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Audioholic Overlord
So are you saying Trump isn't doing that, or that it is ok for him to do that for whatever unspecified reason?
How about specifying a reason?

But you say this despite the fact that that is precisely what Trump is doing. Here it is again for you.....
Huh? I think you left something out here.

BTW, Hillary won the popular vote, and no proof of those 3 million fake votes was ever found...
While this isn't every one of that 3 million, here's the tip of the iceberg.

And, apparently you don't understand the concept of the electoral college which our founders realizes.

To put in terms that any simpleton could understand, it prevents three chickens and a pig on voting to have ham and eggs for breakfast. ...think about that for a minute.

Now, if you want a more detailed explanation, here ya go

or here:


Senior Audioholic
I suppose that depends how you look at it since the top DOJ guy says nothing to see here, move along so let's see why.
That indeed does seem strange. I think he's trying to play more politics than anything else. Even though the Muller report has concluded there are still a ton of investigations going on in parallel, so why is he acting like is over and all is well? IDK. If you actually read the muller report 1/3 of the thing says "harm to ongoing matter, harm to ongoing matter, harm to ongoing matter, harm to ongoing matter" over and over and over. So much other stuff that we don't know about. Fyi,s I'm almost 1/2 through the audiobook. Very interesting that would not learn about on cable TV and I would absolutely recommend if you want facts. IMO the report is more just a slap on the wrist for Trump b/c there was not enough evidence against him to hold up in court. I have no idea why the Barr is so lazy faire about the whole thing though?


Audioholic Samurai
@herbu @markw @KirkJBL590 @DaleDoback

Notice how I provided citations for my claims, without once disparaging the person I am discussing things with? Please follow this precedent, lest we need to have some more time-outs!
You were quoting my post that mentioned these three, I’m assuming you’re not referring to me here as I don’t believe I’ve insulted anyone, thank you very much.

As far as the Mueller report and any other ongoing investigations it is blatant everyone is playing fast and loose politics with these investigations. There may be facts and there is most definitely people guilty on both sides of the aisle. If you are unwilling to admit that it is difficult to carry on an honest conversation. This is some of the ugliest politics we’ve seen in our lifetimes or in the last hundred years but not the ugliest the country has seen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Audioholic Ninja
How about specifying a reason?

Huh? I think you left something out here.

While this isn't every one of that 3 million, here's the tip of the iceberg.

And, apparently you don't understand the concept of the electoral college which our founders realizes.

To put in terms that any simpleton could understand, it prevents three chickens and a pig on voting to have ham and eggs for breakfast. ...think about that for a minute.

Now, if you want a more detailed explanation, here ya go

or here:
You stated, that had Hillary been elected, she would use the Presidency for her own financial gain. Yet Trump is doing exactly that, so my question again is, "So are you saying Trump isn't doing that, or that it is ok for him to do that for whatever (your) unspecified reason (is)?

(sorry, I wrote "Here it is again for you" and hyperlinked 'it' and failed to consider your aging eyesight that might be better served with actual healthcare and not this for- profit 'insurance' system.... but there I go caring about someone else again and being willing to contribute to a healthcare system that benefits us all, but I digress....)

For your first link, that report came from the Government Accountability Institute, which is a conservative think tank created in part by Steve Bannon.

(from his wikipedia page: Bannon's employment in the White House ended on August 18, 2017, less than a week after the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally which degenerated into violence and acrimony. Whereas members of both political parties condemned the hatred and violence of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and alt-right activists, The New York Times noted that Trump "was the only national political figure to spread blame for the 'hatred, bigotry and violence' that resulted in the death of one person to 'many sides'".[167] The decision to blame "many sides" was reported to have come from Bannon.[168] The NAACP released a statement saying that while they "acknowledge and appreciate President Trump's disavowment of the hatred which has resulted in a loss of life today", they called on Trump "to take the tangible step to remove Steve Bannon – a well-known white supremacist leader – from his team of advisers". The statement further described Bannon as a "symbol of white nationalism" who "energized that sentiment" through his current position within the White House.[169][170])

The actual agency, similarly named Government Accountability Office, investigated Trump's unsubstantiated claim of voter fraud and found nothing. Unlike the unsupported claims provided by the site, here are links to dozens of actual studies on the subject to further verify our own Government Accountability Office's findings, provided by an actual LAW SCHOOL.

From your Tyranny link - "the same fears regarding the use of pure direct democracy by the majority to elect a demagogue who, rather than work for the benefit of all citizens, set out to either harm those in the minority or work only for those of the upper echelon or population centers."

To make your use of this wiki page relevant, you therefore are using this quote to claim that the electoral college saved us from "...electing a demagogue who.... set out to either harm those in the minority or work only for those of the upper echelon."

Yet here we are with an ever increasing budget deficit created (in part) by Trump's tax plan , new holding facilities are being built by the for-profit prison industry to hold immigrants (who are perfectly within their constitutional rights to approach the border to seek asylum) which means federal money is again being diverted to people whom are already quite rich, and the threat of attacking Iran for absolutely no reason. So Trump is instead checking both of those boxes! (harm minorities AND work for the upper echelon)

But as you want to discuss the Electoral College, you should therefore be deeply troubled by the Mueller Report and its extensive details on how Russia sought to use multiple channels to create actual 'fake news' that you, yourself, still appear to be spreading - re: voter fraud.


Audioholic Ninja
You were quoting my post that mentioned these three, I’m assuming you’re not referring to me here as I don’t believe I’ve insulted anyone, thank you very much.

As far as the Mueller report and any other ongoing investigations it is blatant everyone is playing fast and loose politics with these investigations. There may be facts and there is most definitely people guilty on both sides of the aisle. If you are unwilling to admit that it is difficult to carry on an honest conversation. This is some of the ugliest politics we’ve seen in our lifetimes or in the last hundred years but not the ugliest the country has seen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Mueller Report makes clear that a lot went wrong, with the Trump Campaign (hence the number of jail sentences), and that documents like his Taxes, as well as the un-redacted Report can and should be made public - as has always been done before!

While you may still not agree with that statement, civil discourse and fact checking should always be a part of any discussion, and I strongly encourage you to read these links to keep yourself informed. This administration is certainly set on cranking out 'news' real or fake, as fast as it possibly can - kinda like someone really doesn't want us to know what is actually going on.

Could be that Russian fella who appears to know our laws and system of government better than we do, but that's just me extrapolating from what I am seeing.....


Audioholic Overlord
You stated, that had Hillary been elected, she would use the Presidency for her own financial gain. Yet Trump is doing exactly that, so my question again is, "So are you saying Trump isn't doing that, or that it is ok for him to do that for whatever (your) unspecified reason (is)?
Really? How so? He's down over a billion dollars since he took office. Quite a sacrifice to save his country I'd say. Now, about that 146 million that Russia ga e to the Clinton foundation?

(sorry, I wrote "Here it is again for you" and hyperlinked 'it' and failed to consider your aging eyesight that might be better served with actual healthcare and not this for- profit 'insurance' system.... but there I go caring about someone else again and being willing to contribute to a healthcare system that benefits us all, but I digress....)
hyperlinked what? You been smoking something?

For your first link, that report came from the Government Accountability Institute, which is a conservative think tank created in part by Steve Bannon.
I note you don't dispute it's veracity though.

(from his wikipedia page: Bannon's employment in the White House ended on August 18, 2017, less than a week after the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally which degenerated into violence and acrimony. Whereas members of both political parties condemned the hatred and violence of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and alt-right activists, The New York Times noted that Trump "was the only national political figure to spread blame for the 'hatred, bigotry and violence' that resulted in the death of one person to 'many sides'".[167] The decision to blame "many sides" was reported to have come from Bannon.[168] The NAACP released a statement saying that while they "acknowledge and appreciate President Trump's disavowment of the hatred which has resulted in a loss of life today", they called on Trump "to take the tangible step to remove Steve Bannon – a well-known white supremacist leader – from his team of advisers". The statement further described Bannon as a "symbol of white nationalism" who "energized that sentiment" through his current position within the White House.[169][170])
But as you want to discuss the Electoral College, you should therefore be deeply troubled by the Mueller Report and its extensive details on how Russia sought to use multiple channels to create actual 'fake news' that you, yourself, still appear to be spreading - re: voter fraud.
Again, hoccum your beloved obama didn't do anything about it? He knew about it but simply didn't believe Trump had a chance and laughed it off.

As for that electoral college stuff, I take it you're one of the chickens looking forward to enjoying some bacon with your eggs? Remember, this meal is only a small contribution for the chickens but it's a total sacrifice to the pig.

Ya know what? 'm done with this for now. If you can't see the dangerous path the "progressives", "liberals", "Democrats" or whatever you want to call yourselves you are leading this country down, no words will change your mind. For a taste of what's to come, just look at the quality of life in the large Democratic run cities like SFO, LA, Dearborn. Chicago, Baltimore, etc, etc...

Y'all can't understand that with Trump, you dodged a bullet. Now, you want to jump into the path of the next one.

You're right. I'm old and by the time all you indoctrinated fools realize what congress and the deep state is trying to pull off, it'll be too late for y'all and I'll most likely be gone. I weep for my great grand children.
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Audioholic Jedi
Which billion did the drumpf lose this time? Probably one of the ones he made up....he's such a liar! LOL.


Seriously, I have no life. hold immigrants (who are perfectly within their constitutional rights to approach the border to seek asylum) /QUOTE]

To be considered for refugee status, you must meet these generals requirements:
  • You are located outside the United States;
  • You are of special humanitarian concern to the United States;
  • You can demonstrate that you were persecuted or that you have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted on account of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group;
  • You are not firmly resettled (permanently living) in another country; and
  • You can be admitted to the United States.
You cannot be considered for refugee status if you have ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion.
The United States prioritizes the types of individuals who should be considered for refugee status. The priority categories are:
  • Priority 1: Cases that are identified and referred to the program by U.N. High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR),a U.S. Embassy, or a designated non-governmental organization (NGO).
  • Priority 2: Groups of special humanitarian concern identified by the U.S. refugee program.
  • Priority 3: Family reunification cases (spouses, unmarried children under 21, and parents of persons lawfully admitted to the United States as refugees or asylees or permanent residents (green card holders) or U.S. citizens who previously had refugee or asylum status).

Living in a craphole country that is lawless, has nothing to offer its people and is dangerous because of gangs or corrupt military don't necessarily fit the criteria, although these people do need help- why not get the UN or some other inter/multinational organization to pressure the governments to do something for their people?


Audioholic Samurai
like his Taxes... can and should be made public - as has always been done before!
My, what short and selective memories you people have. I guess you forgot about BHO and all his hidden documents. And I guess you don't know who Robert Byrd was. It must be so satisfying to live in your uncluttered mind.

Citing specific examples of nearly anything is hardly proof of anything but that example. You cite Bannon, I'll cite Byrd. It goes on and on, and doesn't prove anything.


Seriously, I have no life.
The Mueller Report makes clear that a lot went wrong, with the Trump Campaign (hence the number of jail sentences), and that documents like his Taxes, as well as the un-redacted Report can and should be made public - as has always been done before!

While you may still not agree with that statement, civil discourse and fact checking should always be a part of any discussion, and I strongly encourage you to read these links to keep yourself informed. This administration is certainly set on cranking out 'news' real or fake, as fast as it possibly can - kinda like someone really doesn't want us to know what is actually going on.

Could be that Russian fella who appears to know our laws and system of government better than we do, but that's just me extrapolating from what I am seeing.....
I would say that the media have been complicit in over-saturation and bias for far too long. Yes, media has always had a slant, but the current media are damn near horizontal, on both sides.


Audioholic Samurai
Oh... you did hear about Dems House Appropriations draft funding bill for DHS that says illegal aliens, "identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender", cannot be deported. Right? I'm sure CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN all had this on their morning news. No? My news did. But I'm sure you are well informed. After all, you know more than the Justice Dept.


Audioholic Spartan
That site oozes credibility :rolleyes:

Ya know what? 'm done with this for now. ...
Welcome back! I hope you had a good night's sleep.

You're right. I'm old and by the time all you indoctrinated fools realize what congress and the deep state is trying to pull off, it'll be too late for y'all and I'll most likely be gone. I weep for my great grand children.
I think that you should broaden your sources of information and apply some critical thinking, to be honest, if what you linked to is representative of what you read and believe.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm not really participating. Discussion is useless.

I'll just be tossing a Baby Ruth into the pool on occasion.

As for my sources, you really think yours are all inclusive and unbiased? Just because you don't like what something says doesn't make it untrue.


Audioholic Spartan
As for my sources, you really think yours are all inclusive and unbiased? Just because you don't like what something says doesn't make it untrue.
Now you are arguing using false equivalence. Since you are into memes perhaps the following appeals to you:



Audioholic Overlord
This is true.

Jesus was an Israeli Jew.

Hitler was a German who tried to exterminate them. .
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Audioholic Ninja
Citing specific examples of nearly anything is hardly proof of anything but that example.
Are you familiar with the term, "Fact-Resistant Human"?

Dems House Appropriations draft funding bill for DHS that says illegal aliens, "identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender", cannot be deported.
I am curious, which word in this snippet is most offensive to you? Can you put them in order from most to least?

From Pg. 6 of The Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The
2016 Presidential Election:
"Separately, on August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New YorkCity with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel's Office was a "backdoor" way forRussia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidateTrump's assent to succeed (were he to be elected President)."

With that in mind, that fake-news link you shared attempts to frame this as Mueller is indicting a good person, or that people who do work for the government cannot/ should not be indicted. Care to explain how you came to defend such an absurd conclusion?

As for my sources, you really think yours are all inclusive and unbiased? Just because you don't like what something says doesn't make it untrue.
Oh look, there's another one! Fact-Resistant Human


Audioholic Slumlord
I am curious, which word in this snippet is most offensive to you? Can you put them in order from most to least?
"Illegal alien cannot be deported."

WTF? I want to be able to deport American Citizens, nevermind the aliens.
Send those rejects right to the flame throwers!
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