Audioholic Warlord
I agree; having seen Mantown in person I can attest to the fact of how nice of a job Alex did.

If Cheryl ever relaxes her "No food or drink" policy in Mantown; I'd like to see you integrate the microwave into your setup.
Knowing how your love of snacks far exceeds that of wire management.:D
"Mantown", my a**:rolleyes::D


Audioholic Slumlord
If Cheryl ever relaxes her "No food or drink" policy in Mantown ...
Just because a guy from Jersey puts something in print does not make it fact. :p

Sheesh ... :rolleyes: :D

... but it would help me with my waist line. ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
Does she even know you call it "Mantown"? I bet she thinks it's her home office.:confused:
You don't know the fight I fight to keep it from being her shoe closet. :eek:

In our bedroom I have to defend my right to have sole control of the night stand ... the night stand! :rolleyes:

It makes no sense whatsoever. My clothes are 3x as big as hers but her clothes occupy 3x the space mine do yet she gets to say 'I don't have anything to wear'. :D

Then again if I had my way all the stuff in the China hutch would end up in storage because I would rather keep sockets and wrenches in there rather than display dishes that I never eat out of. :eek:


You don't know the fight I fight to keep it from being her shoe closet. :eek:

In our bedroom I have to defend my right to have sole control of the night stand ... the night stand! :rolleyes:

It makes no sense whatsoever. My clothes are 3x as big as hers but her clothes occupy 3x the space mine do yet she gets to say 'I don't have anything to wear'. :D

Then again if I had my way all the stuff in the China hutch would end up in storage because I would rather keep sockets and wrenches in there rather than display dishes that I never eat out of. :eek:
Some things in life just aren't worth the fight. Be happy you have one room to call yours.


Audioholic Slumlord
Some things in life just aren't worth the fight.
You don't think I should store my impact sockets in the china hutch? :D

Be happy you have one room to call yours.
True that. :)

Today is Patriots Day in Mass aka running of the Boston Marathon.

In RI it's business as usual. Wait ... this isn't the boring thread!


Audioholic Slumlord
It never ends with me ...

I didn't like the way the wall mounts attached to the speakers so I did something about it.

Let's do this backwards. Finished product.

Plate mounted to speaker and bracket.
I drilled my own holes for the screws on the front part of the bracket.
They thought a friction fit locked in by a set screw was enough.
... and maybe it was but the speaker is ~18.5 lbs plus the bottom plate and the bracket is rated for 15 lbs.

The bottom of the plate with a little weather stripping thrown in just so I could burn it up.

BTW this Mahogany is scrap from a court house which pisses me off because lawyers and judges just don't need to be surrounded by the stuff. Why can't they use press wood?

Oh yeah ... now the grills will fit.
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Audioholic Warlord
...BTW this Mahogany is scrap from a court house which pisses me off because lawyers and judges just don't need to be surrounded by the stuff. Why can't they use press wood?...
You know what should piss you off further? You're paying for the Mahogany in courthouses.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
Digging the setup :D
Thanks! This is just practice for when I get $3,000 Decimos to mount. :)

You know what should piss you off further? You're paying for the Mahogany in courthouses.:D
That is pretty bad. The wood is actually African Mahogany which is not related to 'real' Mahogany from Honduras and Brazil like I have on the sound panels that I salvaged from the elevator lobby of some law offices. I guess charging by the minute affords you the good stuff.

I recently got the use of a small storage space in my building that I can keep tools in. They all use to be at Eddies which is an hour away. This is much better. It's amazing how many tools it takes to do something like this ...

  1. drill bit index
  2. combination squares
  3. socket set
  4. assortment of screws
  5. counter sink
  6. drill
  7. center punch
  8. Snap On screw driver :)
  9. Vice Grips
  10. vacuum
  11. superior intelligence :cool:
  12. awesome looks :rolleyes:
  13. that's about it :p

Oops ... you also need wrenches. ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
Take it from me, those Decimos weigh a ton.
No doubt.

This wall mount could be beefed up in a couple more areas but that's not where it's at. I guess at this price point it's what you get. Actually considering the price point for the whole kit and kabudle it's pretty decent. It's out of the way ... sort of. Most people would consider these a huge imposition to the room and a real pain to install etc. but we're not most people ... we're Audioholics and we fear no speaker! :rolleyes: :D


Here's the other steps to beef up the wall mount. I added the self tapping wafer head screws to assist their set screws. Notice the dime shim? Without it the set screw wants to go right through.

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Audioholic Slumlord
You wouldn't screw into the bottom of $3000 speakers to mount them, would you?
Ain't no drill bit coming anywhere near mine.
After researching various fastening methods I am thinking about skipping right past the pre-drilling and screwing thing. The lost art of banging nails into a substrate bears closer scrutiny.

All you need is a hammer. :D

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