Easy there partner, I even gave you some kudos since this shootout so far is following logic to some degree, unlike one of your previous attempts where the sub with ½ the displacement of the other managed to win the movies part of your test
And for new readers; what I "whined" about was that Craig already has tested the Ultra against the EP500, and the EP600, and the Ultra lost both times. Any professional reviewer would then name either the 500, or the 600 his new reference sub in the ID class. And the next time a new contender in that class came up it would be tested against the reference. Pretty logical heh?
Not for Craig, he still thinks that the yardstick is the Ultra, why? Well, if he were to test it against one of the Axioms he would probably have to critizise them for lack of SPL in the bottom octave, less then average build quality, and a 100hz stone wall filter (where do the last 20hz of the LFE track go

And with all the time Craig has spent promoting the Axiom subs that would not have been a good idea