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Audioholic Warlord
All I have to say is I am glad I can get my meds at a reasonable price from Canada!
I don't know if it is illegal, but my personal physician didn't hesitate when I brought up the topic!
She faxes the Rx direct to "Canada Pharmacy World", so it is not like she has concerns about leaving a paper trail proving she knew/participated.
Same goes for my previous doctor - didn't hesitate when I brought up the topic. I think it is SOP if a patient asks!
This is insane. What is the justification for charging 15-times more for a drug that has no patent protection or research cost to recover?

A little bit of trivia: Banting died in a plane crash just a few miles from my home town. He was on his way to the UK to conduct testing of the G-suit, an invention he had assisted with.


Audioholic Warlord
This is insane. What is the justification for charging 15-times more for a drug that has no patent protection or research cost to recover?

A little bit of trivia: Banting died in a plane crash just a few miles from my home town. He was on his way to the UK to conduct testing of the G-suit, an invention he had assisted with.
Capitalism. Duh.

In all seriousness, this is the type of thing that just isn't OK. I get the need to make money to cover your cost for R&D, but that's just not cool.

Seems Trump agrees that this is an issue, but the drug companies aren't inclined to do anything.
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Audioholic Ninja
Seems Trump has tried to stop this, but the drug companies aren't complying.
I get the need to pander to those that only look for sensational headlines, but please read the article:

"Requests and public shaming haven't worked" (referencing Trump's tweets) to lower drug prices, said Michael Rea, chief executive of RX Savings Solutions, which helps health plans and employers seek lower cost prescription medicines. "We expect the number of 2019 increases to be even greater than in past years."

He hasn't done anything about drug prices other than say Pfizer should be "ashamed".


Audioholic Warlord
I get the need to pander to those that only look for sensational headlines, but please read the article:

"Requests and public shaming haven't worked" (referencing Trump's tweets) to lower drug prices, said Michael Rea, chief executive of RX Savings Solutions, which helps health plans and employers seek lower cost prescription medicines. "We expect the number of 2019 increases to be even greater than in past years."

He hasn't done anything about drug prices other than say Pfizer should be "ashamed".
I did read it. It also said it was part of his 2016 campaign. I just referenced it stating that it was part of his agenda. I shouldn't have said "he's tried to stop this" so much as "he agrees that it's a problem". I'll update my post to correct that.

And trust me, I'm not one to try to help the dude's image. That's all up to him. Just wanted to point out the fact that regardless of what anyone thinks of him, prescription drug prices are something he is "supposedly" going to address. Will it happen? Probably not.


Audioholic Samurai
BTW, you might try Reuters TV as an impartial news source. If you know of others, I am all ears!
Ditto on Reuters. No screaming headlines or breaking news.

They're one of my go-to's besides the AP Wire and then the NY Times, Washington Post, BBC and some others. And even then the last 3 start massaging the message after a couple of days. But for hot off the presses news I'd say Reuters and the AP Wire are pretty reliable.


Audioholic Overlord

Gonna be hard to figure out who to vote for in 2020.

1. Biden's gonna cure cancer.
2. Kamala's handing out reparation money to Blacks.
3. Bernie's gonna forgive all student loans.
4. Warren's gonna send reparation checks to homosexuals.
5. Beto's gonna eliminate our nation's borders.
6. Booker's gonna increase welfare programs.
7. Klobuchar's gonna make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states.
9. Swallowell's gonna vacate the 2nd Amendment.
10. Buttigieg's gonna eliminate the Electoral College.
11. Trump's gonna secure our borders, build our economy, strengthen our military, ensure America never becomes a socialist nation, protect Israel, reduce taxes, protect the unborn, follow the Constitution, eliminate unfair trade, clean up government corruption and ensure Iran doesn't use the billions of dollars and nuclear technology Obama gave it to build bombs.

Hmmmm ...I just can't quite make up my mind


Seriously, I have no life.
Capitalism. Duh.

In all seriousness, this is the type of thing that just isn't OK. I get the need to make money to cover your cost for R&D, but that's just not cool.

Seems Trump agrees that this is an issue, but the drug companies aren't inclined to do anything.
If anything, it's Capitalism gone bad. I have a friend who hates Capitalism and every time we talk or see each other, he jabs me about it and we go back & forth, but not in a way that would jeopardize our friendship- I'm in favor of it, but not if gouging occurs. Greed and avarice damage all kinds of economies and governments, not just ours.

It's definitely an issue, as is the insurance industry's prevention of care and raising prices "just because we can". The good and bad thing about out form of government is that it's supposed to keep its hands off of business but because members of Congress are able to be paid for their influence, nothing is going to change. Once we take that away (and it wasn't always allowed), we can get some seats filled by politicians who won't be bought.

Hey- I can have a pipe dream if I want.


Audioholic Overlord
If anything, it's Capitalism gone bad. I have a friend who hates Capitalism and every time we talk or see each other, he jabs me about it and we go back & forth, but not in a way that would jeopardize our friendship- I'm in favor of it, but not if gouging occurs. Greed and avarice damage all kinds of economies and governments, not just ours.
I think the way to look at it is it is "Totalitarian Capitalism" is problematic! What I mean by that is it is the application of Capitalism without conscience, ethics, morality, and/or compassion.
Capitalism has proven to be a very effective economic system and made our country great! However, as you mention, it is now, too often applied with an eye towards "the bottom line" (maximizing profit) while turning a blind eye towards the ethical and social effects. If you are a corporation, you can argue that your obligation to your share-holders is to maximize profit, and in that context, establishing a monopoly and controlling the market might be considered a brilliant/clever strategy! A generous way of looking at this trend - the problem is we have smart business majors who are brilliant in their understanding of markets/business, but oblivious to the rest of the picture.
Totalitarian Capitalism is a bad thing; however Capitalism applied with Wisdom seems the best system there is!
I don't think you can correctly argue that Capitalism is categorically a great system. WW2 has been a major influence on our lives and it gave Americans a sense of "we're in this together" that resulted in a period of Capitalism being applied with some responsibility towards society. As the influence of WW2 has dwindled, it has become more about maximizing individual (or corporate) benefit with less regard for the damage done to others!
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Audioholic Overlord
As long as congresspeople and senators are allowed to continue to take big $$$ and other favors from big pharma and insurance lobbyists, nothing will ever change.

The promise of high paying jobs as lobbyists for those companies when they leave office has a hand it it, too.

And, since they are the only ones who can stop that practice, it'll continue.


Audioholic Overlord
As long as congresspeople and senators are allowed to continue to take big $$$ and other favors from big pharma and insurance lobbyists, nothing will ever change.

The promise of high paying jobs as lobbyists for those companies when they leave office has a hand it it, too.

And, since they are the only ones who can stop that practice, it'll continue.
Lets not forget the role that the 2010 Supreme court ruling made in the Citizens United case (which essentially said "corporations are people" and "money represents speech") resulting in the ability of corporations to legally fund their election interests as a 1st amendment right. Then the allowance of "Super PAC's" resulted in the ability of corporations to fund election propaganda without disclosure that they were the source of the funds.
I don't know how much they paid the judges, but not many people understand or agree with this. The obvious thing is it streamlined the ability of corporations, or people with lots of $$$, to legally influence elections in a major way and not even have to reveal it!
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Seriously, I have no life.
I think the way to look at it is it is "Totalitarian Capitalism" is problematic! What I mean by that is it is the application of Capitalism without conscience, ethics, morality, and/or compassion.
Capitalism has proven to be a very effective economic system and made our country great! However, as you mention, it is now, too often applied with an eye towards "the bottom line" (maximizing profit) while turning a blind eye towards the ethical and social effects. If you are a corporation, you can argue that your obligation to your share-holders is to maximize profit, and in that context, establishing a monopoly and controlling the market might be considered a brilliant/clever strategy! A generous way of looking at this trend - the problem is we have smart business majors who are brilliant in their understanding of markets/business, but oblivious to the rest of the picture.
Totalitarian Capitalism is a bad thing; however Capitalism applied with Wisdom seems the best system there is!
I don't think you can correctly argue that Capitalism is categorically a great system. WW2 has been a major influence on your lives and it gave Americans a sense of "we're in this together" that resulted in a period of Capitalism being applied with some responsibility towards society. As the influence of WW2 has dwindled, it has become more about maximizing individual (or corporate) benefit with less regard for the damage done to others!
I blame most of our fiscal problems on the glut of MBAs that started in the '70s- everyone is watching the beans pile up and they have blinders on, eliminating their seeing any of the damage they are doing until it's too late.

People have lost the ability to see that they have enough and furthermore, they have lost the ability to be grateful for what they have. "I need" is what people say when they want something but they have the wrong word. They see others with lots of stuff- it makes them jealous and it makes some envious. I would like to see what life would be if Robin Leech had never had his 'Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous' show. People watch 'reality TV' as if it's absolutely necessary for them to live and all they're doing is ignoring their own problems. That's fine for a little while, but at some point, it's time to do something about their own lives IFF they actually want to change things. There's a large number of people who don't have much and they're OK with that. Many don't have much and all they want is MORE. The ones who have it all and still want MORE, suck- we know it, I suspect they know it and there's not much we can do about it. However, we have a government that wants to buy votes with their plans to give people what they don't have as a way to level the population WRT what they have and that's wrong. It's also wrong to take from people by force. Our government has lasted a long time but there are people inside who want it to become something that I think is unsustainable- a saying that has been attributed to Margaret Thatcher is still accurate- "The problem with Socialism is that eventually, you run out of other peoples' money".


Audioholic Overlord
Something to keep in mind.. Remember, he's running for POTUS.
corey booker big pharma.jpg


Seriously, I have no life.
Something to keep in mind.. Remember, he's running for POTUS.
View attachment 30001
Yabbut, he was just trying to get used to making as much as POTUS while in the Senate- that $267K + his $174K comes to $441K and from CNBC,

"Unlike the typical American worker, who brings in about $44,564 a year, the president is paid $400,000 a year, plus an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment."

Must not have wanted it to come as a shock.


Audioholic Overlord
Yabbut, he was just trying to get used to making as much as POTUS while in the Senate- that $267K + his $174K comes to $441K and from CNBC,

"Unlike the typical American worker, who brings in about $44,564 a year, the president is paid $400,000 a year, plus an extra expense allowance of $50,000 a year, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment."

Must not have wanted it to come as a shock.
Trump donates his salary to various charities.


Seriously, I have no life.
Trump donates his salary to various charities.
I know. Makes me wonder if some think he's a terrible person for doing that, too. "It's not enough!" or "He should donate to XYZ, instead" wouldn't surprise me.


Audioholic Samurai
FINALLY! We're gonna bring this thing to an end and lock up that orange hair'd traitor! Mueller has agreed to testify before Congress! I'm quite sure he really does have the dirt on Trump, and just hasn't had the opportunity to explain it. We're finally gonna get the proof of his collusion and coverup, and put that buffoon in jail where he belongs! Can't wait!!! I think it's around July 17. That'll show 'em all!!! hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!


Audioholic Spartan
FINALLY! We're gonna bring this thing to an end and lock up that orange hair'd traitor! Mueller has agreed to testify before Congress! I'm quite sure he really does have the dirt on Trump, and just hasn't had the opportunity to explain it. We're finally gonna get the proof of his collusion and coverup, and put that buffoon in jail where he belongs! Can't wait!!! I think it's around July 17. That'll show 'em all!!! hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
come on herb, you're 'just kidding' right !


Audioholic Jedi
I know. Makes me wonder if some think he's a terrible person for doing that, too. "It's not enough!" or "He should donate to XYZ, instead" wouldn't surprise me.
Maybe he's donating to his foundation :)
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