I'm using a Denon AVR-3802 as a prepro. Monitor Audio 7i's/12i/FX/i's for speakers, 2 x Hsu Research TN-1220's driven by 2 x 500 watt Hsu Model 500 sub amps (fed by a Behringer DSP1100P Feedback Destroyer Pro configured as parametric bass EQ). I spin DVDs, DVD-A's & SACDs in a Denon DVD-2200, connected coaxially with a Zu Firemine cable. At the moment there's a CD player & two other DVD's in the rack, too.
I want to upgrade to a '3805, but I'm keeping a weather eye out as things change pretty fast. I keep hoping Denon will come out with a model roughly equivalent to a 3805 or 4805 but with Tripath digital amps.
I've got a pair of Bronze 3's in my B-room system, powered by a Panasonic SA-AX6. I have a Denon DCM-380 & a Pioneer DV-260S DVD player hooked up to it, and of course my P2 & Xbox. Oh, yeah- also a crappy VCR that eats tapes, but I only use it to tune the cable for my 27" tv.