Incongruous media coverage of Rittenhouse vs actual testimony

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Seriously, I have no life.
What I'm surprised about is that there aren't more shootings at these protests/riots.

As with many (most?) laws, people tend to test the boundaries at which they will be enforced. And, with US firearms laws being quite permissive compared with most western countries, those boundaries get pushed that much further.

In any other western country, a SWAT team would have been all over Rittenhouse before it all went south. The fact that there were probably a $hitload of firearms in the crowd would likely make the cops shrug their shoulders, saying "What's the point?".
One is more than enough.

Funny thing- in some parts of the US, some police departments like to take a somewhat hands-off approach if sending that level of enforcement is likely to inflame the crowd. It's very similar to telling someone they don't have the guts to punch you in the mouth and they respond with "Oh, yeah?", then "bang zoom, right in the kisser!".

Another part of the problem is that so many officers have been ambushed that they don't want to give the crowd a reason to execute them.

I just tried to search for examples of 'police officers being ambushed in Kenosha, WI' and found almost nothing but links to Rittenhouse (DuckDuckGo) or Jacob Blake (Google)- I don't know how much more specific I could have been, but if the search engines won't show what someone is looking for, something is wrong with their algorithms.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Ok. What's 'the will of the people'. You sound like you are certainly closer to ground zero than I am. I'm unsure of the local temperature in this regard.
Biased jury. It's not hard to say what the lawyers want to hear, just to be selected and skew the findings. I was on a jury and when we went into deliberations, one of the guys was acting like he wanted the defendant to be hanged on the spot. I just might have said something like "Lighten up, Francis".

I'm less than 60 miles away and when the BLM protests were going on last year, they drove on the major street about 250 yards from my house. It's bad enough that the crime from the city invades our area (I'm in a suburb, but it's not a plush area, by any means), they go into some areas that were formerly very peaceful and tear the shyte out of them. What was formerly an upscale mall on the West side has been turned into a war zone and a recent incident involved a shots fired call to a hotel at the SW corner of the property. When the officers responded, the guy came out of a room and shot three officers. The mall has been the target of many 'flash mobs' with looting, just because the idiots are able to communicate via social media and assemble before it can be stopped.

I'm completely sick of this shyte. I worked in a different mall and remember vividly how all hell broke loose after Sears closed the store not far away- shoplifting and assaults went through the roof and tat was in the early-'80s. It has only gotten far worse.

People are out of control and the MPD has lost hundreds of officers due to the city government not being able to work with any of its police chiefs in a constructive way, the public school system not being able to get kids to stay in school, parents doing a shitty job, activists agitating the people and the city not doing a GD thing to help people who haven't been able to get their crap together. This was unavoidable- Milwaukee has had four elected Mayors since 1948. Think about that. They bitch about the Republicans and everything under the Sun for the problems, but nothing ever changes- MKE hasn't elected a Republican Mayor in 105 years. The Mayor finally said that people need to start making better decisions- he has completely avoided saying that in the 18 years since he was elected, because it would likely result in not being re-elected but since he may soon be appointed as the new ambassador to Luxembourg, he doesn't care about that. He has been afraid to say what needed to be said- people are the problem because they're not able to control themselves.

I have lived here my whole life- it used to be a nice place. Looking at it from an historical perspective, the Milwaukee city/county government's policies have done terrible things to minority groups, regardless of the mindless lip drool they produce, in their attempts to tell people what they want to hear- this is different from saying what they want to hear. They talk at people, not to people.


Seriously, I have no life.
As with many (most?) laws, people tend to test the boundaries at which they will be enforced. And, with US firearms laws being quite permissive compared with most western countries, those boundaries get pushed that much further.
The laws aren't as permissive as you seem to think- the problem is that far too many people don't care about the laws, so they get their grubby mitts on every gun possible. The system has clear flaws, to be sure, but that system has become overburdened with requests and since it's part of the FBI, it has been corrupted in some ways by becoming a political tool, which removes resources from one area of the agency to be used by others. Also, people lie. They change their name, address, use someone else to apply for the guns THEY want and use whatever means to skirt the legal paths to gun ownership. One side wants guns so they can commit crimes, another thinks the government has no business being involved in the process and they'll sell any gun or gun parts to anyone because 'Murica'. Since these transactions are made with cash or barter, they're extremely difficult to stop because we don't have cameras or microphones in every nook & cranny of the country.

As I have said many times, people disappoint me. They could do so much better.


Seriously, I have no life.
I was wrong on this initially and corrected. She didn't drop him off. But that's really besides the point. Still not good parenting.
If the Chicago Tribune article is accurate, she said she didn't know what he was doing that night and didn't think he or anyone else should have been there.



Full Audioholic
Not here to actually talk about Kyle Rittenhouse. I've watched the King proceedings, OJ, Chauvin, now Rittenhouse. What I've noticed this time around is very 'creatively edited and worded' reporting by the name sake agencies like CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSN, NPR etc where they've reported on a witness testimony and just leave out the bombshell stuff and it's all seemingly slanted toward a guilty before proven innocent angle.
Reading the news is like watching a game of twister; the news will contort into position in order to hold up THE narrative.

People are becoming wise to what's going on. We'll have to see whether information, free and fast flowing facts or incessant propaganda will win the day.


Audioholic Warlord
The laws aren't as permissive as you seem to think- the problem is that far too many people don't care about the laws, so they get their grubby mitts on every gun possible. The system has clear flaws, to be sure, but that system has become overburdened with requests and since it's part of the FBI, it has been corrupted in some ways by becoming a political tool, which removes resources from one area of the agency to be used by others. Also, people lie. They change their name, address, use someone else to apply for the guns THEY want and use whatever means to skirt the legal paths to gun ownership. One side wants guns so they can commit crimes, another thinks the government has no business being involved in the process and they'll sell any gun or gun parts to anyone because 'Murica'. Since these transactions are made with cash or barter, they're extremely difficult to stop because we don't have cameras or microphones in every nook & cranny of the country.

As I have said many times, people disappoint me. They could do so much better.
The key part of my statement was "in comparison with other western countries" and when you see it from the perspective of someone watching from the other side of the border, firearms laws in the US absolutely are quite permissive.

I'm long past arguing that the US needs better firearms control, because it's almost pointless - the country is saturated with guns now. My larger concern is that so many crime guns in Canada were smuggled in from the US.

Regarding your neighborhood going downhill, you have my sympathy. It must be discouraging to watch.


Interesting that this testimony was never reported by media. Seals the deal on Grosskeurtz perjuring himself at worst and not remembering events at best.



Audioholic Warlord
Interesting that this testimony was never reported by media. Seals the deal on Grosskeurtz perjuring himself at worst and not remembering events at best.

And this year's Razzie Award winner goes to Kyle Rittenhouse.

Whew, look at those tears flow. Had me in tears I know.:rolleyes: (He needs to take that smirk off his face.) Good defense on his part to say he brought the firearm because it looked cool. (It was brought to intimidate.)


Audioholic Warlord
I'd agree with Anna Kasparian from TYT. The word I was looking for was "misdemeanor." For bring a firearm to a protest. She even agrees. She favors his case for self-defense.


Seriously, I have no life.
The key part of my statement was "in comparison with other western countries" and when you see it from the perspective of someone watching from the other side of the border, firearms laws in the US absolutely are quite permissive.

I'm long past arguing that the US needs better firearms control, because it's almost pointless - the country is saturated with guns now. My larger concern is that so many crime guns in Canada were smuggled in from the US.

Regarding your neighborhood going downhill, you have my sympathy. It must be discouraging to watch.
Follow the money and you'll find the head of the snake. Illegal gun sales is a huge business and they move around the US in large quantities, although I seriously doubt the supply chain problems are affecting this.

Bottom line- we have far too many people who suck.


Seriously, I have no life.
Interesting that this testimony was never reported by media. Seals the deal on Grosskeurtz perjuring himself at worst and not remembering events at best.

Look through his cases in the link I posted, to the WI Circuit Court. He has had several run-ins and he doesn't seem to like the Police. Two DUI, one case was dropped earlier this year. Possession of a firearm while intoxicated, too.

What a guy.


There is also the following going on in that trial.

This was much ado about nothing IMO. Unfortunately ARS is a shitwhole for comments now days. Not the same ARS it was back in 2003 when I first started participating there.

Real easy fix for this: Export the video out to a native format or higher resolution monitor.

I did data forensic preservation for the Medina county drug task force for two years under contract.


And now, the judge has received death threats.
Now a certain group of people are saying Schroeder is actively working on behalf of Rittenhouse. The same judge that is now allowing lesser charges to be considered if the Jury finds they can't convict on series 1 charges.


Full Audioholic
Now a certain group of people are saying Schroeder is actively working on behalf of Rittenhouse. The same judge that is now allowing lesser charges to be considered if the Jury finds they can't convict on series 1 charges.
I'm not a legal expert, and likely, everyone in this thread isn't either. But I can say that it's not clear cut to me whether or not this was a case of self defense. I know generally, only police are allowed to instigate. And that for self defense to be true, you must always be retreating in word and action.

Not only is this case highly politicized (it's on Realclearpolitics everyday now), but it's also creating a behavioral standard. This is nonsense, being that gun laws vary from state to state, but I can see it happening right now. People are going to wrongly draw deep conclusions from this case about how they should conduct themselves in public to put it lightly. In my view, this case is more important than the Chauvin trial.


I know generally, only police are allowed to instigate. And that for self defense to be true, you must always be retreating in word and action.
This has already been gone over extensively in trial testimony and video evidence. Including the FBI overflight surveillance video.

Kyle clearly retreated with Rosenbaum. No if's, and's, or but's. No lesser charging allowed for good reason.

Kyle / Huber: He's initially jumped kicked by someone while on the ground. Then Huber comes along and gives him the business with a skate board while he's still on the ground. Lesser charging is being allowed.

Kyle/Grosskreutz: Grosskreutz, in so many mincing of words, admits to coming to Kyle with raised hands and then draws on him. Either he hesitates or Kyle beats him to the shot. Kyle's weapon was never pointed at Grosskreutz until Grosskreutz draws on him.

Also we have what is in all likely hood a lie by Grosskreutz stating they Kyle was re-racking to clear a dud/misfire/didn't go off round. The testimony I posted earlier pokes serious holes in his testimony or at least his clear recollection of events. No lesser charging allowed and for good reason.

I even think the Huber incident is clear in Kyle's affirmative defense. Even on secondary charging.

We'll find out in a few days.

What's gobsmacking about any of this is the Rittenhouse will most likely be able to posses a firearm legally after all this. There isn't a law on the books preventing idiots from owning one.


Seriously, I have no life.
Now a certain group of people are saying Schroeder is actively working on behalf of Rittenhouse. The same judge that is now allowing lesser charges to be considered if the Jury finds they can't convict on series 1 charges.
Finding for lesser charges is usually part of a pre-trial plea agreement, but I have heard of judges allowing/instructing this.

Rittenhouse has a legal defense fund that supposedly had more than $250K in it- he even has spokespeople. Some consider him a hero/victim, some consider him the aggressor.

I don't think this is going to be pretty, either way the jury finds him.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm not a legal expert, and likely, everyone in this thread isn't either. But I can say that it's not clear cut to me whether or not this was a case of self defense. I know generally, only police are allowed to instigate. And that for self defense to be true, you must always be retreating in word and action.

Not only is this case highly politicized (it's on Realclearpolitics everyday now), but it's also creating a behavioral standard. This is nonsense, being that gun laws vary from state to state, but I can see it happening right now. People are going to wrongly draw deep conclusions from this case about how they should conduct themselves in public to put it lightly. In my view, this case is more important than the Chauvin trial.
It could be argued that he was defending himself- he was hit with a skateboard and Grosskreutz was bearing down on him- not sure what Huber was doing that got him killed but the fact remains- Rittenhouse was there illegally (curfew violation) and he was illegally in possession of a gun that was bought for him illegally. He's said to have wanted to be a cop, so he was acting as some self-imposed 'hero' and in doing so, is directly responsible for the outcome, IMO.

In WI, someone is supposed to try to get away, but if that's not possible, they are allowed to shoot if they think their life, or someone else, is in imminent danger. WI isn't a 'Stand Your Ground' state, but people have shot/killed attackers outside of their homes and been found to be not guilty of a crime. We do have the Castle Doctrine, though.


Audioholic Overlord
but the fact remains- Rittenhouse was there illegally (curfew violation) and he was illegally in possession of a gun that was bought for him illegally. He's said to have wanted to be a cop, so he was acting as some self-imposed 'hero' and in doing so, is directly responsible for the outcome, IMO.
Why is he not charged with these rather a focus on charges that likely can't stick.
The prosecution seemingly had stars in their eyes.
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