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Audioholic Jedi
Consider who/what you're trying to reason with.
Finally something I can agree with! You prefer I goosestep with the numbnut coalition of the right wackos? I say anarchy is the answer screw both parties!


Audioholic Overlord
My buddy has a jeep he named Liz Warren. It's white but says it's a Cherokee. :cool:


Audioholic Spartan
My buddy has a jeep he named Liz Warren. It's white but says it's a Cherokee. :cool:
Do you really want to go down that racist hole like you did earlier in this thread? I seem to remember that the mods removed a couple of pages resulting from your post and you where blessfully silent for a couple of weeks after that.


Audioholic Samurai
she was kind of a tool for going there, calling her out for it and making fun of her I don’t think equates with racism.

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Audioholic Overlord
Do you really want to go down that racist hole like you did earlier in this thread? I seem to remember that the mods removed a couple of pages resulting from your post and you where blessfully silent for a couple of weeks after that.
Hey troll. I really don't give a hoot what you think.

I kept quiet, aside from interjecting a relevant meme on occasion, because I didn't want to get involved with you and a few others mutual mental masturbation.

Dale is right. You can dish it out but you can't take it,

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Audioholic Samurai
Back on topic:

The second paragraph of the Mueller Report makes clear that Russia meddled in our election.
Yes they did as they have since the 50’s. The question is what was Trumps involvement?

You do realize the KGB has an office in Brooklyn officially named the office of disinformation. Their entire job was to spin US news stories and influence US the general public. Also we do the same to them and many other countries. Have you read about Obama’s involvement in Israeli elections?

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Audioholic Jedi
Yes they did as they have since the 50’s. The question is what was Trumps involvement?

You do realize the KGB has an office in Brooklyn officially named the office of disinformation. Their entire job was to spin US news stories and influence US the general public. Also we do the same to them and many other countries. Have you read about Obama’s involvement in Israeli elections?

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The problem overall was the interference in the election, not particularly the drumpf's involvement, but certainly would be part of any valid investigation. Facebook and Cambridge Analytica also interfered as well as those who bankrolled them.
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Audioholic Samurai
And the derp parade marches on to another guaranteed defeat. Like taking candy from a baby.
I consider myself very conservative (not republican) and I can admit that there were shenanigans within the Trump campaign. The question is to what level and was it criminal? It’s also a fact that the DNC and Hillary campaign, members of the FBI and intelligence community tried to at the very least make Trump look more involved than he was.

I say all that to say, shut the heck up! You ad zero to the conversation and only serve to reinforce liberals views. Please, with all due respect, kick rocks!

If I offended anyone ELSE, I apologize.

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Audioholic Spartan
Hey troll. I really don't give a hoot what you think.

I kept quiet, aside from interjecting a relevant meme on occasion, because I didn't want to get involved with you and a few others mutual mental masturbation.

Dale is right. You can dish it out but you can't take it,

View attachment 29733
You did not make a single post, in any forum [edit: added], for the two first weeks of May after your racist posts that the moderators removed, so you where only on vacation on 8chan honing your meme "skills" among the "very fine people" that Trump talks about?

As for your "relevant" memes :rolleyes:
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Audioholic Spartan
Back on topic:

The second paragraph of the Mueller Report makes clear that Russia meddled in our election.
For reference I post the second paragraph below, as otherwise some posters might not find the paragraph as you obviously referred to the first numbered page and not the first physical one. The second paragraph on the first physical page just says "Volume I of II" and they would be confused as to what you meant.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials-hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government-began that same month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November."


Audioholic Ninja
Yes they did as they have since the 50’s. The question is what was Trumps involvement?

You do realize the KGB has an office in Brooklyn officially named the office of disinformation. Their entire job was to spin US news stories and influence US the general public. Also we do the same to them and many other countries. Have you read about Obama’s involvement in Israeli elections?

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If you read the report, you would see the great detail about the incredible effort made by Russia to swing the 2016 election, and the 34 indictments, most of which are Trump's own Senior Campaign staff or Russian's, and the more than 10 cited instances where Trump gave orders that would have been clearly defined as Obstruction, only to have the orders ignored, or the person quit.

A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime, and Mueller followed through with that precedent, providing sufficient evidence for Congress to continue the investigation utilizing their constitutional powers to check and balance the executive branch.

So far, Trump has refused to provide requested information, going so far as to sue key witnesses, including suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to keep them from cooperating with Congress. Trump is currently trying to claim that the report confirms Trump did nothing wrong, yet nowhere in the report is that stated. Further, Mueller even spoke live to say that if he thought the President did NOT commit a crime, he would have stated so.

Trump even signed an executive order that effectively attempts to rewrite our first amendment. While simultaneously eliminating protections for students and throwing student debt to the sharks, like DeVos.

So what was Trump's exact involvement with the Russian's? It sure would be nice to know, but he refuses to answer questions or provide necessary information. But the facts are clear, that just about everyone around him, including his adult children, have in some way been contacted by, or have met with, Russian agents.

As to your claims, I am not sure what you are referring to in regards to the Cold War (1945-1990) and how the Soviets did anything similar to what is going on now.

There is a KGB Bar in Brooklyn... but I cannot find any information about a current KGB office in Brooklyn. But to that end, if you were aware of Russia's meddling in such a way, why would not be absolute in seeking the complete findings of these Congressional Inquiries?

I also do not know what you are referring to with Obama and Israel, but again, if you read the Mueller report, you would understand that Russia is not our ally, and it is therefore quite disturbing that Republican senators spent their Independence Day, IN RUSSIA!


Audioholic Samurai
Back on topic:

The second paragraph of the Mueller Report makes clear that Russia meddled in our election.
Hahahaha!!! And this is the first time they did this, and it was only possible because of Trump's collusion. Did somebody say "manufactured crisis"? Hahahaha! Face it. The silent majority conservatives have finally had enough of your incrementalism. You have gotten so used to having your little whiny way, you can't stand when your parents tell you "no". Now Pelosi says she doesn't want Trump impeached, she wants him in jail. Hahahaha. The libs are so aggressive against Trump because they want to scare off any future politicians and citizens that may challenge them. They are willing to sacrifice lives to simply make him look bad. And in the process, they have revealed their pettiness and disregard for our country. That's why they don't have a chance in the election.


Audioholic Samurai
If you read the report, you would see the great detail about the incredible effort made by Russia to swing the 2016 election, and the 34 indictments, most of which are Trump's own Senior Campaign staff or Russian's, and the more than 10 cited instances where Trump gave orders that would have been clearly defined as Obstruction, only to have the orders ignored, or the person quit.

There’s some debate about 8 of the accusations but 2 look legit. Speaking from a prosecutors point of view, it comes down to he said she said.

A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime, and Mueller followed through with that precedent, providing sufficient evidence for Congress to continue the investigation utilizing their constitutional powers to check and balance the executive branch.


So far, Trump has refused to provide requested information, going so far as to sue key witnesses...

There are lots of legitimate reasons to do this both for business and personal privacy.

Trump even signed an executive order that effectively attempts to rewrite our first amendment. While simultaneously eliminating protections for students and throwing student debt to the sharks, like DeVos.

I’m not too familiar with this, I’ll read more later. That said I believe nationalizing student debt has been a horrific catastrophe and we need to find any way out possible!

So what was Trump's exact involvement with the Russian's? It sure would be nice to know, but he refuses to answer questions or provide necessary information. But the facts are clear, that just about everyone around him, including his adult children, have in some way been contacted by, or have met with, Russian agents.

Correct, you’re supposed to refuse to answer questions, it’s the basis for American legal system.

As to your claims, I am not sure what you are referring to in regards to the Cold War (1945-1990) and how the Soviets did anything similar to what is going on now.

They’ve been meddling in every aspect of American life they possibly can from the beginning of the Cold War until now.

There is a KGB Bar in Brooklyn... but I cannot find any information about a current KGB office in Brooklyn. But to that end, if you were aware of Russia's meddling in such a way, why would not be absolute in seeking the complete findings of these Congressional Inquiries?

The office closed shortly after the wall came down... KGB replaces with several agencies but the work continues. Putin hates America and will take every opportunity to do her harm, here Trump is more than naive!!!

I also do not know what you are referring to with Obama and Israel, but again, if you read the Mueller report, you would understand that Russia is not our ally, and it is therefore quite disturbing that Republican senators spent their Independence Day, IN RUSSIA!

Do a little research on what Obama did in Israel, very disgusting!

First I’m not suggesting Trump is innocent but a prosecutors job is to take facts and create a narrative to prove guilt. Mueller did a fine job of that but in a court of law you have a defense attorney to cross examine witnesses and get evidence thrown out for legitimate reasons. Here we only have the prosecution laying out their case and leaving it to a highly left leaning media and the general public to make their own conclusions. In the case of obstruction was Trump trying to break the law or simply foolishly trying to protect himself and intent is very difficult to prove. My guess is it’s somewhere in the middle but we really don’t know.

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