New Age Electronics .........



Audioholic Field Marshall
So MSRP is not the price at which it must be sold to make money. If I have a product that has 3k MSRP I buy it for 2K through my approved channel. I sale 5 a year for 3K through my local retail store and make 5k. So I go on line and sale them for 2,5k and move 20. See how that works?
Methinks thou dost protest too much


Audioholic Field Marshall
Me thinks you just make stuff up to suit how you feel.
Everything you said sounds great until you realize they are not an authorized dealer for any brand they sell. All repairs are done in house as they cannot send it to the manufacture for warranty.

Me thinks you don’t know what you’re talking about


Everything you said sounds great until you realize they are not an authorized dealer for any brand they sell. All repairs are done in house as they cannot send it to the manufacture for warranty.

Me thinks you don’t know what you’re talking about
Perhaps you should go back and reread the thread and the website. They warn upfront that warranties may take a little time if they are repaired. That is an indication the repairs are not done in house and must be sent out.


Seriously, I have no life.
So MSRP is not the price at which it must be sold to make money. If I have a product that has 3k MSRP I buy it for 2K through my approved channel. I sale 5 a year for 3K through my local retail store and make 5k. So I go on line and sale them for 2,5k and move 20. See how that works?
I worked for a place where the owner insisted that we mark up just about everything 40% from the cost we were provided (as opposed to the actual cost, after discounts). A new manager was hired and he told the owner that he needed to look at the price in terms of 'margin points' instead of 40% up from cost. This was at a time when catalog sales were the only way to buy things for less.


I know this thread is old, however I saw their website today and found this post while searching for info on the company. Figured I’d capture some of my search results. 1. This company is specifically called out on manufacturers websites (Klipsch, paradigm, ect) as an unauthorized dealer. (If your looking them up you probably know that to be the case) 2. Most suspicious and concerning is the geo location lookup for their site - it show up as being hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria - IP Information - Be very cautious. Gamble on the discounted prices offered at your own peril.

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