Rittenhouse had that night, some contact prior with Rosenbaum and Grosskreutz.One of the things we don't know is whether Rittenhouse had any interaction with the three before shooting them.
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Rittenhouse had that night, some contact prior with Rosenbaum and Grosskreutz.One of the things we don't know is whether Rittenhouse had any interaction with the three before shooting them.
Isn't it for the jury to decide if they are victims? And, if none of them had been convicted, or even charged, with looting or arson, how can it be acceptable for a judge to permit them to be labeled as such?The trial and pretrial proceedings had already sparked a national outcry after Judge Bruce Schroeder decided last month that prosecutors may not refer to Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz as “victims,” and that defense attorneys could call them “looters” or “arsonists.”
No, I'm not- too many people are looking at this as a clear cut case of self defense for Rittenhouse but that would be similar to someone defending their own life when they invaded someone's home, with the possibility of doing them harm in the process. None of them needed to be there. They all should have stayed the eff home.You are attempting to turn on the oven and bake only one goose.
Rosenbaum, Huber, Grosskreutz went because they wanted to insert themselves regardless of the fact they weren't needed.
In what world did they not have personal agency in all of this? Looking at the footage it's their own stupidity that created these outcomes. There were 1000's of other people Rittenhouse didn't shoot.
Watch the video- Grosskreutz is seen standing over Rittenhouse with his right hand raised, holding his pistol as Rittenhouse was sitting on the street, then the right hand was lowered just before he was shot. I'm not basing my comments on the reports, I was using the photos and video.What is your understanding / interpretation of 'dropped his hand'? There has been a lot of word play to beat around the bush to do anything but call a spade a spade.
I have my understanding. Just curious what yours is.
So that was the pointing/aiming of the pistol at Rittenhouse. That's all I was asking.Watch the video- Grosskreutz is seen standing over Rittenhouse with his right hand raised, holding his pistol as Rittenhouse was sitting on the street, then the right hand was lowered just before he was shot. I'm not basing my comments on the reports, I was using the photos and video.
This is another falsehood foisted upon you by media with an axe to grind.Isn't it for the jury to decide if they are victims? And, if none of them had been convicted, or even charged, with looting or arson, how can it be acceptable for a judge to permit them to be labeled as such?
Don't misinterpret this as an indication of sympathy for them. It appears to me that some piss-poor judgement was exercised all around.
Wow now. That's a helluva stretch. I don't truck with random strangers on the street while I'm out and about minding my own business. If they're armed even more so.but that would be similar to someone defending their own life when they invaded someone's home
No, the real Elephant, which is being eaten by a Dinosaur, is the fact that gun laws were broken. Rittenhouse was carrying illegally, Grosskreutz had previously been charged with a misdemeanor offense of being in possession while intoxicated (check the WI CCAP link I posted yesterday) and his CCP had expired, so the only way he could be legal is if he was openly carrying. Huber hit him with a skateboard but haven't seen if he was carrying. It would be foolish to assume that nobody else in the crowd was carrying, legally or not, but none of them should have had a gun if they weren't trying to protect their home or business. Their justification that they were there to protect others is BS because they were part of an illegal assembly/riot and Kenosha had imposed a curfew, so NOBODY was there, legally.The elephant in the room is, of course, permissive firearms laws in the US. I'm actually surprised that there haven't been many more incidents such as this.
I understand that Vox has a left-leaning bias, but this stood out to me:
Isn't it for the jury to decide if they are victims? And, if none of them had been convicted, or even charged, with looting or arson, how can it be acceptable for a judge to permit them to be labeled as such?
Don't misinterpret this as an indication of sympathy for them. It appears to me that some piss-poor judgement was exercised all around.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s tears
The 18-year-old who shot three men at a protest took the stand and resorted to a tried-and-true strategy for white men in trouble.www.vox.com
Wait, you don't want random strangers out and about? Do you want people to be there only if you know them? How would someone mind their own business when they're in a riot?Wow now. That's a helluva stretch. I don't truck with random strangers on the street while I'm out and about minding my own business. If they're armed even more so.
Yes.So that was the pointing/aiming of the pistol at Rittenhouse. That's all I was asking.
I guess someone needs to ask if this is really a jury of his peers and I'd like to see the definition of 'peers' in this case.This is another falsehood foisted upon you by media with an axe to grind.
What the Judge said is you can't call them victims because it would be prejudicial. You could however call them rioters, looters, etc IF you have evidence they could present to the court.
Here is where actually watching the proceedings and keeping up with the docket in PACER helps.
Cave into the will of the left leaning or right leaning? I just want a jury system that will look at the information presented at trial and make a decision.Let the jury decide, but if they cave in to the will of the people, it's no their heads if the place turns into another riot.
I'm not even looking at any of this with a political eye- I don't care who's on the left or right, I want it to stop- the media are trying to push it to whatever side they're on, some are saying Rittenhouse or the three he shot are the victims and others are still trying to justify the rioting. Nobody is innocent in this, regardless of whether they were on the side, in their minds, of good, or bad. This idiot's mom needs to be slapped, too. Who in their right mind, would drop their 17 year old kid off at a protest that in all likelihood would turn violent as has happened so many times in Kenosha in recent years?Cave into the will of the left leaning or right leaning? I just want a jury system that will look at the information presented at trial and make a decision.
At this point I don't see how he gets convicted on the series 1 charges let alone the the now allowed series 2 charges for Huber that the Judge is allowing.
I'm not sure if your type of 'on' or 'not'.
It appears to me that the judge is flipping the script on what is prejudicial. I would think that the fact that they were shot is evidence that they might be victims, just as much as their presence at the protest might be considered evidence that they were looters and arsonists.This is another falsehood foisted upon you by media with an axe to grind.
What the Judge said is you can't call them victims because it would be prejudicial. You could however call them rioters, looters, etc IF you have evidence they could present to the court.
Here is where actually watching the proceedings and keeping up with the docket in PACER helps.
I was wrong on this initially and corrected. She didn't drop him off. But that's really besides the point. Still not good parenting.This idiot's mom needs to be slapped, too. Who in their right mind, would drop their 17 year old kid off at a protest that in all likelihood would turn violent as has happened so many times in Kenosha in recent years?
I'm not sure if those conversations happened in front of the jury. Most likely not however. My buddies GF is a public defender. She says it's not uncommon to strike certain, loaded, terms from being used.It appears to me that the judge is flipping the script on what is prejudicial. I would think that the fact that they were shot is evidence that they might be victims, just as much as their presence at the protest might be considered evidence that they were looters and arsonists.
Are these particular instructions from the judge something that the be known to the jury, or just the defense and prosecution? I don't have any opinion on Rittenhouse's guilt or innocence. It's just that this part of the article stood out to me.
What I'm surprised about is that there aren't more shootings at these protests/riots.No, the real Elephant, which is being eaten by a Dinosaur, is the fact that gun laws were broken. Rittenhouse was carrying illegally, Grosskreutz had previously been charged with a misdemeanor offense of being in possession while intoxicated (check the WI CCAP link I posted yesterday) and his CCP had expired, so the only way he could be legal is if he was openly carrying. Huber hit him with a skateboard but haven't seen if he was carrying. It would be foolish to assume that nobody else in the crowd was carrying, legally or not, but none of them should have had a gun if they weren't trying to protect their home or business. Their justification that they were there to protect others is BS because they were part of an illegal assembly/riot and Kenosha had imposed a curfew, so NOBODY was there, legally.
You're surprised that more of this doesn't happen? Seriously? Have you not seen the number of "protests" that have occurred with looting, destruction and violence? These aren't law-abiding people doing this, many times, people from outside of the specific communities go in and cause things to escalate (Rittenhouse is one of those) and it's turning the country to shyte.
Let the jury decide, but if they cave in to the will of the people, it's no their heads if the place turns into another riot. The WI head dog catcher (not a fan of Gov. Evers) is sending the National Guard.
If this expands to Milwaukee, I'll be seriously pissed off. And, for anyone who thinks this crap is covered by homeowner's or renter's insurance, it's not. Businesses and car comprehensive covers it, though. Just another reason I hate the insurance industry.
FWIW, the Milwaukee PD placed barricades in the roads at the border of the city and any neighboring communities so people wouldn't drive into the city and there was a curfew during the 1968 riots, which was contained to a small area. Now, if a riot is expected, it's like a damn school field trip for some people.
It was supposed to be 'on'- fixed it.I'm not sure if your typo of 'on' or 'not'.
Ok. What's 'the will of the people'. You sound like you are certainly closer to ground zero than I am. I'm unsure of the local temperature in this regard.Let the jury decide, but if they cave in to the will of the people, it's on their heads