I can't say I've heard much difference that cannot be put down to different volumes, different speakers and different room acoustics. I don't walk around with an SPL meter in my pocket to level match them though... but then again, even if I did it wouldn't help much unless I was A/B testing as my aural memory is too short. Basically, I don’t really pay attention to amps – either they have enough power or they don’t.
My current system is a "crappy" $1000 Philips HTIB that has a D-class amp, wireless rears, and niobium ribbon tweeters (just had to throw that in there

) - I bought it when I split from my ex and I moved out into a small apartment. It's ok for HT in a small room.
I moved into my new house 3 months ago and I've ordered the first installment in my new system - a pair of B&W 804S, a HTM7 center, a Denon 4306 and a Denon 3910. I bought a pair of JMLab rears off of a friend but I may decide to go for 805S in the rear and I’m also thinking of going to a HTM3 in the front if the HTM7 doesn’t work out but I hope it does as the HTM3 is bloody large. I think the 4306 should be ok as an amp but if not I'll buy an addition amp, either a used one or a new NAD - their stereo C272 or maybe the multi-channel M25 (lots of bang for the buck). I do like the look of the Emotiva though.
Oh yeah, I have a SVS PB12plus sitting in the corner too.