I disagree on picking the topic,where did the OP ever ask anything about any difference being heard with different cables,the OP did not start the controversy.
I agree on trolling but i dont agree that it was Chad doing the trolling,i know this person & the last thing i'd call him is a troll,he's a hobbiest that enjoys our shared hobby.
The trolling starts the same way every time,cables are just the most recent,the catch words are Levinson,Krell,Mcintosh,Turntable,Tubes,Cables ect,the mere mention of any of these words reel's em in like a lake trout,then the thread ultimately sinks to the standard responses ,where guys say no matter how rich they were they'd never buy whatever is being discussed because X is a better value over Y

If the mere mention of something a person dissagree's with compels them to hijack a thread thats my definition of a troll,notice how most of the responses had nothing to do with the thread title.
It's gotten like watching a bunch of school yard bullies take these threads over .