I have
5 Amps all made by different company's .
All the Amps have different characteristics ,
1 . Bryston 4b ( a very live sound and powerful , easy to listin to at high volumes , use 2 channel pre )
2. Carver TFM 35 ( very clear highs , but sound stage not quite as good as 4b , very powerful , never crank this puppy up , its in my bedroom , use 2 channel pre )
3 . Sony N220 4 channel amp ( nice at low volumes with music , high volumes no good , use in my 5.1 set-up and have tryed in my room , its ok , but even at moderate volumes its just not there , like the 4b or Carver .
4 . JBL 2 channel bridged to mono for centre channel ( again nice at low volumes , lacking bass and sound stage and like the sony gets annoying at higher levels ) i found it much tinnyer in the high end than the sony .
5 . Kenwood km 106 ( just not a very good amp , hooked it up in my room and imediatly disconnected it , will use for a back up for 5.1 system ) .
I cant tell you the big differences in sound of the amps . I use the same brand pre for all ( all the pre's are made in same time frame ) .
The 4b is the best i have , it is effortless in reproducing music or movies ( 250 per channel rms @ 8ohms ) , the sound stage is almost Live .
The Carver is very different amp than the 4b in sound and soundstage (again 250 rms per channel rms @ 8 ohms) , much more detail in the high end and a softer sound . Still a great sounding amp .
Then the lower end stuff , the Sony is good enough for me for movies , not for music , same with the JBL . The kenwood i should just throw out

In summary of course there is a difference in Amps and how they produce sound .