How to get desk job ? Or home work



Audioholic Warlord
I got too big of a library fine they conned me said if I return a movie they would take I’d off then lied .. I didn’t bother going to back to argue with these rip off artists . I don’t support crooked library’s ..
If you got a fine, then it isn't the fault of the library.

You don't have a computer, they do. Figure it out. Stop making excuses, you really do sound like a child when you do this over and over and over.

You asked for help, this is how you do it. You take responsibility for yourself and your actions. At this point, it is clear from your postings that you absolutely have no interest in a desk job or any job at all, because you don't want any responsibility at all. If you have access to disability, you definitely should take it, because your parents, I promise you, want your butt out of their house. If you are 18+ and doing nothing but sitting around all day playing on your phone, then you are a waste of their space.

If you know how to type reasonably well and own just one suit, go to a temp agency and apply to be a receptionist or similar. You have to make sure you are able to present yourself like an adult, which I think may not be something you comprehend. Get up, clean yourself up, and go actually apply for and get a job.

Had no idea PCs used were so cheap I just haven’t had any luck every model I had went defective and charge port died or gpu in one .
Sadly I got no income so no pc ..
You don't need a library card to go into the library and use their computers. They don't stop and frisk you on the way through the door.


Audioholic Samurai
If you got a fine, then it isn't the fault of the library.

You don't have a computer, they do. Figure it out. Stop making excuses, you really do sound like a child when you do this over and over and over.

You asked for help, this is how you do it. You take responsibility for yourself and your actions. At this point, it is clear from your postings that you absolutely have no interest in a desk job or any job at all, because you don't want any responsibility at all. If you have access to disability, you definitely should take it, because your parents, I promise you, want your butt out of their house. If you are 18+ and doing nothing but sitting around all day playing on your phone, then you are a waste of their space.

If you know how to type reasonably well and own just one suit, go to a temp agency and apply to be a receptionist or similar. You have to make sure you are able to present yourself like an adult, which I think may not be something you comprehend. Get up, clean yourself up, and go actually apply for and get a job.

You don't need a library card to go into the library and use their computers. They don't stop and frisk you on the way through the door.
I just have to find a way to beat insomnia, tbh and I can’t use that library pc because they stop it after $10 fine , no they conned me said if I returned the movie I had no idea it was overdue and they would get rid of the $30 fine and they were line con artist ‍..
i’ll just have to apply to places on something else.
This ear pain I’m in dealing with and have no answer for is more debilitating then any of those poor excuses I had , and it’s real but not enough to consider slave trade disability.
This week I have been unable to sleep till five or 6 AM on average.
And I can’t stay awake on no sleep or I pull all nighter to try to fix it.
Could always work afternoon shift!!!


Audioholic Warlord
I'm in the Engineering me, pay rates are not the issue!
While I am sure this is true, we are at a point where the bottom $ may not be enough to get good employees.

Employers must start looking at other perks, the company culture, and willingness for Flexible Work Arrangements. If your company won't allow for flexible work for engineers, another company will and they will get the employees.


Audioholic Warlord
While I am sure this is true, we are at a point where the bottom $ may not be enough to get good employees.

Employers must start looking at other perks, the company culture, and willingness for Flexible Work Arrangements. If your company won't allow for flexible work for engineers, another company will and they will get the employees.
Insurance that isn't garbage is another thing companies call a perk. I can't imagine how much of a pain it is to deal with bulk insurance purchasing. Crazy thing is, the size of the company doesn't even matter. I've worked for companies with over 1/4 million employees and had garbage insurance. I've worked with tiny companies that have excellent insurance. Everywhere in between too.

Companies not having work from home options for jobs that don't deal with face to face customers will start to see a decline in worker quality. People don't put up with that anymore. It looks like a lot of people are finally realizing companies can't exist without good staff, and they are the staff.

There are a ton of good places to work, it's just very difficult finding one.


Audioholic Warlord
Insurance that isn't garbage is another thing companies call a perk. I can't imagine how much of a pain it is to deal with bulk insurance purchasing. Crazy thing is, the size of the company doesn't even matter. I've worked for companies with over 1/4 million employees and had garbage insurance. I've worked with tiny companies that have excellent insurance. Everywhere in between too.

Companies not having work from home options for jobs that don't deal with face to face customers will start to see a decline in worker quality. People don't put up with that anymore. It looks like a lot of people are finally realizing companies can't exist without good staff, and they are the staff.

There are a ton of good places to work, it's just very difficult finding one.
Good points, I absolutely consider my insurance to be just as important as my pay check.

I have luckily had excellent insurance with every job. I kind of suspect that good insurance goes along with the territory for my field, as I have worked in industry and hazardous areas exclusively.


Audioholic Ninja
While I am sure this is true, we are at a point where the bottom $ may not be enough to get good employees.

Employers must start looking at other perks, the company culture, and willingness for Flexible Work Arrangements. If your company won't allow for flexible work for engineers, another company will and they will get the employees.
It's a rather interesting climate in the tech market. The demand for workers still appears to be there, but I keep seeing articles on the exodus of many workers. Developers have long been saddled with unrealistic deadlines and long hours (with no overtime pay if salaried). There is a growing push for recognition of what they contribute to the company, along with more reasonable work demands and better opportunities for advancement. Your points are very well taken.

We're lucky to have a lot of very good software firms in London (Canada) like Digital Extremes, CarFax , Big Blue Bubble, Red Rhino and Info-Tech Research Group. These are mid-sized companies that tend to have a much better work environment compared to the big players.


Audioholic Intern
While I am sure this is true, we are at a point where the bottom $ may not be enough to get good employees.

Employers must start looking at other perks, the company culture, and willingness for Flexible Work Arrangements. If your company won't allow for flexible work for engineers, another company will and they will get the employees.
I've been working from home, with ZERO pressure to return to the office since march of 2020 when the office originally shut down for COVID. I work for a company with 50K employees around the world, so they have the pulse on what is happening worldwide and the safety of their employees is priority. This pandemic has shown how most folks can work remotely and still produce, sometimes MORE than at the office. The trend lately has been that the labor force available hasn't grown...and it is aging out. So, when you try and hire folks, there is no new blood and this is a serious problem. We aren't the only company in this position in our field. There is more work than folks available.

In this current climate, it is hard to establish "culture" when no one is interacting in the office...this has been lost to a certain degree because of the pandemic. We used to have all sorts of activities throughout the year where we interacted with our peers, and it was genuinely FUN.


Audioholic Warlord
I've been working from home, with ZERO pressure to return to the office since march of 2020 when the office originally shut down for COVID. I work for a company with 50K employees around the world, so they have the pulse on what is happening worldwide and the safety of their employees is priority. This pandemic has shown how most folks can work remotely and still produce, sometimes MORE than at the office. The trend lately has been that the labor force available hasn't grown...and it is aging out. So, when you try and hire folks, there is no new blood and this is a serious problem. We aren't the only company in this position in our field. There is more work than folks available.

In this current climate, it is hard to establish "culture" when no one is interacting in the office...this has been lost to a certain degree because of the pandemic. We used to have all sorts of activities throughout the year where we interacted with our peers, and it was genuinely FUN.
Agreed on all points!

Skilled labor is certain a scarce commodity.


Audioholic Warlord
I've been working from home, with ZERO pressure to return to the office since march of 2020 when the office originally shut down for COVID. I work for a company with 50K employees around the world, so they have the pulse on what is happening worldwide and the safety of their employees is priority. This pandemic has shown how most folks can work remotely and still produce, sometimes MORE than at the office. The trend lately has been that the labor force available hasn't grown...and it is aging out. So, when you try and hire folks, there is no new blood and this is a serious problem. We aren't the only company in this position in our field. There is more work than folks available.

In this current climate, it is hard to establish "culture" when no one is interacting in the office...this has been lost to a certain degree because of the pandemic. We used to have all sorts of activities throughout the year where we interacted with our peers, and it was genuinely FUN.
While I do somewhat miss the "office culture" I don't miss the drama.

I haven't worked in an office in over 5 years, and I never plan to again. I have almost zero work stress and can get everything done that I need to. I'm not giving that up until I can retire.


Audioholic General
Yeah think someone on here offered to train me on whatever that is once , but my laptop broke and won’t charge . plus it’s too obsolete for any pc new programs..
need a new computer to do anything these days …

I don’t really got a clue what it’s supposed to be , some sort of tech training thingy?
Never even heard of an It before , if I had a working computer I could had tried it out …

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You should start a Youtube channel if you're good at talking and influencing people. If you are disable you should go on disability and pick up a side hustle, i.e., Uber, Lyft, etc. Have various streams of income if you can. Get out of debt and lower your cost of living. Getting on the hamster wheel and/or the drudgery of a job might have passed you by. Don't buy a car unless you can pay cash and then don't spend too much, invest if you can so you can have some passive income.


Audioholic General
While I do somewhat miss the "office culture" I don't miss the drama.

I haven't worked in an office in over 5 years, and I never plan to again. I have almost zero work stress and can get everything done that I need to. I'm not giving that up until I can retire.
You're blessed :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Here's an idea....I'm sure that wherever you live there are companies that will hire for mental health/group homes.

Generally they don't require experience in the field, and they are hiring every day. There is a huge turnover rate in this field. If you try it and like it, you have a job for life.

I did it for the last 22 years of my life before pays around 20 dollars an hour (varies on location and company)
The work is like being at home...only your housemates have issues. This can vary also...some houses are a breeze. Some can be challenging.
But, it beats most one is standing over you telling you "more more-faster faster"
When I first started in the business I couldn't believe I was getting paid to basically sit with people watching tv and having dinner with them.
It can be rewarding in many ways....and the work is always there. You could work 80 hours a week doing this if you wanted to.
Just a thought.


Audioholic Samurai
Here's an idea....I'm sure that wherever you live there are companies that will hire for mental health/group homes.

Generally they don't require experience in the field, and they are hiring every day. There is a huge turnover rate in this field. If you try it and like it, you have a job for life.

I did it for the last 22 years of my life before pays around 20 dollars an hour (varies on location and company)
The work is like being at home...only your housemates have issues. This can vary also...some houses are a breeze. Some can be challenging.
But, it beats most one is standing over you telling you "more more-faster faster"
When I first started in the business I couldn't believe I was getting paid to basically sit with people watching tv and having dinner with them.
It can be rewarding in many ways....and the work is always there. You could work 80 hours a week doing this if you wanted to.
Just a thought.
Guess I never thought of that as an option but sounds interesting!
Hey there! Looking for a desk job or work from home opportunity? There are a lot of options out there, and the first step is to start searching!
Yeah it’s filtering out all the standing jobs i wish I could do , literally most jobs are standing so I gotta look for a needle in a haystack?? :confused:


Audioholic Field Marshall
Guess I never thought of that as an option but sounds interesting!'s worth a shot. You won't be standing. In fact, you will be sitting 90 percent of the time.
You will get to go to the movies, sports events and what have you with your clients, all paid for.....lots of driving them places also.
As long as you can deal with clients of varying disability. Some are just like you and me...some aren't.
Some are a little violent...most aren't. It's all in how you deal with them.
As long as you don't have a serious criminal record, you have an excellent chance of getting hired.


Senior Audioholic
It seems impossible I kept trying and stopped applying a year ago . What are other ways to make money either at home ??
My parents keep trying to force to me to get disability, screw that I want a job or something it’s not enough cash to survive on . They hate me enough to give my uncle a free Business and offer me noting … I got injured helping him too so couldn’t do it anymore..

Can’t do standing job due to back injury and knees bad ,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
About two years ago I was reading an article about driving a trash truck in FL. It was a city job so city benefits, healthcare pension/ etc. The salary came in a whopping 70k! You never have to touch trash. You get to sit in the AC all day and drive around. I guess you'd need a special driver's license. But hey not a bad gig at all for a low-stress job. Maybe I should have done that. I guess the key here is to work for the city and not a private company so you get the benefits, especially the healthcare - which I'm learning a lot about.

For what is worth, an office job is no better for pain. I spend about 8-10 hours a day working at a computer. I have a sit/ stand Uplift desk, split keyboard, and Ergotron monitor arms, and all the other bells and whistles. Probably have about 5k worth of stuff for a super ergonomic setup and I get back and neck pains, forarm tendinitis, and carpal tunnel. Not to mention the stress of the job. The best thing for pain is stretching/ exercise. Although, I've talked with plumbers and electricians and by 40 their bodies are beaten up. So ya maybe I'd take the office job lol.

TANGETNT - Chaing topic on the steam vent.
I never really understood healthcare until recently. I go the the doc pay 20 bucks and on with my day. Turns out my company's healthcare would cost me about $850 a month if I was not employed with them! crap! healthcare is F'ing expensive! I wound up getting an MRI of my shoulder last year and it cost me nothing bc I have a $0 deductible. My wife just got some imaging done and had to pay $1600 with the $550/mo health insurance that I buy for her. After her teaching me all about how healthcare works I realize that you gotta have a job with good healthcare otherwise be ready to spend big on that.


Audioholic Field Marshall
TANGETNT - Chaing topic on the steam vent.
I never really understood healthcare until recently. I go the the doc pay 20 bucks and on with my day. Turns out my company's healthcare would cost me about $850 a month if I was not employed with them! crap! healthcare is F'ing expensive! I wound up getting an MRI of my shoulder last year and it cost me nothing bc I have a $0 deductible. My wife just got some imaging done and had to pay $1600 with the $550/mo health insurance that I buy for her. After her teaching me all about how healthcare works I realize that you gotta have a job with good healthcare otherwise be ready to spend big on that.
This is why I did what I did...even though its left me with barely enough to get by.
I retired at 62 and now work one eight hour shift a week...keeps my income at a steady fairly low level.
I get Medicare A for free of course, but am poor enough to get B for free from the state....I hate to play this game being pretty damn healthy for 66, but one semi-serious illness would be enough to wipe me out if I had to pay like usual for healthcare.
Someday, I might need healthcare. Here's to hoping I can get by without like I've always done.


About two years ago I was reading an article about driving a trash truck in FL. It was a city job so city benefits, healthcare pension/ etc. The salary came in a whopping 70k! You never have to touch trash. You get to sit in the AC all day and drive around. I guess you'd need a special driver's license. But hey not a bad gig at all for a low-stress job. Maybe I should have done that. I guess the key here is to work for the city and not a private company so you get the benefits, especially the healthcare - which I'm learning a lot about.

For what is worth, an office job is no better for pain. I spend about 8-10 hours a day working at a computer. I have a sit/ stand Uplift desk, split keyboard, and Ergotron monitor arms, and all the other bells and whistles. Probably have about 5k worth of stuff for a super ergonomic setup and I get back and neck pains, forarm tendinitis, and carpal tunnel. Not to mention the stress of the job. In addition to my main job, I still sometimes work as a freelancer here, writing papers for students in my specialty. Imagine what happens to my back in the evening. The best thing for pain is stretching/ exercise. Although, I've talked with plumbers and electricians and by 40 their bodies are beaten up. So ya maybe I'd take the office job lol.
70k salary for a trash truck driver is surprising, to say the least.

About the beaten bodies I'm sure everyone has their troubles. In my student years, I worked part-time in a restaurant - my legs suffered from standing work, and I have been working in the office for many years - just like you have carpal tunnel and back pains. To survive until the age of 40, you probably need to not work at all :D
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Audioholic Field Marshall
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, but it's great that you want to find a job or a way to make money from home. Considering your situation, have you thought about online freelance work?
Thank You, Mr Bot.
The OP of this thread is still whining here and on AVS about how he has no job, no money, no prospects.
(among a thousand other pathetic whiny topics)
But, as soon as he gets a cent to his name, he is going to buy some subwoofers instead of paying anything to his parents who still have to support his ass...
You are a very dumb Bot.

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