I've been binging on this show for the past few days, nearly completed season 2. I used to watch Scrubs (seen all 6 seasons) and that was the first medical show that I got into. One night I decided to give house a whirl (about 5 days ago) and I realized that it was everything I wanted from scurbs, that i wasn't getting.
Scrubs is a medical show that revolves around the characters personal lives. House, is a medical show that mostly revolves on the medical side, although not realistic, but it contains enough personal information to keep it fresh. Scrubs just get bogged down with the same old story's about dating. 2 Characters, JD and Elliot, are about to hook up for the 3rd time! BOOOOORing.
Anywho, does anyone else watch House, or scrubs for that matter? I would greatly like to discuss!