Yes, of course. Not sure who said anything different. Is this what you have?
So what we're saying here is that if I have 2 amps - both rated at 100WPC into 8 ohms and 200WPC into 4 ohms. But 1 of them will drive a 2 ohm highly capacitive load just fine to pretty much full power,
No, not from either one of those amps will this happen, or it would be rated for 2 ohms.
but the other can only muster MAYBE 5W before it goes into protection mode, then I have to handicap the more stable amp with the better power supply to keep it below the point where the other one shuts down and craps out? Sorry - not buying it.
If you have such speakers, 2 ohm impedance, you need amps rated to 2 ohms, plain and simple.
And yes - I'll guarantee you that an OTL-1 Futterman and pretty much any other amp you put against it (driven within their specs) will sound different.
I checked that test as well. I didn't see anything indicating audible differences even with the Futterman.
Mating an amp and speakers is not just throwing 2 things together. You need to look at the requirements of the speakers and then select an amp that will give them what they need. Not all speakers place the same or even close to the same demands on an amplifier.
Obviously not all speakers are the same. And not all play at the same levels, same room size, etc. But, there is nothing magical, especially when driven withing design limits, then there is no magic at all.