6 months was fair and we could work a sweet deal since they were already partly paid for. (I assume he put 1/2 down as that is policy at this shop). I walked out with a really good deal and I wanted new wheels anyway. I was planning on buying some next month but I was going with black Chris Kings on black Open Pros. Ended up with tangerine on silver Open Pros.

...they match the stupid orange stripes on my frame...



Audioholic Field Marshall
I like the hubs....cool looking wheels. I just got a new ride recently. Some would say that I'm following the fad around here for steel-frame bikes (they are all over the city areas, old restored ones and a few new ones, often 3 or 4 of them chained to a sign post), but I've been riding on steel for a long time. Great ride, fun bike; sometimes retro might be the future. Several manufacturers have re-introduced steel-frame tiers in their bike line.

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