Here is a couple of pictures of her bike. It was a little difficult to find her a bike with her constraints and the budget I gave her. She wanted a men's bike because most of the women specific bikes have girly colors like pink or purple stripes and she absolutely hates that.
We tried about 900 different men's bikes and just couldn't get a good fit. We finally went outside my normal bike dealer and ended up finding a great local shop. They did a professional fit (for free) and then showed her the options. Well she wanted the black and white Giant which comes in a perfect size for her but they didn't have one. They called Giant and they were all out too. They said they could pull some strings and get one for her if we would just have a little patience. He located one in CA the next day and said he would have it delivered and built up within 10 days. We got it 6 days later.
I was really impressed with this store and even though I have always known it was here, I have never used it. I'm not really one to buy new bikes but if I ever do, I will use this place. I always seem to luck out and find nice used bikes that a little old lady just used to go to Roubaix I have was from a MT Biker I know that bought it, rode it around 6 times and then stored it for 4 years. It looked brand new. He said he put about 200 miles on it but I highly doubt it. I put 150 miles on it the first week I had it and it looks way worse after just that little amount of road time.
After all was said and done, the guys at this store stayed with us over an hour past their closing time on three different occasions and provided CS like I haven't seen in a long time. Score one up for the local boys.
The bike is pretty nice too, 105 comp group, carbon fork and carbon post. She is using her MTB pedals until she decides what she wants. I went ahead and bought her new road shoes too since I am such a great husband...