Biz trip ended earlier than I thought ...
It appears things are moving along. We now have three threads dedicated to complaints ... COOL !
A few comments about my "review threads" ...
1. I will, on average, do 3 stupid things per review. For example, not using the carpet grabber in the VTF-3HO.
Make that 4 things, on average if you count trying the review in the first place...
2. I do these reviews for fun. A couple of magazines, in a moment of desperation, did offer a "job" doing reviews. That would make it work. I work enough in the auto and finance fields.
3. I think listening is still the most important portion of a review.
4. I like subwoofers from Hsu, SVS, Axiom, Velodyne, Rocket, Paradigm, and would love to hear Bosso's, Stevenn's, Ssabripo's, or Bobspgr's (sp?) DIY stuff.
5. I don't hate anyone. Some guys who thought I hated them two years ago, and who declared they hated me, are now friends. There is always hope.
6. It is Friday. This means happy hour.