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Agreed, technically and by the law, he's not a traitor but sitting there at a press conference during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election and encouraging the Russians to hack his opponents server is an all-time low, even by past US presidential election shenanigans and we've had some doozy's.
I think that's way overblown. You had HRC dancing around the fact that she ran a private email server and she was simply called out on it. I deal with protecting health care systems and they are constantly under attack by various entities. He didn't say anything that was going to encourage someone to do something they weren't already doing.
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Audioholic Samurai
I think that's way overblown. You had HRC dancing around the fact that she ran a private email server and she was simply called her out on it. I deal with protecting health care systems and they are constantly under attack by various entities. He didn't say anything that was going to encourage someone to do something they weren't already doing.
You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. What with him being a stable genius and all and Hillary being so vile.


You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. What with him being a stable genius and all and Hillary being so vile.
I didn't vote for him, nor will I next time around, but I understand why he's got a better than 50/50 chance at being re-elected. My fellow Dems/Liberals seemingly are set on learning the hard way....

HRC came across to many people as simply expecting the presidency to be handed to her as if she were the heir apparent and the fix was in. It put an awful lot of people off.


Audioholic Jedi
I didn't vote for him, nor will I next time around, but I understand why he's got a better than 50/50 chance at being re-elected. My fellow Dems/Liberals seemingly are set on learning the hard way....

HRC came across to many people as simply expecting the presidency to be handed to her as if she were the heir apparent and the fix was in. It put an awful lot of people off.
So far the democrats are blowing their opportunity IMO. We're all suffering due this two party sham.


Audioholic Samurai
I didn't vote for him, nor will I next time around, but I understand why he's got a better than 50/50 chance at being re-elected. My fellow Dems/Liberals seemingly are set on learning the hard way....

HRC came across to many people as simply expecting the presidency to be handed to her as if she were the heir apparent and the fix was in. It put an awful lot of people off.
I won't argue the point. Proving what I've stated for a while. The system is broken, that we expect so little from our politicians, on both sides.

It's like the old expression, if you're gonna screw me, at least hold my hand. They don't even make any pretense whatsoever of getting anything done. A pox on both their houses.


Audioholic Jedi
I won't argue the point. Proving what I've stated for a while. The system is broken, that we expect so little from our politicians, on both sides.

It's like the old expression, if you're gonna screw me, at least hold my hand. They don't even make any pretense whatsoever of getting anything done. A pox on both their houses.
The old adage of pissing down our backs and claiming it's rain comes to mind. We haven't had anything close to an actual democracy so what the hell


Seriously, I have no life.
I won't argue the point. Proving what I've stated for a while. The system is broken, that we expect so little from our politicians, on both sides.

It's like the old expression, if you're gonna screw me, at least hold my hand. They don't even make any pretense whatsoever of getting anything done. A pox on both their houses.
If we expect so little, why did so many people hang their hats on Obama's Hope & Change? (I made a typo, originally- wrote 'Nope & Change'). He got a Nobel Peace Prize for what they HOPED he would do- that's freaking insane!

Even worse than not expecting much, those who don't deliver or become fixtures aren't replaced when their usefulness is done.


Audioholic Samurai
The partisan bickering and name calling from both sides indicates many here can't see the forest for the trees. Give yourselves a pat on the back for being willing participants in the big charade. Both parties know who butters their bread, and it's not us.


Audioholic Spartan
At this point I’m going to bow out of this thread. This is just a waste of time and electrons. Some people here just refuse to flat out admit in what Trump’s campaign did was wrong ethically and in some instances legally criminal (campaign finance laws to name one; paying off the two women not to reveal their affairs with him, $130, 000 each, a month before the presidential election in 2016). I feel like I’m just spitting in the wind and wasting precious oxygen.

It seems that as long as Trump dances with the devil and skirts closer & closer to the precipice that’s okeydokey in their eyes. Just like his constant outright lying, ignorance of the facts; it’s all excusable in the name of party affiliation.

I’ve had these same conversations before with friends & family who always vote a straight Republican ticket no matter what. BTW, I’m a registered Independent and have voted for candidates of both parties. When Carter, Clinton, Obama were presidents I had no problem in admitting when they shaded the truth, lied or followed some wrong-headed policy, both domestically and foreign, that I didn’t agree with, and I said as such. I mean what’s the big deal in admitting the truth? But getting them to admit it about their own candidate was near-nigh impossible, as if to do so would cause Armageddon to commence. Unreal.

But we now live in the age of “alternate facts”, which completely baffles me. Up is down, down is up.

I had a Jesuit Catholic education for 12 years and I was taught that facts are facts and immutable, especially scientific facts until proven otherwise. I see a part of the Arctic ice pack, the size of Rhode Island, tear itself off the pole and bobbles out into the Atlantic Ocean and people deny that climate change is real and a fact.

Really? It would kill you to admit what your eyes see before you and what 95% of the scientist’s state is a reality? Wow!!!

Reminds of the guy who marries an ugly women and won’t admit it. Just tell the truth, she’s a great cook, a wonderful mother to your children and great in the sack. There’s no shame in that. I don’t view you as a lesser man for it. In fact I admire you. My father always said, it’s one thing to lie to another man if necessary but to lie to yourself is stupid.

Tell the truth and shame the devil.

Have fun guys.
Got to reply to your post, again, after nearly tree weeks, and is still spot on.

One poster just complained that no one convinces anyone in this thread to change their opinion, but he
(and others) continue to post "alternate facts" thinking that is somehow persuasive. I don't think he even see the irony of his post.


Audioholic Ninja
Got to reply to your post, again, after nearly tree weeks, and is still spot on.

One poster just complained that no one convinces anyone in this thread to change their opinion, but he
(and others) continue to post "alternate facts" thinking that is somehow persuasive. I don't think he even see the irony of his post.
It is amazing. The Democracy we enjoy in this country may get over thrown simply because of its own citizen's unwillingness/inability to read to the SECOND PARAGRAPH!


Seriously, I have no life.
It is amazing. The Democracy we enjoy in this country may get over thrown simply because of its own citizen's unwillingness/inability to read to the SECOND PARAGRAPH!
I would add the whole 1st page. Not long at all. Short paragraphs.
How could there be any conspiracy, the Russians did this all in the dark, by themselves. ;):D
I talk to two Russians all the time, even have dinners with them. frequently. Had to postpone this weekends get together. :D

Oh, wait, they are my neighbors for many, many years. I was even interviewed by the FBI for her getting a security clearance. :D


Audioholic Samurai
If we expect so little, why did so many people hang their hats on Obama's Hope & Change? (I made a typo, originally- wrote 'Nope & Change'). He got a Nobel Peace Prize for what they HOPED he would do- that's freaking insane!
It’s simple, people are like Charlie Brown and politicians are like Lucy & the football. We are so desperate for meaningful & actual change that we’ll vote almost anyone in, the current president included.

To this day I’m still at a loss on why he won among all the Republican candidates. I oh so wanted to vote for John Kasich vs. Hillary, who couldn’t deliver a pizza, in the general election. Instead they nominated a well-known and documented lying shyster his whole life.

Even worse than not expecting much, those who don't deliver or become fixtures aren't replaced when their usefulness is done.
Amen brother.
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Audioholic Jedi
Mueller was out to get Trump and help elect Hillary along with Comey. The entire Obama Justice Department was in full cooperation including Mueller. You lefties know this... Its out now that Mueller purposely left out Trumps original attorney's information in his report and possibly altered a recorded phone conversation. More leaks on the way about your wonderful Mueller. He failed! Its all coming out now wether you hate Trump or not. Its over for the left. Barr is going after Hillary and the rest of em. Mark my words on this forum, people will be going to prison over this. Meanwhile, Donald John Trump will continue to be President and be re-elected. Im loving every minute of it too. You liberals have been caught. The parties over. Obama will go down as the most corrupt President in US History Period, end of story.
LOL sure pal. You believe what you want I suppose. People have gone to prison over this, and several were drumpf's crew. Funny thing about that. Drumpf corruption is pretty hard to beat....


Audioholic Jedi
I didn't say they went to jail because of "Russian Collusion". Reading skills not so good? It was an investigation into the Russians meddling in the election and drumpf's folk got caught with their fingers in various little places they didn't belong as they were doing things with Russians they weren't supposed to (plus a couple tax things and fun stuff like that). Not hard to find dirt with a guy like drumpf, the family has long dealt on the dirty with the original Roy Cohn. Drumpfs choice of Michael Cohen towards the end just indicative of his taste in the slimy lawyers he liked to work with. He did try to obstruct the investigation, that's why it's possible he could get charged with such via impeachment or perhaps once out of office. I'm not a representive of this group of "libs" so stuff that where you will, I'll take it you're as bad a human being as the drumpf in return if you'd like, tho. You're all hot and bothered over a bunch of things obviously, and conflate different subjects in a strange way. It's possible the drumpf will be reelected as there's not a lot of good things to say about the competition. The system is f*cked up and the drumpf ain't fixing it.


Audioholic Jedi
Nice "COPY AND PASTE" from CNN, MSNBC! Do yourself a favor...instead of purchasing audio and video gear, start saving for cases of tissues. Its gonna be a long 6 years crying like a little girl over a Cheeto who literally took your sad sack of far left socialist, commie, pinko political power away from you. But hey? You still have your recreational and medical marijuana right?? Bad orange man didn't take that away from you..........yet. lol
I'll take that as a compliment since I simply wrote it. You really have some imagination there. You got one thing right...the big orange cheeto!


Audioholic Jedi
Yep!! The Big Orange Cheeto that forever lives in your head... ain't it great? In fact for you my brother, im gonna sit down tonight and have a big ole salad with Russian Dressing, a bag of Cheetos topped off with slices of orange wearing my MAGA hat. The more you hate Trump, the happier i am...the happier i am for the country. Thanks bro!
You're very strange. If you want to eat a salad with russian dressing, be my guest, I'm a roquefort/blue cheese kind of salad dressing guy. I must have made you happy for the last 30 years plus that I've followed the scum. Don't forget the stupid freedom fries! I'll just imagine you on your knees in front of the drumpf making him happy.


Audioholic Jedi
What about the fbi 302 report form....come on, you have something you want to tie in with that. Post 'em up.
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