FTW - for the win
PWNZORZ - owns
l33t - elite
So it basically means nothing
Thanks for handeling that sir.
It was more only effect for those that did know. I was being sarcastic to the people who would know is more my drift.
Although you refered to it as "text speak" which I found interesting because of the comercials talking about my "BFF" and "TSNF" and other such text speak which is more built out of need to fit many words in short texts.
I was using geek speak or what is more commonly known as leet speak. Which means elite speak, stemming from some people being better(or elite) than others. It caught on big mostly in gaming comunities and certain exceptionaly nerdy forums. Some of you may remember back to old irc or warez sites. Bear share, and some of the old hackintosh comunities. Anyway I was aiming my comunication to the rice rocker guys who my guess are also avid gamers and would recognize my phrases.
I appologize for being verbose, this thread just became really funny to me. I see a bunch of die hard Amaracana vintage guys who's cars rock because THEY ROCK. And the rice boys who have the slide rule out talking about their flux capacitor handeling so many G's and it's all about drifting and so on....
Same plot different actors yet the Euro guys... well we know who we are... No need to prove the pedigree...
And if I was Bill Gates, a buggatti Veyron. That is one sweet machine. you can see a video or 2 on youtube, check for the one where tom cruise can't figure out how to park his... hillarious, and then the one from a show called top gear, or maybe fifth gear. Quite excelent... it's a pretty nice car, made in france i think... they can do something right from there I gues.. Oh wait.. no.. what's that.. YES VW audio group owns them too.... hrm.. there is a trend-a-brewin
Edit: ok i'm sorry i'm just in a goofy mood. I'm just trying to fire people up, don't take offence to anything I say because in the end, i would give anything for almost all the beautiful cars mentioned here... and I drive a cavalee-ai rigth now that makes an odd noise I can't describe... so yeah. I'm just being a jerk to rile folks up. I'm a car nut to the max. no disrespect Just pushing peoples buttons for fun.