Mike...what are the general laws governing firearm ownership and concealed carry in the Philippines?
Over here the states and municipalities have differing laws. It's good to live in Oregon where one can still defend one's family. I don't know if you heard, but the Second Amendment was just defended by a (District) Supreme Court decision regarding the right to private gun ownership in the District of Columbia. (This is/was a big deal because of the stated
definition of the Second Amendment by the court..that "the people" really means everyone and not some National Guard militia.) The draconian laws banning ownership in DC were found unconstitutional. Ironically, those places with the strictest gun control laws are usually those places with the highest gun murder rates...DC amongst the highest. The dissenting, minority decision disagreed with the majority court decision on the basis that residents of DC
WERE NOT COVERED BY THE FEDERAL LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES!!! (and therefore the U.S. Constitution). Now isn't that silliness of the highest order?!
Incidentally, there is a town in Georgia (can't remember the name...maybe someone will chime in with it), that has the lowest firearm murder rate in the nation (for a town of its size)...where it is municipal law that EVERY household
must have a firearm. How about that?!
Because of this one idiot Cho, and general news media and public over-reaction, we'll certainly see the hue and cry re-raised by the gun control folks in the legislature. If Hillary is elected Queen, there is one constitutional right that is in great jeopardy, IMHO.