I'm in the midwest "blizzard" or as one local radio station is calling it "snow-nami" like tsunami. A good opportunity to really use the new snow blower on the new lawn tractor. I've used it, but 2-3 inches at a crack really isn't a test.
So I go out and on my second pass this morning, I shear a bolt on the 2nd stage that throws the snow. Argh!! Ok, glad I didn't sell the old on yet.

See, being lazy is a good thing!
On the other hand, I live in the Midwest. Snow is expected! It's no big deal. Heck, Christmas 2009 had me holed up for 3 days in rural North Dakota waiting out a blizzard. So this is nothing tough.
Stay warm! Use the weather as an excuse to stay inside and listen or watch our expensive hobby!
Or to safely consume mass quantities since many will not be going to work tomorrow.