I'm sick of the snow!



Audioholic General
I like the snow. It hides the dog poop.

I did get to experience evacuating for a fire alarm up in Saskatoon last winter. Don't be a namby Pamby and just dress warmer. Heck in northern Minnesota -30 F meant we went fishing or snowmobiling!


Full Audioholic
I love snow but by late January, I'm ready for spring. Can't wait to get the summer toy out again!


Full Audioholic
We got almost 5' of snow since Christmas, this last storm being 27". What's worse is more is predicted for Mon-Wed. Enough already--I have to shovel my two driveways manually.
When I drove downtown, I found 9-10' snowbanks making it impossible to see traffic coming at intersections. Really dangerous to pull into an uncontrolled intersection.
When this starts to melt, it's going to be a huge mess.


Audioholic Slumlord
Snow Chopper

One way to have fun on the snow :D



Audioholic Samurai
We've had another 5 inches since the storm last week. They're running out of places to put the snow.
I don't mind the snow really, but 40 inches in 24 hours was a little hard to take. Good excuse to get some CD's out that I haven't listened to in a while and drink some good wine I guess.


Full Audioholic
Wisconsin has seriously been neglected snow wise...Anyone who has too much, feel free to send it my way! :D


Audioholic Ninja
Wisconsin has seriously been neglected snow wise...Anyone who has too much, feel free to send it my way! :D
The Lake seems to have that effect on our heavy snow accumulation.... Storms come in and the lake says... ahhh Hold it right there partner... and punches it in the face.... :)


Audioholic Samurai
The Lake seems to have that effect on our heavy snow accumulation.... Storms come in and the lake says... ahhh Hold it right there partner... and punches it in the face.... :)
I'm 45 minutes south east of lake Michigan. Once the system snow comes through, the lake effect fires up and we get hammered. To the west of us, they get it much worse. When that cold air hits the warmer lake water, it's on.

When I was younger I loved to get out in it. Now, I'm worried about the wife driving to work and *****ing because I have to shovel.

When I lived in Florida, we had two seasons. Green and brown. I'm starting to appreciate brown more than white.


Audioholic Ninja
Now, I'm worried about the wife driving to work and *****ing because I have to shovel.

Snow tires = safety and piece of mind... Worth every penny = Priceless.

Get a set on extra rims and swap them out before the first snow and take em off in spring - warm weather is their enemy and will burn up quick....

Wouldn't drive my car without them, but I'm lucky enough to have my Big Red Tahoe for those days... 4WD for the win...
You should easily get at least 3 snow seasons with a good set of blizzacks....


Senior Audioholic
i really hate the snow, especially when we only get an inch or two. if its gonna snow, i want to get enough so the busses are cancelled... which doesn't happen often. in detroit, they get 2 inches and close the schools, but here they dont even cancel busses:(


Seriously, I have no life.
We've had another 5 inches since the storm last week. They're running out of places to put the snow.
I don't mind the snow really, but 40 inches in 24 hours was a little hard to take. Good excuse to get some CD's out that I haven't listened to in a while and drink some good wine I guess.
Why not truck it over to Valpo?


Audioholic Ninja
Another storm headed up my why in Boston with 6-10" of snow expected. I live in a condo at the moment which has a heated garage for our car so I don't have to shovel, but I'm still getting tired of the lousy commute snow leaves. Mother nature must be really pissed this winter!


Audioholic Slumlord
Another storm headed up my why in Boston with 6-10" of snow expected. I live in a condo at the moment which has a heated garage for our car so I don't have to shovel, but I'm still getting tired of the lousy commute snow leaves. Mother nature must be really pissed this winter!
The East coast is getting hammered this winter season for some reason. Growing up in New Brunswick, I was used to this type of weather. Loved the snow days off from school. :) We haven't seen much snow in the Ottawa area at this year.


Full Audioholic
New England is getting back to a typical winter pattern, like we had 30+ years ago. I remember -40°F and snow drifts up to the 2nd floor windows as recently as the 1960s. It's only from 1980 onward that winters have been mild.
That said, winters are not as fun as an old geezer without funds to hire a plow. I've done more shoveling since Christmas than I've done in the past decade. 4" on the ground so far in tonight's storm and coming down hard and heavy now. They've closed the schools more often than they've been open. It's a mess and driving after the last storm is tricky because of the 9-10' high piles of snow on street corners--you must inch out into the main road to see if traffic is coming as visibility is blocked around corners now.


Audioholic Jedi
New England has been getting a lot of snow as have we.

We had a near roof collapse about two weeks ago, due to snow load. I had to have the snow removed from the roof off the house and the shop. My builders were up to their waists in snow in parts. It was heavy and wet and took 26 man hours to move it, which set me back $600!

Also I have had to have big Trev go down Ladyslipper Drive a couple of times with his big grader with the wing blade down, to really push the snow back.

Our last significant storm was the weekend before last. We have had a lot of days with 1 to 2 inch snow falls since. Today was warm, 20 F, so I tidied up by spending a couple of hours on the Model A and a half hour or so on the JD 214 with the snow blower on.

It is a record snow pack for this time of year in this region and also a record moisture content. That snow is heavy and quickly packs to hard ice.

I have built up some big snow banks with the Model A. The loader has a 14 ft reach.

Since it was warm day, I walked the half mile down Ladyslipper Drive this afternoon to get the mail and place the outgoing mail in the box. I took my camera and took these pictures.

These are the highlights: -

The snow pile by the front entrance.

This snow on our upturned fishing boat, gives a good idea of the snow we have been accumulating since mid November.

Some of the snow piles

The main snow pile

As you can see, I may run out of places to put snow, we have two months more snowfall to come.

Ladyslipper Drive

The return home and the welcome entrance to my studio.

For those of you who don't have snow and wished you had, if you click on the hyperlink you can see 44 pictures I took on my 1/2 mile walk to the post box and the 1/2 mile back.

I built Ladyslipper Drive with the 1948 model A John Deere and graded the road today, so it looks neat and tidy.


Audioholic Ninja
i love calgary. beginning of the month we were getting blizzars similar to what tls guy has picyured but right now we're in the middle of a chinook and boy does it feel good.


Audioholic Samurai
We just got hit again, Philly got a lot more than us but our few inches has crusted over to form a sheet of ice, my entire truck is encased in ice I dont even feel like going to work , it will take a half hour just to get out of the drive.
One more coffee and Ill be on my way :(


Audioholic Overlord
A lot like here except for the fact that it is sunny, 65 degrees and no wind...

Should hit 70 tomorrow.

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