Rather than retype my sentiments I’ll just copy what I’ve said on another forum (oh, and fwiw, I'm 26):
II'm sad. Really sucks to see him go just before his chance to really go out on top. He was less than a month away from starting his tour and he passed. Really sucks. Really does make me sad.
I dunno. Maybe I feel the way I do about it because, simply, he's what I think of when I think of music when I was a kid. I used to cruise in the car with my mom and when I was 4 I was singing along to MJ. Always been a fan. I've got video of me dancing to him when I was 6. Ran out and bought HIStory in the early 90's. I've got 4 vinyls that I would not let go of for anything and they are all MJ albums (OTW, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous). For my brother's 30th b'day I dressed up as MJ and sang "bad" (blackmail awaits).
There's just a lot of good times I associate with his music. So, if it sounds ghey to say that it really does bum me out and actually does affect me, then so be it. I'm just telling you guys why it means so much to
I hate to keep dragging this out, but it seems like the point is somehow being missed…
Thing is, this is a forum based on our love of music. Right?
So, when someone here explains why they are so saddened by a musician’s death - a musician who impacted their (my) life with so much of his work - I would expect people understand that. Instead, we get told we’re silly for liking his music (enter any other adjectives you want to describe how this thread has taken a ridiculous downward spiral).
Okay, then how about when your favorite artist dies… you know, the one who put out the song that reminds you of your wife, the song that reminds you of your children, the song that reminds you of your entire childhood (literally in my case), we jump on the thread and start making fun of anyone who shows sorrow over said artist’s death. That’s essentially what’s going on here. You didn't like him? Fine. I don't care for U2 but I'm not going to make fun of those who do when Bono passes.
Or, maybe we’re just all here because we like to talk about how we have the best audio gear and have no interest whatsoever in music. +1 for my brand new SQ amps.